require 'spec_helper' describe 'swift::storage::all' do # TODO I am not testing the upstart code b/c it should be temporary let :pre_condition do "class { 'swift': swift_hash_suffix => 'changeme' } include ssh::server::install " end let :default_params do { :devices => '/srv/node', :object_port => '6000', :container_port => '6001', :account_port => '6002' } end describe 'when an internal network ip is not specified' do it 'should fail' do expect do subject end.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Must pass storage_local_net_ip/) end end [{ :storage_local_net_ip => '' }, { :devices => '/tmp/node', :storage_local_net_ip => '', :object_port => '7000', :container_port => '7001', :account_port => '7002' } ].each do |param_set| describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do let :param_hash do default_params.merge(param_set) end let :params do param_set end ['xfsprogs', 'parted'].each do |present_package| it { should contain_package(present_package).with_ensure('present') } end ['object', 'container', 'account'].each do |type| it { should contain_package("swift-#{type}").with_ensure('present') } it { should contain_service("swift-#{type}").with( {:provider => 'upstart', :ensure => 'running', :enable => true, :hasstatus => true, :subscribe => 'Service[rsync]'} )} it { should contain_file("/etc/swift/#{type}-server/").with( {:ensure => 'directory', :owner => 'swift', :group => 'swift'} )} end let :storage_server_defaults do {:devices => param_hash[:devices], :storage_local_net_ip => param_hash[:storage_local_net_ip] } end it { should contain_swift__storage__server(param_hash[:account_port]).with( {:type => 'account', :config_file_path => 'account-server.conf'}.merge(storage_server_defaults) )} it { should contain_swift__storage__server(param_hash[:object_port]).with( {:type => 'object', :config_file_path => 'object-server.conf'}.merge(storage_server_defaults) )} it { should contain_swift__storage__server(param_hash[:container_port]).with( {:type => 'container', :config_file_path => 'container-server.conf'}.merge(storage_server_defaults) )} it { should contain_class('rsync::server').with( {:use_xinetd => false, :address => param_hash[:storage_local_net_ip] } )} end end end