
108 lines
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# == Definition: openstacklib::policy::base
# This resource configures the policy.json file for an OpenStack service
# == Parameters:
# [*file_path*]
# Path to the policy.json file
# string; required
# [*key*]
# The key to replace the value for
# string; required; the key to replace the value for
# [*value*]
# The value to set
# string; optional; the value to set
# [*file_mode*]
# (optional) Permission mode for the policy file
# Defaults to '0640'
# [*file_user*]
# (optional) User for the policy file
# Defaults to undef
# [*file_group*]
# (optional) Group for the policy file
# Defaults to undef
# [*file_format*]
# (optional) Format for file contents. Valid values
# are 'json' or 'yaml'.
# Defaults to 'json'.
define openstacklib::policy::base (
$value = '',
$file_mode = '0640',
$file_user = undef,
$file_group = undef,
$file_format = 'json',
) {
case $file_format {
'json': {
ensure_resource('file', $file_path, {
mode => $file_mode,
owner => $file_user,
group => $file_group,
replace => false, # augeas will manage the content, we just need to make sure it exists
content => '{}'
# Add entry if it doesn't exists
augeas { "${file_path}-${key}-${value}-add":
lens => 'Json.lns',
incl => $file_path,
changes => [
"set dict/entry[last()+1] \"${key}\"",
"set dict/entry[last()]/string \"${value}\"",
onlyif => "match dict/entry[*][.=\"${key}\"] size == 0",
# Requires that the entry is added before this call or it will fail.
augeas { "${file_path}-${key}-${value}" :
lens => 'Json.lns',
incl => $file_path,
changes => "set dict/entry[*][.=\"${key}\"]/string \"${value}\"",
File<| title == $file_path |>
-> Augeas<| title == "${file_path}-${key}-${value}-add" |>
~> Augeas<| title == "${file_path}-${key}-${value}" |>
'yaml': {
ensure_resource('file', $file_path, {
mode => $file_mode,
owner => $file_user,
group => $file_group,
replace => false, # augeas will manage the content, we just need to make sure it exists
content => ''
# NOTE(tkajianm): Currently we use single quotes('') to quote the whole
# value, thus a single quote in value should be escaped
# by another single quote (which results in '')
# NOTE(tkajinam): Replace '' by ' first in case ' is already escaped
$value_real = regsubst(regsubst($value, '\'\'', '\'', 'G'), '\'', '\'\'', 'G')
file_line { "${file_path}-${key}" :
path => $file_path,
line => "'${key}': '${value_real}'",
match => "^['\"]?${key}['\"]?\\s*:.+"
File<| title == $file_path |>
-> File_line<| title == "${file_path}-${key}" |>
default: {
fail("${file_format} is an unsupported policy file format. Choose 'json' or 'yaml'.")