Tobias Urdin 0868b32e79 Convert all class usage to relative names
Change-Id: I0335cf49c2ce55659c49325f2c0028f1af93705d
2019-12-08 23:21:35 +01:00

48 lines
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# == Class: swift::test_file
# Deploys a file that can be used to verify your swift installation.
# === Parameters
# [*password*]
# password used with tenant/user combination against auth_server. Required.
# [*auth_server*]
# server hosting keystone. Optional. Defaults to
# [*tenant*]
# tenant used for authentication (required for retrieval of catalog). Optional. Defaults to openstack.
# [*user*]
# authenticated user. Optional. Defaults to 'admin'.
# === Examples
# class { 'swift::test_file':
# auth_server => '',
# tenant => 'services',
# user => 'swift',
# password => 'admin_password',
# }
# === Authors
# Dan Bode <bodepd@gmail.com>
# === Copyright
# Copyright 2011 PuppetLabs.
class swift::test_file (
$auth_server = '',
$tenant = 'openstack',
$user = 'admin'
) {
include swift::deps
file { '/tmp/swift_test_file.rb':
mode => '0755',
content => template('swift/swift_keystone_test.erb'),
tag => 'swift-file',