Mathieu Gagné 163c7b1abc Use boolean instead of string
Change-Id: Ieb768a79d6b4fd4f574b71c51e64f828f8d3316b
2013-05-09 23:21:06 -04:00

79 lines
2.3 KiB

# I am not sure if this is the right name
# - should it be device?
# name - is going to be port
define swift::storage::server(
$devices = '/srv/node',
$owner = 'swift',
$group = 'swift',
$max_connections = 25,
$pipeline = ["${type}-server"],
$mount_check = false,
$user = 'swift',
$workers = '1',
$replicator_concurrency = $::processorcount,
$updater_concurrency = $::processorcount,
$reaper_concurrency = $::processorcount,
$log_facility = "LOG_LOCAL2",
# this parameters needs to be specified after type and name
$config_file_path = "${type}-server/${name}.conf"
) {
# TODO if array does not include type-server, warn
(is_array($pipeline) and ! member($pipeline, "${type}-server")) or
"$pipeline" != "${type}-server"
) {
warning("swift storage server ${type} must specify ${type}-server")
include "swift::storage::$type"
include 'concat::setup'
validate_re($name, '^\d+$')
validate_re($type, '^object|container|account$')
# TODO - validate that name is an integer
$bind_port = $name
rsync::server::module { "${type}":
path => $devices,
lock_file => "/var/lock/${type}.lock",
uid => $owner,
gid => $group,
max_connections => $max_connections,
read_only => false,
concat { "/etc/swift/${config_file_path}":
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
notify => Service["swift-${type}", "swift-${type}-replicator"],
mode => 640,
$required_middlewares = split(
(pipeline - ['${type}-server']).collect do |x|
'Swift::Storage::Filter::' + x + '[${type}]'
%>"), ',')
# you can now add your custom fragments at the user level
concat::fragment { "swift-${type}-${name}":
target => "/etc/swift/${config_file_path}",
content => template("swift/${type}-server.conf.erb"),
order => '00',
# require classes for each of the elements of the pipeline
# this is to ensure the user gets reasonable elements if he
# does not specify the backends for every specified element of
# the pipeline
before => $required_middlewares,