require 'spec_helper' describe 'swift::storage::container' do let :facts do { :operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu', :osfamily => 'Debian' } end let :pre_condition do "class { 'ssh::server::install': } class { 'swift': swift_hash_suffix => 'foo' } class { 'swift::storage': storage_local_net_ip => '' }" end let :default_params do {:package_ensure => 'present'} end [{}, {:package_ensure => 'latest'} ].each do |param_set| describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do let :param_hash do default_params.merge(param_set) end let :params do param_set end it { should contain_swift__storage__generic('container').with_package_ensure(param_hash[:package_ensure]) } it 'should have some other services' do ['swift-container-updater', 'swift-container-auditor'].each do |service| should contain_service(service).with( :ensure => 'running', :enable => true, :provider => 'upstart', :require => 'Package[swift-container]' ) end should contain_service('swift-container-sync').with( :ensure => 'running', :enable => true, :provider => 'upstart', :require => ['File[/etc/init/swift-container-sync.conf]', 'File[/etc/init.d/swift-container-sync]'] ) should contain_file('/etc/init/swift-container-sync.conf').with( :source => 'puppet:///modules/swift/swift-container-sync.conf.upstart', :require => 'Package[swift-container]' ) should contain_file('/etc/init.d/swift-container-sync').with( :ensure => 'link', :target => '/lib/init/upstart-job' ) end end end describe 'on rhel' do let :facts do { :operatingsystem => 'RedHat', :osfamily => 'RedHat', :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat' } end it 'should have some support services' do ['swift-container-updater', 'swift-container-auditor'].each do |service| should contain_service(service).with( :name => "openstack-#{service}", :ensure => 'running', :enable => true, :require => 'Package[swift-container]' ) end end describe 'configuration file' do let :pre_condition do "class { 'ssh::server::install': } class { 'swift': swift_hash_suffix => 'foo' } class { 'swift::storage::all': storage_local_net_ip => '' }" end let :fragment_file do "/var/lib/puppet/concat/_etc_swift_container-server.conf/fragments/00_swift-container-6001" end it { should contain_file(fragment_file).with_content(/^allowed_sync_hosts =$/) } describe 'with allowed_sync_hosts' do let :params do { :allowed_sync_hosts => ['', '', ''], } end it { should contain_file(fragment_file).with_content(/^allowed_sync_hosts =,,$/) } end end end end