diff --git a/manifests/profile/base/logging/logrotate.pp b/manifests/profile/base/logging/logrotate.pp
index f66dda66e..172b560f5 100644
--- a/manifests/profile/base/logging/logrotate.pp
+++ b/manifests/profile/base/logging/logrotate.pp
@@ -62,10 +62,18 @@
 #    (optional) Defaults to True.
 #    Configures the logrotate compress parameter.
+#  [*minsize*]
+#    (optional) Defaults to '1'.
+#    Configures the logrotate minsize parameter.
 #  [*maxsize*]
 #    (optional) Defaults to '10M'.
 #    Configures the logrotate maxsize parameter.
+#  [*notifempty*]
+#    (optional) Defaults to True.
+#    Configures the logrotate notifempty parameter.
 #  [*rotation*]
 #    (optional) Defaults to 'daily'.
 #    Configures the logrotate rotation interval.
@@ -111,7 +119,9 @@ class tripleo::profile::base::logging::logrotate (
   $delaycompress    = true,
   $compress         = true,
   $rotation         = 'daily',
+  $minsize          = 1,
   $maxsize          = '10M',
+  $notifempty       = true,
   $rotate           = 14,
   $purge_after_days = 14,
   $dateext          = undef,
diff --git a/templates/logrotate/containers_logrotate.conf.erb b/templates/logrotate/containers_logrotate.conf.erb
index a80ce6efa..d5a786700 100644
--- a/templates/logrotate/containers_logrotate.conf.erb
+++ b/templates/logrotate/containers_logrotate.conf.erb
@@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
   maxage <%= @purge_after_days %>
   # minsize 1 is required for GDPR compliance, all files in
   # /var/log/containers not managed with logrotate will be purged!
-  minsize 1
+  minsize <%= @minsize %>
   # Do not use size as it's not compatible with time-based rotation rules
   # required for GDPR compliance.
   maxsize <%= @maxsize %>
+<%- if @notifempty %>
+<%- end %>
 <%- if @copytruncate %>
 <%- end %>