This class generates a script to test swift installation but the script has quite outdated implementation. It still required Keystone v2 API which was already removed from Keystone, so no longer works. Because verification of the deployment is out of scope of deployment tools, the class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Change-Id: I0409afde6d63d5c1b7b7193334545278faab4b0b
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# == Class: swift::test_file
# Deploys a file that can be used to verify your swift installation.
# === Parameters
# [*password*]
# password used with tenant/user combination against auth_server. Required.
# [*auth_server*]
# server hosting keystone. Optional. Defaults to
# [*tenant*]
# tenant used for authentication (required for retrieval of catalog). Optional. Defaults to openstack.
# [*user*]
# authenticated user. Optional. Defaults to 'admin'.
# === Examples
# class { 'swift::test_file':
# auth_server => '',
# tenant => 'services',
# user => 'swift',
# password => 'admin_password',
# }
# === Authors
# Dan Bode <bodepd@gmail.com>
# === Copyright
# Copyright 2011 PuppetLabs.
class swift::test_file (
$auth_server = '',
$tenant = 'openstack',
$user = 'admin'
) {
include swift::deps
warning('The swift::test_file class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.')
file { '/tmp/swift_test_file.rb':
mode => '0755',
content => template('swift/swift_keystone_test.erb'),
tag => 'swift-file',