and replace hard-codes by definition in params.pp . Change-Id: I7bb32a93bbd0299917f6e7e13b84e808e179e5cc
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# follow the instructions for creating a loopback device
# for storage from: https://docs.openstack.org/swift/latest/development_saio.html
# creates a managed loopback interface
# - creates a file
# - formats the file to be an xfs device and mounts it as a loopback device at /srv/node/$name
# - sets up each mount point as a swift endpoint
# === Parameters:
# [*base_dir*]
# (optional) The directory where the flat files will be stored that house
# the file system to be loop back mounted.
# Defaults to '/dev', assumes local disk devices
# [*mnt_base_dir*]
# (optional) The directory where the flat files that store the file system
# to be loop back mounted are actually mounted at.
# Defaults to '/srv/node', base directory where disks are mounted to
# [*byte_size*]
# (optional) The byte size that dd uses when it creates the file system.
# Defaults to '1024', block size for the disk. For very large partitions, this should be larger
# [*seek*]
# (optional) The size of the file system that will be created.
# Defaults to 25000.
# [*fstype*]
# (optional) The filesystem type.
# Defaults to 'xfs'.
define swift::storage::loopback(
$base_dir = '/srv/loopback-device',
$mnt_base_dir = '/srv/node',
$byte_size = '1024',
$seek = '25000',
$fstype = 'xfs'
) {
include swift::deps
include swift::params
if(!defined(File[$base_dir])) {
file { $base_dir:
ensure => directory,
require => Anchor['swift::config::begin'],
before => Anchor['swift::config::end'],
if(!defined(File[$mnt_base_dir])) {
file { $mnt_base_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $::swift::params::user,
group => $::swift::params::group,
require => Anchor['swift::config::begin'],
before => Anchor['swift::config::end'],
exec { "create_partition-${name}":
command => "dd if=/dev/zero of=${base_dir}/${name} bs=${byte_size} count=0 seek=${seek}",
path => ['/usr/bin/', '/bin'],
unless => "test -f ${base_dir}/${name}",
before => Anchor['swift::config::end'],
File<| title == $base_dir |> ~> Exec<| title == "create_partition-${name}" |>
$storage_params = {
device => "${base_dir}/${name}",
mnt_base_dir => $mnt_base_dir,
byte_size => $byte_size,
subscribe => Exec["create_partition-${name}"],
loopback => true,
# NOTE(mgagne) Puppet does not allow hash keys to be bare variables.
# Keep double-quotes to avoid parse errors.
$device_config_hash = { "${name}" => $storage_params }
create_resources("swift::storage::${fstype}", $device_config_hash)