require 'spec_helper' describe 'swift::proxy' do describe 'without memcached being included' do it 'should raise an error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end # set os so memcache will not fail let :facts do {:operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu', :osfamily => 'Debian', :processorcount => 1, :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat', } end let :fragment_path do "/var/lib/puppet/concat/_etc_swift_proxy-server.conf/fragments/00_swift_proxy" end describe 'with proper dependencies' do let :pre_condition do "class { memcached: max_memory => 1} class { swift: swift_hash_suffix => string }" end describe 'without the proxy local network ip address being specified' do it "should fail" do expect { subject }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Must pass proxy_local_net_ip/) end end describe 'when proxy_local_net_ip is set' do let :params do {:proxy_local_net_ip => ''} end it { should contain_service('swift-proxy').with( {:ensure => 'running', :provider => 'upstart', :enable => true, :hasstatus => true, :subscribe => 'Concat[/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf]' } )} it { should contain_file('/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf').with( {:ensure => 'present', :owner => 'swift', :group => 'swift', :mode => '0660', } )} it 'should build the header file with all of the default contents' do verify_contents(subject, fragment_path, [ '[DEFAULT]', 'bind_port = 8080', "workers = #{facts[:processorcount]}", 'user = swift', 'log_name = swift', 'log_level = INFO', 'log_headers = False', 'log_address = /dev/log', '[pipeline:main]', 'pipeline = healthcheck cache tempauth proxy-server', '[app:proxy-server]', 'use = egg:swift#proxy', 'set log_name = proxy-server', 'set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL1', 'set log_level = INFO', 'set log_address = /dev/log', 'log_handoffs = true', 'allow_account_management = true', 'account_autocreate = true' ] ) end it { should contain_concat__fragment('swift_proxy').with_before( [ 'Class[Swift::Proxy::Healthcheck]', 'Class[Swift::Proxy::Cache]', 'Class[Swift::Proxy::Tempauth]' ] )} describe 'when more parameters are set' do let :params do { :proxy_local_net_ip => '', :port => '80', :workers => 3, :pipeline => ['swauth', 'proxy-server'], :allow_account_management => false, :account_autocreate => false, :log_level => 'DEBUG' } end it 'should build the header file with provided values' do verify_contents(subject, fragment_path, [ '[DEFAULT]', 'bind_port = 80', "workers = 3", 'user = swift', 'log_level = DEBUG', '[pipeline:main]', 'pipeline = swauth proxy-server', '[app:proxy-server]', 'use = egg:swift#proxy', 'allow_account_management = false', 'account_autocreate = false' ] ) end it { should contain_concat__fragment('swift_proxy').with_before( 'Class[Swift::Proxy::Swauth]' )} end describe 'when supplying bad values for parameters' do [:account_autocreate, :allow_account_management].each do |param| it "should fail when #{param} is not passed a boolean" do params[param] = 'false' expect { subject }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a boolean/) end end end end end end