Update the version metadata for Train M1 Change-Id: I9537577e57d2d26ca1c60187c762b9d3cdfbef16
Team and repository tags
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Module Description - Manage the QPID Dispatch Router
- Setup - The basics of getting started with qdr
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Contributors - Those with commits
- Release Notes - Release notes for the project
- Repository - The project source code repository
This module manages the QPID Dispatch Router (qdr) found at:
The dispatch router provides flexible and scalable interconnect between any AMQP 1.0 endpoints, whether they be clients, brokers or other AMQP-enabled services
Support is intended for Red Hat and Ubuntu OS family deployed with Pupppet V4.x
Module Description
This module sets up the installations, configuration and management of the QPID Dispatch Router (qdr) class and has a number of providers that correpsond the router configuration entities such as listeners and connectors.
This module will facilitate the deployment of a full/partial mesh topology of QPID Dispatch Routers serving as the messaging interconnect for a site.
What qdr affects
- repository files
- packages
- configuration files
- service
- configuration entities
Beginning with qdr
include '::qdr'
The default configuration currently installs Qpid-Dispatch-Router 0.6
All configuration parameters can be managed via the main qdr class.
class { '::qdr' :
service_enable => true,
container_workder_threads => 4,
listener_port => 15672,
Class Reference
- qdr: Provides the basic installation and configuration sequence
- qdr::config: Provides qdrouterd configuration
- qdr::install: Performs package installations
- qdr::params: Aggregates configuration data for router
- qdr::service: Manages the qdrouterd service state
Resource Types
Resource to manage address prefixes for distribution and phasing
Query all current internal addresses: '$puppet resource qdr_address'
qdr_address { 'anyAddress' :
prefix => 'unicast',
distribution => 'closest',
Resource configuration entity to establish outgoing connections from the router.
Query all current connectors: '$puppet resource qdr_connector'
qdr_connector { 'anyConnector' :
addr => '',
port => '1234',
role => 'inter_router',
max_frame_size => '65536',
Listens for incoming connection requests to the router
Query all current listeners: '$puppet resource qdr_listener'
qdr_listener { 'anyListener' :
addr => '',
port => '5678',
role => 'normal',
sasl_mechanisms => 'DIGEST-MD5,EXTERNAL',
Control log settings for a particular module on the running router
Query all current log module settings: '$puppet resource qdr_log'
Users for internal sasl authentication
Query all current internal users: '$puppet resource qdr_user'
qdr_user { 'anyUser' :
password => 'changeme',
Resource Providers
An AMQP management client tool for used with any standard AMQP managed endpoint.
This module has been tested on the following platforms:
- CentOS 7
- Ubuntu 15.10
Apt module dependence
If running Debian os family, puppetlabs-apt module is required
Developer documentation for the entire puppet-openstack project.
Release Notes
If you aren't using changelog, put your release notes here (though you should
consider using changelog). You may also add any additional sections you feel are
necessary or important to include here. Please use the ##