
405 lines
15 KiB

# == Class: pacemaker::corosync
# A class to setup a pacemaker cluster
# === Parameters
# [*cluster_members*]
# (required) A space-separted list of cluster IP's or names to run the
# authentication against
# [*cluster_members_addr*]
# (optional) An array of arrays containing the node addresses to be used
# As ring addresses in corosync (as required by corosync3+knet). For example:
# [[], [], [,]] with nodes [n1, n2, n3]
# will create the cluster as follows:
# pcs cluster setup clustername n1 addr= n2 addr= \
# n3 addr= addr=
# Defaults to []
# [*cluster_members_rrp*]
# (optional) A space-separated list of cluster IP's or names pair where each
# component represent a resource on respectively ring0 and ring1
# Defaults to undef
# [*cluster_name*]
# (optional) The name of the cluster (no whitespace)
# Defaults to 'clustername'
# [*cluster_setup_extras*]
# (optional) Hash additional configuration when pcs cluster setup is run
# Example : {'--token' => '10000', '--ipv6' => '', '--join' => '100' }
# Defaults to {}
# [*cluster_start_timeout*]
# (optional) Timeout to wait for cluster start.
# Defaults to 300
# [*cluster_start_tries*]
# (optional) Number of tries for cluster start.
# Defaults to 10
# [*cluster_start_try_sleep*]
# (optional) Time to sleep after each cluster start try.
# Defaults to 20
# [*manage_fw*]
# (optional) Manage or not IPtables rules.
# Defaults to true
# [*remote_authkey*]
# (optional) Value of /etc/pacemaker/authkey. Useful for pacemaker_remote.
# Defaults to undef
# [*settle_timeout*]
# (optional) Timeout to wait for settle.
# Defaults to 3600
# [*settle_tries*]
# (optional) Number of tries for settle.
# Defaults to 360
# [*settle_try_sleep*]
# (optional) Time to sleep after each seetle try.
# Defaults to 10
# [*setup_cluster*]
# (optional) If your cluster includes pcsd, this should be set to true for
# just one node in cluster. Else set to true for all nodes.
# Defaults to true
# [*enable_sbd*]
# (optional) Controls whether to enable sbd or not
# Defaults to false
# [*sbd_watchdog_timeout*]
# (optional) Controls SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT value.
# Defaults to 10(s)
# [*pcsd_debug*]
# (optional) Enable pcsd debugging
# Defaults to false
# [*pcsd_bind_addr*]
# (optional) List of IP addresses pcsd should bind to
# Defaults to undef
# [*tls_priorities*]
# (optional) Sets PCMK_tls_priorities in /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker when set
# Defaults to undef
# [*enable_scaleup*]
# (optional) Enables the scaleup logic of the cluster nodes (i.e. we do not add a
# node via pcs if we detect a new node compared to the existing cluster)
# Defaults to true
# === Dependencies
# None
# === Authors
# Crag Wolfe <cwolfe@redhat.com>
# Jason Guiditta <jguiditt@redhat.com>
# === Copyright
# Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class pacemaker::corosync(
$cluster_members_addr = [],
$cluster_members_rrp = undef,
$cluster_name = 'clustername',
$cluster_setup_extras = {},
$cluster_start_timeout = '300',
$cluster_start_tries = '10',
$cluster_start_try_sleep = '20',
$manage_fw = true,
$remote_authkey = undef,
$settle_timeout = '3600',
$settle_tries = '360',
$settle_try_sleep = '10',
$setup_cluster = true,
$enable_sbd = false,
$sbd_watchdog_timeout = '10',
$pcsd_debug = false,
$pcsd_bind_addr = undef,
$tls_priorities = undef,
$enable_scaleup = true,
) inherits pacemaker {
include ::pacemaker::params
if ! $cluster_members_rrp {
if $::pacemaker::pcs_010 {
$cluster_members_rrp_real = pcmk_cluster_setup($cluster_members, $cluster_members_addr, '0.10')
} else {
$cluster_members_rrp_real = pcmk_cluster_setup($cluster_members, $cluster_members_addr, '0.9')
} else {
$cluster_members_rrp_real = $cluster_members_rrp
$cluster_setup_extras_real = inline_template('<%= @cluster_setup_extras.flatten.join(" ") %>')
if $manage_fw {
firewall { '001 corosync mcast':
proto => 'udp',
dport => ['5404', '5405'],
action => 'accept',
firewall { '001 corosync mcast ipv6':
proto => 'udp',
dport => ['5404', '5405'],
action => 'accept',
provider => 'ip6tables',
if $pacemaker::pcsd_mode {
if $manage_fw {
firewall { '001 pcsd':
proto => 'tcp',
dport => ['2224'],
action => 'accept',
firewall { '001 pcsd ipv6':
proto => 'tcp',
dport => ['2224'],
action => 'accept',
provider => 'ip6tables',
$pcsd_debug_str = bool2str($pcsd_debug)
file_line { 'pcsd_debug_ini':
path => $::pacemaker::pcsd_sysconfig,
line => "PCSD_DEBUG=${pcsd_debug_str}",
match => '^PCSD_DEBUG=',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
notify => Service['pcsd'],
if $pcsd_bind_addr != undef {
file_line { 'pcsd_bind_addr':
path => $::pacemaker::pcsd_sysconfig,
line => "PCSD_BIND_ADDR='${pcsd_bind_addr}'",
match => '^PCSD_BIND_ADDR=',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
notify => Service['pcsd'],
else {
file_line { 'pcsd_bind_addr':
ensure => absent,
path => $::pacemaker::pcsd_sysconfig,
match => '^PCSD_BIND_ADDR=*',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
notify => Service['pcsd'],
match_for_absence => true,
if $tls_priorities != undef {
file_line { 'tls_priorities':
path => $::pacemaker::pcmk_sysconfig,
line => "PCMK_tls_priorities=${tls_priorities}",
match => '^PCMK_tls_priorities=',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
user { 'hacluster':
password => pw_hash($::pacemaker::hacluster_pwd, 'SHA-512', fqdn_rand_string(10)),
groups => 'haclient',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
before => Service['pcsd'],
notify => Exec['reauthenticate-across-all-nodes'],
# If we fail the local authentication via pcs, let's try and reauthenticate
# This might happen if /var/lib/pcsd/tokens got corrupt or if we upgraded pcs versions
# and authentication is not working even though the hacluster user has not changed
exec { 'check-for-local-authentication':
command => "/bin/echo 'local pcsd auth failed, triggering a reauthentication'",
onlyif => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} status pcsd ${::hostname} 2>&1 | grep 'Unable to authenticate'",
tag => 'pacemaker-auth',
notify => Exec['reauthenticate-across-all-nodes'],
# pcs-0.10.x has different commands to set up the cluster
if $::pacemaker::pcs_010 {
$cluster_setup_cmd = "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} cluster setup ${cluster_name} ${cluster_members_rrp_real}"
$cluster_reauthenticate_cmd = "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} host auth ${cluster_members} -u hacluster -p ${::pacemaker::hacluster_pwd}"
$cluster_authenticate_cmd = "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} host auth ${cluster_members} -u hacluster -p ${::pacemaker::hacluster_pwd}"
$cluster_authenticate_unless = "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} host auth ${cluster_members} -u hacluster -p ${::pacemaker::hacluster_pwd} | grep 'Already authorized'"
} else {
$cluster_setup_cmd = "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} cluster setup --wait --name ${cluster_name} ${cluster_members_rrp_real} ${cluster_setup_extras_real}"
$cluster_reauthenticate_cmd = "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} cluster auth ${cluster_members} -u hacluster -p ${::pacemaker::hacluster_pwd} --force"
$cluster_authenticate_cmd = "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} cluster auth ${cluster_members} -u hacluster -p ${::pacemaker::hacluster_pwd}"
$cluster_authenticate_unless = "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} cluster auth ${cluster_members} -u hacluster -p ${::pacemaker::hacluster_pwd} | grep 'Already authorized'"
exec { 'reauthenticate-across-all-nodes':
command => $cluster_reauthenticate_cmd,
refreshonly => true,
timeout => $settle_timeout,
tries => $settle_tries,
try_sleep => $settle_try_sleep,
require => Service['pcsd'],
tag => 'pacemaker-auth',
exec { 'auth-successful-across-all-nodes':
command => $cluster_authenticate_cmd,
refreshonly => true,
timeout => $settle_timeout,
tries => $settle_tries,
try_sleep => $settle_try_sleep,
require => [Service['pcsd'], User['hacluster']],
unless => $cluster_authenticate_unless,
tag => 'pacemaker-auth',
Exec <|tag == 'pacemaker-auth'|> -> Exec['wait-for-settle']
if $setup_cluster {
# Detect if we are trying to add some nodes by comparing
# $cluster_members and the actual running nodes in the cluster
if $::pacemaker::pcs_010 {
$nodes_added = pcmk_nodes_added($cluster_members, $cluster_members_addr, '0.10')
$node_add_start_part = '--start'
} else {
$nodes_added = pcmk_nodes_added($cluster_members, $cluster_members_addr, '0.9')
$node_add_start_part = ''
if $enable_scaleup {
# If we're rerunning this puppet manifest and $cluster_members
# contains more nodes than the currently running cluster
if count($nodes_added) > 0 {
$nodes_added.each |$node_to_add| {
$node_name = split($node_to_add, ' ')[0]
if $::pacemaker::pcs_010 {
exec {"Authenticating new cluster node: ${node_to_add}":
command => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} host auth ${node_name} -u hacluster -p ${::pacemaker::hacluster_pwd}",
timeout => $cluster_start_timeout,
tries => $cluster_start_tries,
try_sleep => $cluster_start_try_sleep,
require => [Service['pcsd'], User['hacluster']],
tag => 'pacemaker-auth',
exec {"Adding Cluster node: ${node_to_add} to Cluster ${cluster_name}":
unless => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} status 2>&1 | grep -e \"^Online:.* ${node_name} .*\"",
command => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} cluster node add ${node_to_add} ${node_add_start_part} --wait",
timeout => $cluster_start_timeout,
tries => $cluster_start_tries,
try_sleep => $cluster_start_try_sleep,
notify => Exec["node-cluster-start-${node_name}"],
tag => 'pacemaker-scaleup',
exec {"node-cluster-start-${node_name}":
unless => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} status 2>&1 | grep -e \"^Online:.* ${node_name} .*\"",
command => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} cluster start ${node_name} --wait",
timeout => $cluster_start_timeout,
tries => $cluster_start_tries,
try_sleep => $cluster_start_try_sleep,
refreshonly => true,
tag => 'pacemaker-scaleup',
Exec <|tag == 'pacemaker-auth'|> -> Exec <|tag == 'pacemaker-scaleup'|>
Exec <|tag == 'pacemaker-auth'|>
exec {"Create Cluster ${cluster_name}":
creates => '/etc/cluster/cluster.conf',
command => $cluster_setup_cmd,
timeout => $cluster_start_timeout,
tries => $cluster_start_tries,
try_sleep => $cluster_start_try_sleep,
unless => '/usr/bin/test -f /etc/corosync/corosync.conf',
require => Class['::pacemaker::install'],
exec {"Start Cluster ${cluster_name}":
unless => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} status >/dev/null 2>&1",
command => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} cluster start --all",
timeout => $cluster_start_timeout,
tries => $cluster_start_tries,
try_sleep => $cluster_start_try_sleep,
require => Exec["Create Cluster ${cluster_name}"],
if $enable_sbd {
ensure_resource('package', 'sbd', { ensure => present })
exec {'Enable SBD':
unless => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} status | grep -q 'sbd: active/enabled' > /dev/null 2>&1",
command => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} stonith sbd enable SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT=${sbd_watchdog_timeout}",
Package<| title == 'sbd' |>
-> Exec<| title == "Create Cluster ${cluster_name}" |>
-> Exec<| title == 'Enable SBD' |>
-> Exec<| title == "Start Cluster ${cluster_name}" |>
if $pacemaker::pcsd_mode {
Exec['auth-successful-across-all-nodes'] ->
Exec["Create Cluster ${cluster_name}"]
Exec["Start Cluster ${cluster_name}"]
Service <| tag == 'pcsd-cluster-service' |>
# pcs 0.10/pcmk 2.0 take care of the authkey internally by themselves
if $remote_authkey and !$::pacemaker::pcs_010 {
file { 'etc-pacemaker':
ensure => directory,
path => '/etc/pacemaker',
owner => 'hacluster',
group => 'haclient',
mode => '0750',
} ->
file { 'etc-pacemaker-authkey':
path => '/etc/pacemaker/authkey',
owner => 'hacluster',
group => 'haclient',
mode => '0640',
content => $remote_authkey,
File['etc-pacemaker-authkey'] -> Service['pcsd']
exec {'wait-for-settle':
timeout => $settle_timeout,
tries => $settle_tries,
try_sleep => $settle_try_sleep,
command => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} status | grep -q 'partition with quorum' > /dev/null 2>&1",
unless => "${::pacemaker::pcs_bin} status | grep -q 'partition with quorum' > /dev/null 2>&1",
Exec<| title == 'wait-for-settle' |> -> Pcmk_constraint<||>
Exec<| title == 'wait-for-settle' |> -> Pcmk_resource<||>
Exec<| title == 'wait-for-settle' |> -> Pcmk_property<||>
Exec<| title == 'wait-for-settle' |> -> Pcmk_bundle<||>
Exec<| title == 'wait-for-settle' |> -> Pcmk_remote<||>