Rely on path for CLI calls when possible

We currently hard-code /usr/sbin/{pcs,crm_simulate,crm_resource} in a
few places. This is undesirable as it makes things difficult to
override, especially in the case where in a container you want to bind
mount those utils from the host in a specific-path.

Let's just call the utilities without the full path when the PATH
environment variable is set. It is the polite thing to do in case
an operator wants to use different versions of the tools in a different

Tested by deploying tripleo with containers where pcs was both
bind-mounted in a specific location and with the standard /usr/sbin/pcs.

Related-Bug: #1771612

Change-Id: I933f101c82b9abad330fab622733e40cf15ef49b
This commit is contained in:
Your Name 2018-09-24 14:43:07 -04:00 committed by Michele Baldessari
parent 7a73e8d376
commit 1320c3883e
1 changed files with 31 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,23 @@ PCMK_CHANGENEEDED = 2
# Base temporary CIB backup folder
PCMK_TMP_BASE = "/var/lib/pacemaker/cib"
# Let's use pcs from PATH when it is set:
# Useful to run pcs from a different path when using
# containers
if ENV.has_key?('PATH')
PCS_BIN = 'pcs'
CRMDIFF_BIN = 'crm_diff'
CRMSIMULATE_BIN = 'crm_simulate'
CRMRESOURCE_BIN = 'crm_resource'
TIMEOUT_BIN = 'timeout'
PCS_BIN = '/usr/sbin/pcs'
CRMDIFF_BIN = '/usr/sbin/crm_diff'
CRMSIMULATE_BIN = '/usr/sbin/crm_simulate'
CRMRESOURCE_BIN = '/usr/sbin/crm_resource'
TIMEOUT_BIN = '/usr/bin/timeout'
# Ruby 2.5 has dropped Dir::Tmpname.make_tmpname
def pcmk_tmpname((prefix, suffix), n)
@ -35,7 +52,7 @@ end
def backup_cib()
# We use the pacemaker CIB folder because of its restricted access permissions
cib = pcmk_tmpname("#{PCMK_TMP_BASE}/puppet-cib-backup", nil)
cmd = "/usr/sbin/pcs cluster cib #{cib}"
cmd = "#{PCS_BIN} cluster cib #{cib}"
output = `#{cmd}`
ret = $?
if not ret.success?
@ -62,8 +79,8 @@ def push_cib(cib)
return 0
has_diffagainst = `/usr/sbin/pcs cluster cib-push --help`.include? 'diff-against'
cmd = "/usr/sbin/pcs cluster cib-push #{cib}"
has_diffagainst = `#{PCS_BIN} cluster cib-push --help`.include? 'diff-against'
cmd = "#{PCS_BIN} cluster cib-push #{cib}"
if has_diffagainst
cmd += " diff-against=#{cib}.orig"
@ -88,8 +105,8 @@ def pcs(name, resource_name, cmd, tries=1, try_sleep=0,
max_tries.times do |try|
cib = backup_cib()
try_text = max_tries > 1 ? "try #{try+1}/#{max_tries}: " : ''
Puppet.debug("#{try_text}/usr/sbin/pcs -f #{cib} #{cmd}")
pcs_out = `/usr/sbin/pcs -f #{cib} #{cmd} 2>&1`
Puppet.debug("#{try_text}#{PCS_BIN} -f #{cib} #{cmd}")
pcs_out = `#{PCS_BIN} -f #{cib} #{cmd} 2>&1`
if name.include?('show')
# return output for good exit or false for failure.
@ -119,11 +136,11 @@ def pcs_create_with_verify(name, resource_name, cmd, tries=1, try_sleep=0)
max_tries = tries
max_tries.times do |try|
try_text = max_tries > 1 ? "try #{try+1}/#{max_tries}: " : ''
Puppet.debug("#{try_text}/usr/sbin/pcs #{cmd}")
pcs_out = `/usr/sbin/pcs #{cmd} 2>&1`
Puppet.debug("#{try_text}#{PCS_BIN} #{cmd}")
pcs_out = `#{PCS_BIN} #{cmd} 2>&1`
if $?.exitstatus == 0
sleep try_sleep
cmd_show = "/usr/sbin/pcs resource show " + resource_name
cmd_show = "#{PCS_BIN} resource show " + resource_name
Puppet.debug("Verifying with: "+cmd_show)
if $?.exitstatus == 0
@ -185,8 +202,8 @@ end
# Much simpler logic compared to pcs()
# return output for good exit or false for failure.
def pcs_offline(cmd, cib)
pcs_out = `/usr/sbin/pcs -f #{cib} #{cmd}`
Puppet.debug("pcs_offline: /usr/sbin/pcs -f #{cib} #{cmd}. Output: #{pcs_out}")
pcs_out = `#{PCS_BIN} -f #{cib} #{cmd}`
Puppet.debug("pcs_offline: #{PCS_BIN} -f #{cib} #{cmd}. Output: #{pcs_out}")
return $?.exitstatus == 0 ? pcs_out : false
@ -273,7 +290,7 @@ def is_crm_diff_buggy?
cmd = "/usr/sbin/crm_diff --cib --original-string='#{xml1}' --new-string='#{xml2}'"
cmd = "#{CRMDIFF_BIN} --cib --original-string='#{xml1}' --new-string='#{xml2}'"
cmd_out = `#{cmd}`
ret = $?.exitstatus
return false if ret == 0
@ -283,7 +300,7 @@ end
# same as pcmk_restart_resource? but using crm_diff
def pcmk_restart_resource_ng?(resource_name, cib)
cmd = "/usr/sbin/crm_diff --cib -o #{cib}.orig -n #{cib}"
cmd = "#{CRMDIFF_BIN} --cib -o #{cib}.orig -n #{cib}"
cmd_out = `#{cmd}`
ret = $?.exitstatus
# crm_diff returns 0 for no differences, 1 for differences, other return codes
@ -313,7 +330,7 @@ end
def pcmk_restart_resource?(resource_name, cib, is_bundle=false)
tmpfile = pcmk_tmpname("#{PCMK_TMP_BASE}/puppet-cib-simulate", nil)
cmd = "/usr/sbin/crm_simulate -x #{cib} -s -G#{tmpfile}"
cmd = "#{CRMSIMULATE_BIN} -x #{cib} -s -G#{tmpfile}"
crm_out = `#{cmd}`
if $?.exitstatus != 0
FileUtils.rm(tmpfile, :force => true)
@ -383,7 +400,7 @@ def pcmk_update_resource(resource, cmd_create, settle_timeout_secs=600)
push_cib_offline(cib, resource[:tries], resource[:try_sleep], resource[:post_success_sleep])
cmd = "/usr/bin/timeout #{settle_timeout_secs} /usr/sbin/crm_resource --wait"
cmd = "#{TIMEOUT_BIN} #{settle_timeout_secs} #{CRMRESOURCE_BIN} --wait"
cmd_out = `#{cmd}`
ret = $?.exitstatus
Puppet.debug("pcmk_update_resource: #{cmd} returned (#{ret}): #{cmd_out}")