#!/usr/bin/ruby # Usage: # # * install a fence agent package e.g. fence-agents-ilo2 # * fence_ilo2 -o metadata > ilo.xml # * fence-generator.rb ilo.xml fence_ilo2 fence-agents-ilo2 # [ XML metadata, name of the class, name of the package for dependency check ] require 'rexml/document' class FencingMetadataParser def initialize(filename, agentName, packageName) @agentName = agentName @packageName = packageName file = File.new(filename) @doc = REXML::Document.new file @params = [] @params_max_len = 14 # pcmk_host_list end def getPackageName @packageName end def getAgentName @agentName end def getParameters ## result have to be array as order should be preserved return @params unless @params.empty? @doc.elements.each('resource-agent/parameters/parameter') { |p| param = {} param['name'] = REXML::XPath.match(p, 'string(./@name)')[0] @params_max_len = param['name'].length if param['name'].length > @params_max_len param['type'] = REXML::XPath.match(p, 'string(./content/@type)')[0] ## if 'default' is list then we can not enter it as parameter !! ## this is problem only for 'cmd_prompt' param['default'] = REXML::XPath.match(p, 'string(./content/@default)')[0] param['description'] = REXML::XPath.match(p, 'string(./shortdesc)')[0] ## remove parameters that are not usable during automatic execution @params.push(param) unless %w(help version).include?(param['name']) } @params end def getMaxLen @params_max_len end end class ManifestGenerator def initialize(parser) @parser = parser end def generate puts <<-eos # == Define: pacemaker::stonith::#{@parser.getAgentName} # # Module for managing Stonith for #{@parser.getAgentName}. # # WARNING: Generated by "rake generate_stonith", manual changes will # be lost. # # === Parameters # #{getManifestDocumentation}# [*interval*] # Interval between tries. # # [*ensure*] # The desired state of the resource. # # [*tries*] # The number of tries. # # [*try_sleep*] # Time to sleep between tries. # # [*pcmk_host_list*] # List of Pacemaker hosts. # # [*meta_attr*] # (optional) String of meta attributes # Defaults to undef # # [*deep_compare*] # Enable deep comparing of resources and bundles # When set to true a resource will be compared in full (options, meta parameters,..) # to the existing one and in case of difference it will be repushed to the CIB # Defaults to false # # [*update_settle_secs*] # When deep_compare is enabled and puppet updates a resource, this # parameter represents the number (in seconds) to wait for the cluster to settle # after the resource update. # Defaults to 600 (seconds) # # === Dependencies # None # # === Authors # # Generated by rake generate_stonith task. # # === Copyright # # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # define pacemaker::stonith::#{@parser.getAgentName} ( #{getManifestParameters} $deep_compare = false, $update_settle_secs = 600, ) { #{getVariableValues} $pcmk_host_value_chunk = $pcmk_host_list ? { undef => '$(/usr/sbin/crm_node -n)', default => $pcmk_host_list, } $meta_attr_value_chunk = $meta_attr ? { undef => '', default => "meta ${meta_attr}", } # $title can be a mac address, remove the colons for pcmk resource name $safe_title = regsubst($title, ':', '', 'G') Exec<| title == 'wait-for-settle' |> -> Pcmk_stonith<||> $param_string = "#{getChunks} op monitor interval=${interval} ${meta_attr_value_chunk}" #{getPackageSnippet} pcmk_stonith { "stonith-#{@parser.getAgentName}-${safe_title}": ensure => $ensure, stonith_type => '#{@parser.getAgentName}', pcmk_host_list => $pcmk_host_value_chunk, pcs_param_string => $param_string, tries => $tries, try_sleep => $try_sleep, deep_compare => $deep_compare, update_settle_secs => $update_settle_secs, } } eos end def getPackageSnippet text = '' if @parser.getPackageName != 'None' text += " if $ensure != 'absent' {\n" text += " ensure_resource('package', '#{@parser.getPackageName}', { ensure => 'installed' })\n" text += " Package['#{@parser.getPackageName}'] -> Pcmk_stonith[\"stonith-#{@parser.getAgentName}-${safe_title}\"]\n" text += " }" end text end def getManifestDocumentation text = '' @parser.getParameters.each { |p| text += "# [*#{p['name']}*]\n" text += "# #{p['description']}\n#\n" } text end def getManifestParameters text = '' @parser.getParameters.each { |p| text += format_param(p['name']) } text += "\n" text += format_param('meta_attr', 'undef') text += format_param('interval', "'60s'") text += format_param('ensure', 'present') text += format_param('pcmk_host_list') text += "\n" text += format_param('tries') text += format_param('try_sleep') text end def getVariableValues text = '' @parser.getParameters.each { |p| text += " $#{p['name']}_chunk = $#{p['name']} ? {\n" text += " undef => '',\n" text += " default => \"#{p['name']}=\\\"${#{p['name']}}\\\"\",\n" text += " }\n" } text end def getChunks text = '' @parser.getParameters.each { |p| text += "${#{p['name']}_chunk} " } text end private def format_param(param, value = 'undef') " $%-#{@parser.getMaxLen}s = %s,\n" % [param, value] end end if ARGV.length != 3 puts 'You have to enter three arguments: path to metadata, name of fence agent and fence agent package' exit 1 end metadata, agentName, packageName = ARGV # e.g. parser = FencingMetadataParser.new("ilo.xml", "fence_ilo", "fence-agents-ilo2") parser = FencingMetadataParser.new(metadata, agentName, packageName) ManifestGenerator.new(parser).generate