Fix bug 1170711 notifies to proxy services on RHEL were not causing a restart of the service Change-Id: Ia2c4df9135daa80380c4aec0627605d5afb88386
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# TODO - assumes that proxy server is always a memcached server
# TODO - the full list of all things that can be configured is here
# https://github.com/openstack/swift/tree/master/swift/common/middleware
# Installs and configures the swift proxy node.
# [*Parameters*]
# [*proxy_local_net_ip*] The address that the proxy will bind to.
# Required.
# [*port*] The port to which the proxy server will bind.
# Optional. Defaults to 8080.
# [*pipeline*] The list of elements of the swift proxy pipeline.
# Currently supports healthcheck, cache, proxy-server, and
# one of the following auth_types: tempauth, swauth, keystone.
# Each of the specified elements also need to be declared externally
# as a puppet class with the exception of proxy-server.
# Optional. Defaults to ['healthcheck', 'cache', 'tempauth', 'proxy-server']
# [*workers*] Number of threads to process requests.
# Optional. Defaults to the number of processors.
# [*allow_account_management*]
# Rather or not requests through this proxy can create and
# delete accounts. Optional. Defaults to true.
# [*account_autocreate*] Rather accounts should automatically be created.
# Has to be set to true for tempauth. Optional. Defaults to true.
# [*package_ensure*] Ensure state of the swift proxy package.
# Optional. Defaults to present.
# == Examples
# == Authors
# Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com
# == Copyright
# Copyright 2011 Puppetlabs Inc, unless otherwise noted.
class swift::proxy(
$port = '8080',
$pipeline = ['healthcheck', 'cache', 'tempauth', 'proxy-server'],
$workers = $::processorcount,
$allow_account_management = true,
$account_autocreate = true,
$log_level = 'INFO',
$package_ensure = 'present'
) {
include 'swift::params'
include 'concat::setup'
if(member($pipeline, 'tempauth')) {
$auth_type = 'tempauth'
} elsif(member($pipeline, 'swauth')) {
$auth_type = 'swauth'
} elsif(member($pipeline, 'keystone')) {
$auth_type = 'keystone'
} else {
warning('no auth type provided in the pipeline')
if(! member($pipeline, 'proxy-server')) {
warning("swift storage server ${type} must specify ${type}-server")
if($auth_type == 'tempauth' and ! $account_autocreate ){
fail("\$account_autocreate must be set to true when auth type is tempauth")
package { 'swift-proxy':
name => $::swift::params::proxy_package_name,
ensure => $package_ensure,
concat { '/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf':
owner => 'swift',
group => 'swift',
mode => '0660',
require => Package['swift-proxy'],
$required_classes = split(
(pipeline - ['proxy-server']).collect do |x|
'swift::proxy::' + x
%>"), ',')
# you can now add your custom fragments at the user level
concat::fragment { 'swift_proxy':
target => "/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf",
content => template('swift/proxy-server.conf.erb'),
order => '00',
# require classes for each of the elements of the pipeline
# this is to ensure the user gets reasonable elements if he
# does not specify the backends for every specified element of
# the pipeline
before => Class[$required_classes],
service { 'swift-proxy':
name => $::swift::params::proxy_service_name,
ensure => running,
enable => true,
provider => $::swift::params::service_provider,
hasstatus => true,
subscribe => Concat['/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf'],