
159 lines
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# == Define: pacemaker::resource::remote
# A resource type to create pacemaker remote resources
# === Parameters:
# [*ensure*]
# (optional) Whether to make sure the constraint is present or absent
# Defaults to present
# [*remote_address*]
# (optional) Address of the remote resource
# Defaults to undef in which case the name used to create the resource will
# be used
# [*reconnect_interval*]
# (optional) Remote reconnection interval
# Defaults to 60 seconds
# [*resource_params*]
# (optional) Any additional parameters needed by pcs for the resource to be
# properly configured
# Defaults to ''
# [*meta_params*]
# (optional) Additional meta parameters to pass to "pcs create"
# Defaults to ''
# [*op_params*]
# (optional) Additional op parameters to pass to "pcs create"
# Defaults to ''
# [*bundle*]
# (optional) Bundle id that this resource should be part of
# Defaults to undef
# [*tries*]
# (optional) How many times to attempt to create the resource
# Defaults to 1
# [*try_sleep*]
# (optional) How long to wait between tries, in seconds
# Defaults to 0
# [*verify_on_create*]
# (optional) Whether to verify creation of resource
# Defaults to false
# [*force*]
# (optional) Whether to force creation via pcs --force
# Defaults to false
# [*location_rule*]
# (optional) Add a location constraint before actually enabling
# the resource. Must be a hash like the following example:
# location_rule => {
# resource_discovery => 'exclusive', # optional
# role => 'master|slave', # optional
# score => 0, # optional
# score_attribute => foo, # optional
# # Multiple expressions can be used
# expression => ['opsrole eq controller']
# }
# Defaults to undef
# [*deep_compare*]
# (optional) Enable deep comparing of resources and bundles
# When set to true a resource will be compared in full (options, meta parameters,..)
# to the existing one and in case of difference it will be repushed to the CIB
# Defaults to false
# [*update_settle_secs*]
# (optional) When deep_compare is enabled and puppet updates a resource, this
# parameter represents the number (in seconds) to wait for the cluster to settle
# after the resource update.
# Defaults to hiera('pacemaker::resource::remote::update_settle_secs', 600) (seconds)
# === Dependencies
# None
# === Authors
# Michele Baldessari <michele@acksyn.org>
# === Copyright
# Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
define pacemaker::resource::remote(
$ensure = 'present',
$remote_address = undef,
$reconnect_interval = 60,
$resource_params = '',
$meta_params = '',
$op_params = '',
$bundle = undef,
$tries = 1,
$try_sleep = 0,
$verify_on_create = false,
$force = false,
$force_oldstyle = false,
$pcs_user = 'hacluster',
$pcs_password = undef,
$location_rule = undef,
$deep_compare = hiera('pacemaker::resource::remote::deep_compare', false),
$update_settle_secs = hiera('pacemaker::resource::remote::update_settle_secs', 600),
) {
# If we use pcs 0.10 we use the new pcs node remote-add way of adding
# remotes *except* if force_oldstyle is set to true
if $::pacemaker::params::pcs_010 and !$force_oldstyle {
pcmk_remote { $name:
ensure => $ensure,
remote_address => $remote_address,
reconnect_interval => $reconnect_interval,
resource_params => $resource_params,
meta_params => $meta_params,
op_params => $op_params,
tries => $tries,
try_sleep => $try_sleep,
pcs_user => $pcs_user,
pcs_password => $pcs_password,
deep_compare => $deep_compare,
update_settle_secs => $update_settle_secs,
force => $force,
} else {
pcmk_resource { $name:
ensure => $ensure,
resource_type => 'remote',
remote_address => $remote_address,
reconnect_interval => $reconnect_interval,
resource_params => $resource_params,
meta_params => $meta_params,
op_params => $op_params,
bundle => $bundle,
tries => $tries,
try_sleep => $try_sleep,
verify_on_create => $verify_on_create,
force => $force,
location_rule => $location_rule,
deep_compare => $deep_compare,
update_settle_secs => $update_settle_secs,