# == Class: swift::ringserver
# Used to create an rsync server to serve up the ring databases via rsync
# === Parameters
# [*local_net_ip*]
#   (required) ip address that the swift servers should bind to.
# [*max_connections*]
#   (optional) maximum connections to rsync server
#   Defaults to 5
# == Dependencies
#   Class['swift']
# == Examples
# == Authors
#   Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com
# == Copyright
# Copyright 2011 Puppetlabs Inc, unless otherwise noted.
class swift::ringserver(
  $max_connections = 5
) {

  Class['swift::ringbuilder'] -> Class['swift::ringserver']

  if !defined(Class['rsync::server']) {
    class { '::rsync::server':
      use_xinetd => true,
      address    => $local_net_ip,
      use_chroot => 'no',

  rsync::server::module { 'swift_server':
    path            => '/etc/swift',
    lock_file       => '/var/lock/swift_server.lock',
    uid             => 'swift',
    gid             => 'swift',
    max_connections => $max_connections,
    read_only       => true,