# == Class: qdr # # Full description of class qdr here. # # === Parameters # # [*connectors*] # (optional) An array of hashes containing connector configuration # Defaults to [] # # [*ensure_package*] # (optional) The state of the qdr packages # Defaults to 'installed' # # [*ensure_service*] # (optional) The state of the qdr service # Defaults to 'running' # # [*enable_service*] # (optional) The administrative status of the qdr service # Defaults to 'true' # # [*extra_listeners*] # (optional) An array of hashes containing extra listener configuration # Defaults to [] # # [*listener_addr*] # (optional) Service host name # Defaults to '' # # [*listener_auth_peer*] # (optional) # Defaults to 'no' # # [*listener_idle_timeout*] # (optional) # Defaults to '16' # # [*listener_max_frame_size*] # (optional) Maximum frame size used for a message delivery over the # connection # Defaults to '16384' # # [*listener_port*] # (optional) Service port number (AMQP) # Defaults to '5672' # # [*listener_require_encrypt*] # (optional) Require the connection to the peer to be encrypted # Defaults to 'no' # # [*listener_require_ssl*] # (optional) Require the use of SSL or TLS on the connection # Defaults to 'no' # # [*listener_sasl_mech*] # (optional) List of accepted SASL auth mechanisms # Defaults to 'ANONYMOUS' # # [*listener_ssl_cert_db*] # (optional) Path to certificate db # Defaults to undef # # [*listener_ssl_cert_file*] # (optional) Path to certificat file # Defaults to undef # # [*listener_ssl_key_file*] # (optional) Path to private key file # Defaults to undef # # [*listener_ssl_pw_file*] # (optional) Path to password file for certificate key # Defaults to undef # # [*listener_ssl_password*] # (optional) Password to be supplied # Defaults to undef # # [*listener_trusted_certs*] # (optional) Path to file containing trusted certificates # Defaults to 'UNSET' # # [*extra_addresses*] # (optional) An array of hashes containing extra address configuration # Defaults to [] # # [*log_module*] # (optional) The log module to configure # Defaults to 'DEFAULT' # # [*log_enable*] # (optional) Log level for a module # Defaults to 'debug+' # # [*log_output*] # (optional) Target destination for log message # Defaults to '/var/log/qdrouterd/qdrouterd.log' # # [*router_debug_dump*] # (optional) Path to file for debugging information # Defaults to '/var/log/qdrouterd' # # [*router_hello_interval*] # (optional) Router HELLO message interval in seconds # Defaults to '1' # # [*router_hello_max_age*] # (optional) Neighbor router age timeout in seconds # Defaults to '3' # # [*router_id*] # (optional) Router unique identifer # Defaults to 'Router.fqdn" # # [*router_mode*] # (optional) Operational mode for Router (standalone or interconnected) # Defaults to 'standalone' # # [*router_ra_interval*] # (optional) Router advertisement interval # Defaults to '30' # # [*router_ra_interval_flux*] # (optional) Router advertisement interval during topology changes # Defaults to '4' # # [*router_remote_ls_max_age*] # (optional) Router advertisement aging interval # Defaults to '60' # # [*router_sasl_name*] # (optional) Name of SASL configuration # Defaults to 'qdrouterd' # # [*router_sasl_path*] # (optional) Path to the SASL configuration file # Defaults to '/etc/sasl2' # # [*router_worker_threads*] # (optional) Number of threads create to process message traffic # Defaults to $::processorcount # class qdr( $connectors = [], $ensure_package = 'installed', $ensure_service = 'running', $enable_service = true, $extra_listeners = [], $listener_addr = '', $listener_auth_peer = 'no', $listener_idle_timeout = '16', $listener_max_frame_size = '16384', $listener_port = '5672', $listener_require_encrypt = 'no', $listener_require_ssl = 'no', $listener_sasl_mech = 'ANONYMOUS', $listener_ssl_cert_db = undef, $listener_ssl_cert_file = undef, $listener_ssl_key_file = undef, $listener_ssl_pw_file = undef, $listener_ssl_password = undef, $listener_trusted_certs = 'UNSET', $extra_addresses = [], $log_enable = 'debug+', $log_module = 'DEFAULT', $log_output = '/var/log/qdrouterd/qdrouterd.log', $router_debug_dump = '/var/log/qdrouterd', $router_hello_interval = '1', $router_hello_max_age = '3', $router_id = "Router.${::fqdn}", $router_mode = 'standalone', $router_ra_interval = '30', $router_ra_interval_flux = '4', $router_remote_ls_max_age = '60', $router_sasl_name = 'qdrouterd', $router_sasl_path = '/etc/sasl2', $router_worker_threads = $::os_workers, ) inherits qdr::params { validate_absolute_path($router_debug_dump) validate_absolute_path($router_sasl_path) validate_string($router_sasl_name) validate_re($router_mode,'^(standalone$|interior$)') validate_string($router_id) validate_string($listener_addr) validate_re($listener_port, '\d+') validate_re($listener_auth_peer,'^(yes$|no$)') validate_string($listener_sasl_mech) # TODO (ansmith) - manage repo via openstack-extras # if $::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' { # include ::apt # # Class['apt::update'] -> Package<| provider == 'apt' |> # # apt::ppa { 'ppa:qpid/testing' : } # } include ::qdr::install include ::qdr::config include ::qdr::service Class['::qdr::install'] -> Class['::qdr::config'] -> Class['::qdr::service'] }