Merge "[train-only] Fix certmonger novnc_proxy key files data race" into stable/train
This commit is contained in:
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ define tripleo::certmonger::libvirt_vnc (
timeout => 60,
path => '/usr/bin:/bin',
-> exec { "Change permissions and owner of ${service_key}":
command => "chgrp qemu ${service_key} && chmod 0640 ${service_key}",
-> exec { "Change permissions and owner of ${service_key} and ${service_certificate}":
command => "chgrp qemu ${service_key} && chmod 0640 ${service_key} && chgrp qemu ${service_certificate} && chmod 0640 ${service_certificate}", # lint:ignore:140chars
refreshonly => true,
path => '/usr/bin:/bin',
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ define tripleo::certmonger::libvirt_vnc (
mode => '0644'
Certmonger_certificate[$name] ~> Exec["Change permissions and owner of ${service_key}"]
Certmonger_certificate[$name] ~> Exec["Change permissions and owner of ${service_key} and ${service_certificate}"]
Exec["Purge ${service_certificate}"] -> File[$service_certificate] ~> Service<| title == $notify_service_real |>
File[$service_key] ~> Service<| title == $notify_service_real |>
@ -71,7 +71,17 @@ class tripleo::certmonger::novnc_proxy (
notify => Service['certmonger']
certmonger_certificate { 'novnc-proxy' :
file { $service_key :
group => 'qemu',
mode => '0640',
audit => [content],
~> exec { "Purge ${service_certificate}" :
command => "rm -f ${service_certificate}",
refreshonly => true,
path => '/usr/bin:/bin',
-> certmonger_certificate { 'novnc-proxy' :
ensure => 'present',
certfile => $service_certificate,
keyfile => $service_key,
@ -87,15 +97,27 @@ class tripleo::certmonger::novnc_proxy (
subscribe => File[$service_key],
file { $service_certificate :
require => Certmonger_certificate['novnc-proxy'],
mode => '0644'
exec { $service_certificate :
require => Certmonger_certificate['novnc-proxy'],
command => "test -f ${service_certificate}",
unless => "test -f ${service_certificate}",
tries => 60,
try_sleep => 1,
timeout => 60,
path => '/usr/bin:/bin',
file { $service_key :
mode => '0640',
audit => [content],
-> exec { "Change permissions and owner of ${service_key} and ${service_certificate}":
command => "chgrp qemu ${service_key} && chmod 0640 ${service_key} && chgrp qemu ${service_certificate} && chmod 0640 ${service_certificate}", # lint:ignore:140chars
refreshonly => true,
path => '/usr/bin:/bin',
File[$service_certificate] ~> Service<| title == $notify_service_real |>
file { $service_certificate :
group => 'qemu',
mode => '0644'
Certmonger_certificate['novnc-proxy'] ~> Exec["Change permissions and owner of ${service_key} and ${service_certificate}"]
Exec["Purge ${service_certificate}"] -> File[$service_certificate] ~> Service<| title == $notify_service_real |>
File[$service_key] ~> Service<| title == $notify_service_real |>
Reference in New Issue
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