Before this fix the following services where missing:
root@swift-storage-01:~# swift-init status all|grep ^No
No container-updater running
No account-auditor running
No object-auditor running
No object-expirer running
No container-auditor running
No account-reaper running
No container-sync running
No object-updater running
After this commit:
root@swift-storage-01:/etc/init# swift-init status all|grep ^No
No proxy-server running
No object-expirer running
It's OK for the proxy-server to be stopped since it's a storage
You only need to manage one object-expirer per cluster, so this not
place to manage it either. See:
This code removes the authentication code that is
not using keystone.
I could not get the code to work when things were configured to
use keystone and found that the tests still worked if I removed the
In the current trunk PPA for oneiric (which is what
I am using for testing), the upstart files seem
to have a problem where they only will start the
swift servers if the file:
exists. Raised as issue: 931893
in Launchpad.
This commit adds puppet code to deploy custom
upstart scripts that have fixed this issue.