Tobias Urdin 0868b32e79 Convert all class usage to relative names
Change-Id: I0335cf49c2ce55659c49325f2c0028f1af93705d
2019-12-08 23:21:35 +01:00

134 lines
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# == class: swift::proxy::tempauth
# This class manages tempauth middleware
# [*reseller_prefix*]
# The naming scope for the auth service. Swift storage accounts and
# auth tokens will begin with this prefix.
# Optional. Defaults to 'undef'
# Example: 'AUTH'.
# [*auth_prefix*]
# The HTTP request path prefix for the auth service. Swift itself
# reserves anything beginning with the letter v.
# Optional. Defaults to 'undef'
# Example: '/auth/'
# [*token_life*]
# The number of seconds a token is valid.
# Optional. Integer value. Defaults to 'undef'.
# Example: 81600
# [*allow_overrides*]
# Allows middleware higher in the WSGI pipeline to override auth
# processing
# Optional. Boolean. Defaults to 'undef'
# Example: true
# [*storage_url_scheme*]
# Scheme to return with storage urls: http, https, or default
# Optional. Possible values: http, https or default. Defaults to 'undef'
# [*account_user_list*]
# List all the accounts/users you want in an array of hash format.
# 'user' and 'account' should not include '_' (TODO).
# Defaults to:
# account_user_list => [
# {
# 'user' => 'admin',
# 'account' => 'admin',
# 'key' => 'admin',
# 'groups' => [ 'admin', 'reseller_admin' ],
# }
# ]
# Example of two account/user:
# account_user_list => [
# {
# 'user' => 'admin',
# 'account' => 'admin',
# 'key' => 'admin',
# 'groups' => [ 'admin', 'reseller_admin' ],
# },
# {
# 'user' => 'foo',
# 'account' => 'bar',
# 'key' => 'pass',
# 'groups' => [],
# },
# ]
# it will gerenate these lines
# user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
# user_bar_foo = pass
# == Authors
# Guilherme Maluf Balzana <guimalufb@gmail.com>
class swift::proxy::tempauth (
$account_user_list = [
'user' => 'admin',
'account' => 'admin',
'key' => 'admin',
'groups' => [ 'admin', 'reseller_admin' ],
$reseller_prefix = undef,
$auth_prefix = undef,
$token_life = undef,
$allow_overrides = undef,
$storage_url_scheme = undef,
) {
include swift::deps
validate_legacy(Array, 'validate_array', $account_user_list)
if ($reseller_prefix) {
validate_legacy(String, 'validate_string', $reseller_prefix)
$reseller_prefix_upcase = upcase($reseller_prefix)
if ($token_life) {
validate_legacy(Integer, 'validate_integer', $token_life)
if ($auth_prefix) {
validate_legacy(Pattern[/\/(.*)+\//], 'validate_re', $auth_prefix, ['\/(.*)+\/'])
if ($allow_overrides) {
validate_legacy(Boolean, 'validate_bool', $allow_overrides)
if ($storage_url_scheme) {
validate_legacy(Enum['http', 'https', 'default'], 'validate_re',
$storage_url_scheme, [['http', 'https', 'default']])
swift_proxy_config {
'filter:tempauth/use': value => 'egg:swift#tempauth';
'filter:tempauth/reseller_prefix': value => $reseller_prefix_upcase;
'filter:tempauth/token_life': value => $token_life;
'filter:tempauth/auth_prefix': value => $auth_prefix;
'filter:tempauth/storage_url_scheme': value => $storage_url_scheme;
# tempauth account_users end up in the following format
# user_<account>_<user> = <key> .<group1> .<groupx>
# ex: user_admin_admin=admin .admin .reseller_admin
# account_data is an array with each element containing a single account string:
# ex [user_<account>_<user>, <key> .<group1> .<groupx>]
if $account_user_list {
$account_data = split(inline_template(
"<% @account_user_list.each do |user| %>\
user_<%= user['account'] %>_<%= user['user'] %>,\
<%= user['key'] %> <%= user['groups'].map { |g| '.' + g }.join(' ') %> ; <% end %>"),';')
# write each temauth account line to file
# TODO replace/simplify with iterators once all supported puppet versions support them.
swift::proxy::tempauth_account { $account_data: }