Pradeep Kilambi 54de0d59e5 Add Panko expirer class
This sets up a cron task to run periodically and
expire panko events in db.

Change-Id: I23359239008105cd77a599d2c08c067f132099b7
Partial-Bug: #1746514
2018-02-01 14:01:08 -05:00

61 lines
1.2 KiB

# == Class: panko::expirer
# Setups Panko Expirer service to enable TTL feature.
# === Parameters
# [*enable_cron*]
# (optional) Whether to configure a crontab entry to run the expiry.
# When set to False, Puppet will try to remove the crontab.
# Defaults to true.
# [*minute*]
# (optional) Defaults to '1'.
# [*hour*]
# (optional) Defaults to '0'.
# [*monthday*]
# (optional) Defaults to '*'.
# [*month*]
# (optional) Defaults to '*'.
# [*weekday*]
# (optional) Defaults to '*'.
class panko::expirer (
$enable_cron = true,
$minute = 1,
$hour = 0,
$monthday = '*',
$month = '*',
$weekday = '*',
) {
include ::panko::params
include ::panko::deps
Anchor['panko::install::end'] ~> Class['panko::expirer']
if $enable_cron {
$ensure = 'present'
} else {
$ensure = 'absent'
cron { 'panko-expirer':
ensure => $ensure,
command => $panko::params::expirer_command,
environment => 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin SHELL=/bin/sh',
user => 'panko',
minute => $minute,
hour => $hour,
monthday => $monthday,
month => $month,
weekday => $weekday