Merge "Use swift_bench_config"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2013-09-04 23:55:35 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit ef8507d287
3 changed files with 96 additions and 120 deletions

@ -18,9 +18,24 @@ class swift::bench (
$delete = 'yes',
file {'/etc/swift/swift-bench.conf':
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
content => template('swift/swift-bench.conf.erb')
Package['swift'] -> Swift_bench_config<||>
swift_bench_config {
'bench/auth': value => $auth_url;
'bench/user': value => $swift_user;
'bench/key': value => $swift_key;
'bench/auth_version': value => $auth_version;
'bench/log-level': value => $log_level;
'bench/timeout': value => $test_timeout;
'bench/put_concurrency': value => $put_concurrency;
'bench/get_concurrency': value => $get_concurrency;
'bench/del_concurrency': value => $del_concurrency;
'bench/lower_object_size': value => $lower_object_size;
'bench/upper_object_size': value => $upper_object_size;
'bench/object_size': value => $object_size;
'bench/num_objects': value => $num_objects;
'bench/num_gets': value => $num_gets;
'bench/num_containers': value => $num_containers;
'bench/delete': value => $delete;

@ -3,73 +3,94 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe 'swift::bench' do
let :default_params do
{:auth_url => 'http://localhost:8080/auth/v1.0'}
{ :auth_url => 'http://localhost:8080/auth/v1.0',
:swift_user => 'test:tester',
:swift_key => 'testing',
:auth_version => '1.0',
:log_level => 'INFO',
:test_timeout => '10',
:put_concurrency => '10',
:get_concurrency => '10',
:del_concurrency => '10',
:lower_object_size => '10',
:upper_object_size => '10',
:object_size => '1',
:num_objects => '1000',
:num_gets => '10000',
:num_containers => '20',
:delete => 'yes' }
let :pre_condition do
"class { 'swift': swift_hash_suffix => 'string' }"
let :facts do
{ :operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
:osfamily => 'Debian' }
let :params do
shared_examples 'swift::bench' do
let (:p) { default_params.merge!(params) }
it 'depends on swift package' do
should contain_package('swift').with_before(/Swift_bench_config\[.+\]/)
it 'configures swift-bench.conf' do
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
should contain_swift_bench_config(
describe 'with defaults' do
let :params do
it 'should create a reasonable swift-bench file' do
verify_contents(subject, '/etc/swift/swift-bench.conf',
"auth = http://localhost:8080/auth/v1.0",
"user = test:tester",
"key = testing",
"auth_version = 1.0",
"log-level = INFO",
"timeout = 10",
"put_concurrency = 10",
"get_concurrency = 10",
"del_concurrency = 10",
"lower_object_size = 10",
"upper_object_size = 10",
"object_size = 1",
"num_objects = 1000",
"num_gets = 10000",
"num_containers = 20",
"delete = yes"
include_examples 'swift::bench'
describe 'when overridding' do
let :params do
before do
:auth_url => '',
:swift_user => 'admin:admin',
:swift_key => 'admin',
:put_concurrency => '20'
it 'should create a configured swift-bench file' do
verify_contents(subject, '/etc/swift/swift-bench.conf',
"auth =",
"user = admin:admin",
"key = admin",
"auth_version = 1.0",
"log-level = INFO",
"timeout = 10",
"put_concurrency = 20",
"get_concurrency = 10",
"del_concurrency = 10",
"lower_object_size = 10",
"upper_object_size = 10",
"object_size = 1",
"num_objects = 1000",
"num_gets = 10000",
"num_containers = 20",
"delete = yes"
include_examples 'swift::bench'

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
auth = <%= @auth_url %>
user = <%= @swift_user %>
key = <%= @swift_key %>
auth_version = <%= @auth_version %>
log-level = <%= @log_level %>
timeout = <%= @test_timeout %>
# You can configure PUT, GET, and DELETE concurrency independently or set all
# three with "concurrency"
put_concurrency = <%= @put_concurrency %>
get_concurrency = <%= @get_concurrency %>
del_concurrency = <%= @del_concurrency %>
# concurrency =
# A space-sep list of files whose contents will be read and randomly chosen
# as the body (object contents) for each PUT.
# object_sources =
# If object_sources is not set and lower_object_size != upper_object_size,
# each PUT will randomly select an object size between the two values. Units
# are bytes.
lower_object_size = <%= @lower_object_size %>
upper_object_size = <%= @upper_object_size %>
# If object_sources is not set and lower_object_size == upper_object_size,
# every object PUT will contain this many bytes.
object_size = <%= @object_size %>
num_objects = <%= @num_objects %>
num_gets = <%= @num_gets %>
num_containers = <%= @num_containers %>
# The base name for created containers.
# container_name = (randomly-chosen uuid4)
# Should swift-bench benchmark DELETEing the created objects and then delete
# all created containers?
delete = <%= @delete %>
# Without use_proxy, swift-bench will talk directly to the backend Swift
# servers. Doing that will require "url", "account", and at least one
# "devices" entry.
# use_proxy = yes
# If use_proxy = yes, this will override any returned X-Storage-Url returned
# by authenticaion (the account name will still be extracted from
# X-Storage-Url though and may NOT be set with the "account" conf var). If
# use_proxy = no, this setting is required and used as the X-Storage-Url when
# deleting containers and as a source for IP and port for back-end Swift server
# connections. The IP and port specified in this setting must have local
# storage access to every device specified in "devices".
# url =
# Only used (and required) when use_proxy = no.
# account =
# A space-sep list of devices names; only relevant (and required) when
# use_proxy = no.
# devices = sdb1