This commit adds some initial inline documentation of the manifests. It also performs some basic whitespace cleanup.
This is not ready to be used.
This is pre-beta code that is actively being developed.
It is currently being developed against swift trunk.
I am actively seeking users who understand that this code is in a pre-alpha state. Feel free to contact me (Dan Bode) at dan < at > puppetlabs com or bodepd < on > freenode.
Any feedback greatly appreciated.
Only been tested for a single node swift install http://swift.openstack.org/development_saio.html
Only been tested with tempauth
- Only tested on Ubuntu Natty
- Only tested against Puppet 2.7.9
- Only verified with Swift 1.4.6
module Dependencies
- https://github.com/bodepd/puppet-ssh (this should actaully depend on https://github.com/saz/puppet-ssh and can when pull request https://github.com/saz/puppet-ssh/pull/1 is merged)
- https://github.com/bodepd/puppet-rsync (there is a pull request to merge this into the parent repo: https://github.com/bodepd/puppet-rsync)
- https://github.com/saz/puppet-memcached
- https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib
This module is intended to complement other openstack modules and will eventually be a submodule of the openstack set of modules:
class that sets up base packages and the base /etc/swift/swift.conf.
class { 'swift':
# shared salt used when hashing ring mappings
swift_hash_suffix => 'shared_secret',
class that installs and configures the swift proxy server
class { 'swift::proxy':
# specifies that account should be automatically created
# this should be set to true when tempauth is used
account_autocreate = true,
#proxy_local_net_ip = '',
#proxy_port = '11211',
# auth type defaults to tempauth - this is the
# only auth that has been tested
#auth_type = 'tempauth',
class that sets up all of the configuration and dependencies for swift storage instances
class { 'swift::storage':
# address that swift should bind to
storage_local_net_ip => ''
defined resource type that can be used to indicate a specific device to be managed
This will configure an rsync server instance and swift storage instance to manage the device (which basically maps port to device)
# the title for this device is the port where it
# will be hosted
swift::storage::device { '6010':
# the type of device (account/object/container)
type => 'object',
# directory where device is mounted
devices => '/srv/node',
# address to bind to
storage_local_net_ip => ''
This defined resource was created to test swift by creating loopback devices that can be used for testing
It creates a partition of size [$seek] at base_dir/[$name] using dd with [$byte_size], formats it to be an xfs filesystem which is mounted at /src/node/[$name]
It then creates swift::storage::devices for each device type using the title as the 3rd digit of a four digit port number :60[digit][role] (object = 0, container = 1, account = 2)
swift::storage::loopback { '1':
base_dir => '/srv/loopback-device',
mnt_base_dir => '/srv/node',
byte_size => '1024',
seek => '25000',
storage_local_net_ip => ''
class that knows how to build rings. This only exists as a vague idea
the ring building will like be built as a combination of native types (for adding the drives) and defined types for rebalancing
For an example of how to use this module to build out a single node swift cluster, you can try running puppet apply examples/site.pp (feel free to look at the code to see how to use this module)
There are a few known issues with this code:
- for some reason the ringbuilding script does not run after the manifest fails, you still need to login and run bash /etc/swift/ringbuilder.sh and start swift-proxy
- once swift is running, you can test the swift instance with the ruby script stored in files/swift_tester.rb
This example can be used as follows:
set up pre-reqs
puppet apply examples/pre.pp
install all swift components on a single node
puppet apply examples/all.pp
Verifying installation
This module also comes with a simple Ruby script that validates rather or not your swift cluster is functional.
The script can be run as:
ruby /files/swift_tester.rb