
221 lines
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# ## Class: pacemaker::new::setup::pcsd
# A class to setup a pacemaker cluster using
# the "pcsd" service.
# ### Parameters
# [*cluster_nodes*]
# (required) A list cluster nodes to be authenticated by the PCSD daemon and
# be used in the cluster creation.
# This data can be provided in several forms:
# * String: `'node1 node2 node3'`
# * Array: `['node1', 'node2', 'node3']`
# * Hash:
# ```
# {
# 'node1' => {
# 'host' => 'my_node',
# },
# 'node2' => {
# 'host' => 'other_node',
# 'ring0' => '',
# },
# 'node3' => {}
# }
# # Will be converted to:
# ['my_node', '', 'node3']
# ```
# Elements in the hash are used in this priority:
# 1. *ring0, ring1, ...* have the highest priority.
# They can be given either IP addresses or hostnames.
# 2. *ip* will be used if there is no *ring0*
# 2. *host* will be used if there is no *ip*
# 3. Hash keys will be used if there is no *host*
# [*cluster_rrp_nodes*]
# (optional) A list of nodes that will be actually used to create the cluster.
# It will be equal to the *cluster_nodes* if not provided or can be set using
# the same ways as the *cluster_nodes* does.
# This can be used o either just override the list of cluster nodes and make
# it different from nodes used for **pcsd** authentication, or to make a
# Redundant Ring Protocol (RRP) enabled cluster.
# RRP nodes can be specified by providing all node's interfaces as a
# comma-separated list. For example, *node1* has interface *node1a* in the
# first ring and node1b in the second ring. Node2 has the same interfaces.
# In this case, RRP nodes can be provided like this:
# * String: `'node1a,node1b node2a,node2b'`
# * Array: `['node1a,node1b', 'node2a,node2b']`
# * Hash:
# ```
# {
# 'node1' => {
# 'host' => 'my_node',
# 'ip' => '',
# },
# 'node2' => {
# 'host' => 'other_node',
# 'ring0' => '',
# 'ring1' => '',
# },
# 'node3' => {}
# }
# # Will be converted to:
# ['', ',', 'node3']
# ```
# [*cluster_name*]
# (optional) The name of the cluster (no whitespace)
# Default: clustername
# [*cluster_setup*]
# (optional) If your cluster includes **pcsd**, this should be set to true for
# just one node in cluster. Else set to true for all nodes.
# Default: true
# [*cluster_options*]
# (optional) Hash additional cluster configuration options.
# Can be specified like this:
# * String: `'--token 10000 --ipv6 --join 100`
# * Array: `['--token', '10000', '--ipv6', '', '--join', '100']`
# * Hash:
# ```
# {
# '--token' => '10000',
# '--ipv6' => '',
# '--join' => '100',
# }
# # Or:
# {
# 'token' => '10000',
# 'ipv6' => '',
# 'join' => '100',
# }
# ```
# Supported cluster options:
# * transport udpu|udp
# * rrpmode active|passive
# * addr0 <addr/net>
# * mcast0 <address>
# * mcastport0 <port>
# * ttl0 <ttl>
# * broadcast0
# * addr1 <addr/net>
# * mcast1 <address>
# * mcastport1 <port>
# * ttl1 <ttl>
# * broadcast1
# * wait_for_all=<0|1>
# * auto_tie_breaker=<0|1>
# * last_man_standing=<0|1>
# * last_man_standing_window=<time in ms>
# * ipv6
# * token <timeout>
# * token_coefficient <timeout>
# * join <timeout>
# * consensus <timeout>
# * miss_count_const <count>
# * fail_recv_const <failures>
# [*cluster_user*]
# The user used by PCSD to authenticate nodes
# [*cluster_group*]
# The group of the user used by PCSD to authenticate nodes
# [*cluster_password*]
# Plaintext password of the user used by PCSD to authenticate nodes
# [*pcs_bin_path*]
# Path to the 'pcs' command
class pacemaker::new::setup::pcsd (
$cluster_nodes = $::pacemaker::new::params::cluster_nodes,
$cluster_rrp_nodes = $::pacemaker::new::params::cluster_rrp_nodes,
$cluster_name = $::pacemaker::new::params::cluster_name,
$cluster_setup = $::pacemaker::new::params::cluster_setup,
$cluster_options = $::pacemaker::new::params::cluster_options,
$cluster_user = $::pacemaker::new::params::cluster_user,
$cluster_group = $::pacemaker::new::params::cluster_group,
$cluster_password = $::pacemaker::new::params::cluster_password,
$pcs_bin_path = $::pacemaker::new::params::pcs_bin_path,
) inherits pacemaker::new::params {
$cluster_nodes_array = pacemaker_cluster_nodes($cluster_nodes, 'array')
$cluster_setup_nodes = pick($cluster_rrp_nodes, $cluster_nodes, [])
$cluster_setup_nodes_list = pacemaker_cluster_nodes($cluster_setup_nodes, 'list')
user { 'hacluster' :
name => $cluster_user,
password => pw_hash($cluster_password, 'SHA-512', fqdn_rand_string(10)),
groups => $cluster_group,
pacemaker_pcsd_auth { 'setup' :
success => true,
nodes => $cluster_nodes_array,
username => $cluster_user,
password => $cluster_password,
whole => true,
local => false,
force => false,
if $cluster_setup {
$cluster_options_list = pacemaker_cluster_options($cluster_options)
exec { 'create-cluster' :
creates => '/etc/cluster/cluster.conf',
command => "${pcs_bin_path} cluster setup --name ${cluster_name} ${cluster_setup_nodes_list} ${cluster_options_list}",
unless => '/usr/bin/test -f /etc/corosync/corosync.conf',
tag => 'pacemaker-setup',
exec { 'start-cluster' :
unless => "${pcs_bin_path} status >/dev/null 2>&1",
command => "${pcs_bin_path} cluster start --all",
tag => 'pacemaker-setup',
# the cluster should first be created and then started
Exec['create-cluster'] ->
pacemaker_online { 'setup' :}
# hacluster user is required to run auth
# and should notify it to reauth if its password changes
User['hacluster'] ~>
# online check should always be after the auth commands
Pacemaker_pcsd_auth['setup'] ->
# always run auth before setup commands
Pacemaker_pcsd_auth['setup'] ->
Exec <|tag == 'pacemaker-setup'|> ->
# run the cluster services after they have
# already been setup and enabled by the pcsd
# it should be an idempotent action
# all cluster services should go before online check
Exec <| tag == 'pacemaker-setup' |> ->
Service <| tag == 'cluster-service' |> ->