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# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: pacemaker::remote
# Pacemaker remote manifest. This class is a small helper to set up a pacemaker
# remote node. It does not create the pacemaker-remote resource in the CIB but only
# sets up the remote service
# === Parameters
# [*use_pcsd*]
# (optional) Should the remote use pcsd to be setup
# Defaults to false
# [*manage_fw*]
# (optional) Manage or not IPtables rules.
# Defaults to true
# [*remote_authkey*]
# (Required) Authkey for pacemaker remote nodes
# Defaults to undef
# [*pcsd_debug*]
# (optional) Enable pcsd debugging
# Defaults to false
# [*pcsd_bind_addr*]
# (optional) List of IP addresses pcsd should bind to
# Defaults to undef
# [*tls_priorities*]
# (optional) Sets PCMK_tls_priorities in /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker when set
# Defaults to undef
# [*force_authkey*]
# (optional) Forces the use of the autkey parameter even when we're using pcs 0.10
# Default to false
class pacemaker::remote (
$use_pcsd = false,
$pcs_user = 'hacluster',
$pcs_password = undef,
$manage_fw = true,
$pcsd_debug = false,
$pcsd_bind_addr = undef,
$force_authkey = undef,
$tls_priorities = undef,
) {
include ::pacemaker::params
ensure_resource('package', $::pacemaker::params::pcmk_remote_package_list, {
ensure => present
# pacemaker remote needs pcsd only with pcs >= 0.10
if $use_pcsd {
include ::pacemaker::install
if $manage_fw {
firewall { '001 pcsd':
proto => 'tcp',
dport => ['2224'],
action => 'accept',
firewall { '001 pcsd ipv6':
proto => 'tcp',
dport => ['2224'],
action => 'accept',
provider => 'ip6tables',
$pcsd_debug_str = bool2str($pcsd_debug)
file_line { 'pcsd_debug_ini':
path => $::pacemaker::params::pcsd_sysconfig,
line => "PCSD_DEBUG=${pcsd_debug_str}",
match => '^PCSD_DEBUG=',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
notify => Service['pcsd'],
if $pcsd_bind_addr != undef {
file_line { 'pcsd_bind_addr':
path => $::pacemaker::params::pcsd_sysconfig,
line => "PCSD_BIND_ADDR='${pcsd_bind_addr}'",
match => '^PCSD_BIND_ADDR=',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
notify => Service['pcsd'],
else {
file_line { 'pcsd_bind_addr':
ensure => absent,
path => $::pacemaker::params::pcsd_sysconfig,
match => '^PCSD_BIND_ADDR=*',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
notify => Service['pcsd'],
match_for_absence => true,
if $tls_priorities != undef {
file_line { 'tls_priorities':
path => $::pacemaker::params::pcmk_sysconfig,
line => "PCMK_tls_priorities=${tls_priorities}",
match => '^PCMK_tls_priorities=',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
user { $pcs_user:
password => pw_hash($pcs_password, 'SHA-512', fqdn_rand_string(10)),
groups => 'haclient',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
# only set up pcsd, not the other cluster services which have
# very specific setup and when-to-start-up requirements
# that are taken care of in corosync.pp
service { 'pcsd':
ensure => running,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
enable => true,
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
Service<| title == 'pcsd' |> -> Pcmk_constraint<||>
Service<| title == 'pcsd' |> -> Pcmk_resource<||>
Service<| title == 'pcsd' |> -> Pcmk_property<||>
Service<| title == 'pcsd' |> -> Pcmk_bundle<||>
Service<| title == 'pcsd' |> -> Pcmk_remote<||>
# We manage our own authkey in two cases
# 1) normally when use pcsd is set to false, aka we are using the old method pre 0.10
# to manage remotes
# 2) When we explicitly passe force_authkey
if !$use_pcsd or $force_authkey {
Package<| title == 'pacemaker-remote' |> -> File <| title == 'etc-pacemaker' |>
File <| title == 'etc-pacemaker-authkey' |> -> Service<| title == 'pacemaker_remote' |>
file { 'etc-pacemaker':
ensure => directory,
path => '/etc/pacemaker',
owner => 'hacluster',
group => 'haclient',
mode => '0750',
} ->
file { 'etc-pacemaker-authkey':
path => '/etc/pacemaker/authkey',
owner => 'hacluster',
group => 'haclient',
mode => '0640',
content => $remote_authkey,
} ->
service { 'pacemaker_remote':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
Service<| title == 'pacemaker_remote' |> -> Pcmk_constraint<||>
Service<| title == 'pacemaker_remote' |> -> Pcmk_resource<||>
Service<| title == 'pacemaker_remote' |> -> Pcmk_property<||>
Service<| title == 'pacemaker_remote' |> -> Pcmk_bundle<||>
Service<| title == 'pacemaker_remote' |> -> Pcmk_remote<||>