the validate_legacy function is marked for deprecation in v9.0.0 from puppetlabs-stdlib. This also adds type definitions for all parameters. Change-Id: I8744aa9b9652250a69573cece6ceab4963a2d191
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# ovn northd
# == Class: ovn::northd
# installs ovn package starts the ovn-northd service
# [*package_ensure*]
# (Optional) State of the openvswitch package
# Defaults to 'present'.
# [*dbs_listen_ip*]
# The IP-Address where OVN DBs should be listening
# Defaults to ''
# [*dbs_cluster_local_addr*]
# The IP-Address where OVN Clustered DBs should be listening
# Defaults to undef
# [*dbs_cluster_remote_addr*]
# The IP-Address where OVN Clustered DBs sync from
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_northd_nb_db*]
# NB DB address(es)
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_northd_sb_db*]
# SB DB address(es)
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_northd_ssl_key*]
# OVN Northd SSL private key file
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_northd_ssl_cert*]
# OVN Northd SSL certificate file
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_northd_ssl_ca_cert*]
# OVN Northd SSL CA certificate file
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_nb_db_ssl_key*]
# OVN NB DB SSL private key file
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_nb_db_ssl_cert*]
# OVN NB DB SSL certificate file
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_nb_db_ssl_ca_cert*]
# OVN NB DB SSL CA certificate file
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_sb_db_ssl_key*]
# OVN SB DB SSL private key file
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_sb_db_ssl_cert*]
# OVN SB DB SSL certificate file
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_sb_db_ssl_ca_cert*]
# OVN SB DB SSL CA certificate file
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_northd_extra_opts*]
# Additional command line options for ovn-northd service
# Defaults to []
class ovn::northd(
String $package_ensure = 'present',
String $dbs_listen_ip = '',
Optional[String] $dbs_cluster_local_addr = undef,
Optional[String] $dbs_cluster_remote_addr = undef,
Optional[Variant[String, Array[String]]] $ovn_northd_nb_db = undef,
Optional[Variant[String, Array[String]]] $ovn_northd_sb_db = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ovn_northd_ssl_key = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ovn_northd_ssl_cert = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ovn_northd_ssl_ca_cert = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ovn_nb_db_ssl_key = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ovn_nb_db_ssl_cert = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ovn_nb_db_ssl_ca_cert = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ovn_sb_db_ssl_key = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ovn_sb_db_ssl_cert = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ovn_sb_db_ssl_ca_cert = undef,
Array[String] $ovn_northd_extra_opts = [],
) {
include ovn::params
include vswitch::ovs
$dbs_listen_ip_real = normalize_ip_for_uri($dbs_listen_ip)
$ovn_northd_opts_addr = [
# NOTE(tkajinam): --db-(n|s)b-create-insecure-remote enables remote without
# ssl ( ptcp:<port>:<ip> ).
$ovn_northd_opts_nb_create_insecure_remote = $ovn_nb_db_ssl_key ? {
undef => ['--db-nb-create-insecure-remote=yes'],
default => ['--db-nb-create-insecure-remote=no']
$ovn_northd_opts_sb_create_insecure_remote = $ovn_sb_db_ssl_key ? {
undef => ['--db-sb-create-insecure-remote=yes'],
default => ['--db-sb-create-insecure-remote=no']
if $dbs_cluster_local_addr {
$ovn_northd_opts_nb_cluster_local_proto = $ovn_nb_db_ssl_key ? {
undef => [],
default => ['--db-nb-cluster-local-proto=ssl'],
$ovn_northd_opts_sb_cluster_local_proto = $ovn_nb_db_ssl_key ? {
undef => [],
default => ['--db-sb-cluster-local-proto=ssl'],
$ovn_northd_opts_cluster_local_addr = [
} else {
$ovn_northd_opts_nb_cluster_local_proto = []
$ovn_northd_opts_sb_cluster_local_proto = []
$ovn_northd_opts_cluster_local_addr = []
if $dbs_cluster_remote_addr {
$ovn_northd_opts_nb_cluster_remote_proto = $ovn_nb_db_ssl_key ? {
undef => [],
default => ['--db-nb-cluster-remote-proto=ssl']
$ovn_northd_opts_sb_cluster_remote_proto = $ovn_sb_db_ssl_key ? {
undef => [],
default => ['--db-sb-cluster-remote-proto=ssl']
$ovn_northd_opts_cluster_remote_addr = [
} else {
$ovn_northd_opts_nb_cluster_remote_proto = []
$ovn_northd_opts_sb_cluster_remote_proto = []
$ovn_northd_opts_cluster_remote_addr = []
$ovn_northd_nb_db_opts = $ovn_northd_nb_db ? {
String => ["--ovn-northd-nb-db=${ovn_northd_nb_db}"],
Array[String] => ["--ovn-northd-nb-db=${join($ovn_northd_nb_db, ',')}"],
undef => [],
default => fail('ovn_northd_nb_db_opts must be of type String or Array[String]'),
$ovn_northd_sb_db_opts = $ovn_northd_sb_db ? {
String => ["--ovn-northd-sb-db=${ovn_northd_sb_db}"],
Array[String] => ["--ovn-northd-sb-db=${join($ovn_northd_sb_db, ',')}"],
undef => [],
default => fail('ovn_northd_sb_db_opts must be of type String or Array[String]'),
if $ovn_northd_ssl_key and $ovn_northd_ssl_cert and $ovn_northd_ssl_ca_cert {
$ovn_northd_ssl_opts = [
} elsif ! ($ovn_northd_ssl_key or $ovn_northd_ssl_cert or $ovn_northd_ssl_ca_cert) {
$ovn_northd_ssl_opts = []
} else {
fail('The ovn_northd_ssl_key, cert and ca_cert are required to use SSL.')
if $ovn_nb_db_ssl_key and $ovn_nb_db_ssl_cert and $ovn_nb_db_ssl_ca_cert {
$ovn_nb_db_ssl_opts = [
} elsif ! ($ovn_nb_db_ssl_key or $ovn_nb_db_ssl_cert or $ovn_nb_db_ssl_ca_cert) {
$ovn_nb_db_ssl_opts = []
} else {
fail('The ovn_nb_db_ssl_key, cert and ca_cert are required to use SSL.')
if $ovn_sb_db_ssl_key and $ovn_sb_db_ssl_cert and $ovn_sb_db_ssl_ca_cert {
$ovn_sb_db_ssl_opts = [
} elsif ! ($ovn_sb_db_ssl_key or $ovn_sb_db_ssl_cert or $ovn_sb_db_ssl_ca_cert) {
$ovn_sb_db_ssl_opts = []
} else {
fail('The ovn_sb_db_ssl_key, cert and ca_cert are required to use SSL.')
$ovn_northd_opts = join($ovn_northd_opts_addr +
$ovn_northd_opts_nb_create_insecure_remote +
$ovn_northd_opts_sb_create_insecure_remote +
$ovn_northd_opts_nb_cluster_local_proto +
$ovn_northd_opts_sb_cluster_local_proto +
$ovn_northd_opts_cluster_local_addr +
$ovn_northd_opts_nb_cluster_remote_proto +
$ovn_northd_opts_sb_cluster_remote_proto +
$ovn_northd_opts_cluster_remote_addr +
$ovn_northd_nb_db_opts +
$ovn_northd_sb_db_opts +
$ovn_northd_ssl_opts +
$ovn_nb_db_ssl_opts +
$ovn_sb_db_ssl_opts +
' ')
augeas { 'config-ovn-northd':
context => $::ovn::params::ovn_northd_context,
changes => "set ${$::ovn::params::ovn_northd_option_name} '\"${ovn_northd_opts}\"'",
require => Package[$::ovn::params::ovn_northd_package_name],
before => Service['northd'],
service { 'northd':
ensure => true,
enable => true,
name => $::ovn::params::ovn_northd_service_name,
hasstatus => $::ovn::params::ovn_northd_service_status,
pattern => $::ovn::params::ovn_northd_service_pattern,
require => Service['openvswitch']
package { $::ovn::params::ovn_northd_package_name:
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::ovn::params::ovn_northd_package_name,
notify => Service['northd'],
require => Package[$::vswitch::params::ovs_package_name]
# NOTE(tkajinam): We have to escapte [ and ] otherwise egrep intereprets
# these wrongly.
$dbs_listen_ip_reg = regsubst(regsubst($dbs_listen_ip_real, '\]$', '\\]'), '^\[', '\\[')
if $ovn_nb_db_ssl_key {
exec { 'ovn-nb-set-connection':
command => "ovn-nbctl set-connection pssl:6641:${dbs_listen_ip_real}",
path => ['/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/bin'],
unless => "ovn-nbctl get-connection | egrep -e '^pssl:6641:${dbs_listen_ip_reg}$'",
tag => 'ovn-db-set-connections',
require => Service['northd']
if $ovn_sb_db_ssl_key {
exec { 'ovn-sb-set-connection':
command => "ovn-sbctl set-connection pssl:6642:${dbs_listen_ip_real}",
path => ['/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/bin'],
unless => "ovn-sbctl get-connection | egrep -e ' pssl:6642:${dbs_listen_ip_reg}$'",
tag => 'ovn-db-set-connections',
require => Service['northd']