A duplicate can appear if installed on the same node with
openstack::glance with glance_backend=swift, which also installs
this package for client utilities and libraries.
[9506][rubiojr.napoleon] puppet parser validate manifests/proxy/s3token.pp
Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at
'auth_host'; expected ')' at
Error: Try 'puppet help parser validate' for usage
* `python-swiftclient` is now installed by default.
* Fixed swift3.
* Fixed s3token.
* Recreated authtoken - it used to be configured in the Keystone module.
* Created proxy-logging filter
* Create $mnt_base_dir if dir does not exist (useful when not using
* loopback)
* use 'xfs_admin -l' to check for an existing XFS instead of using
* refreshonly
* device param now defaults to '' for compat reasons since we'll be
using '/dev/' + resource title when no device is specified
* use -f flag with mkfs.xfs so we can format RAW unpartitioned devices
* Does not break interface compatibility, tests OK
I believe the following patch fixes compat with ruby 1.9 while
preserving behaviour. The following test was broken:
1) swift::proxy::cache with overridden memcache server
Failure/Error: it { should contain_file(fragment_file).with_content(/memcache_servers = 10\.0\.0\.1:1/) }
Failed to parse template swift/proxy/cache.conf.erb:
Filepath: /tmp/puppetlabs-swift/spec/fixtures/modules/swift/templates/proxy/cache.conf.erb
Line: 3
Detail: undefined method `to_a' for "":String
at /tmp/puppetlabs-swift/spec/fixtures/modules/swift/manifests/proxy/cache.pp:32 on node blueleaf
# ./spec/classes/swift_proxy_cache_spec.rb:39:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Before this fix the following services where missing:
root@swift-storage-01:~# swift-init status all|grep ^No
No container-updater running
No account-auditor running
No object-auditor running
No object-expirer running
No container-auditor running
No account-reaper running
No container-sync running
No object-updater running
After this commit:
root@swift-storage-01:/etc/init# swift-init status all|grep ^No
No proxy-server running
No object-expirer running
It's OK for the proxy-server to be stopped since it's a storage
You only need to manage one object-expirer per cluster, so this not
place to manage it either. See:
Since pluginsync and storeconfigs settings are disabled in
some installs by default (Ubuntu being one of them), I believe
this will help newcomers to skip (some) false starts.
This commit contains several style related updates:
- aligns class parameters for readibility
- removes trailing class params for 2.6.x compat
- deletes accidentally checked in swp file