Remove unused tripleo::network::os_net_config

This class was used to run os-net-config in undercloud node, but since
we containerized undercloud we use ansible instead of puppet to run
the command.

Change-Id: Id8036e9eed8c2f1ba6df37dd58f85e03fcfb6c30
This commit is contained in:
Takashi Kajinami 2020-12-31 11:57:20 +09:00
parent 197c12e6aa
commit 5e51e1519a

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: tripleo::network::os_net_config
# Configure os-net-config for TripleO.
class tripleo::network::os_net_config {
include vswitch::ovs
ensure_packages('os-net-config', { ensure => present })
exec { 'os-net-config':
command => '/bin/os-net-config -c /etc/os-net-config/config.json -v --detailed-exit-codes',
returns => [0, 2],
require => [
onlyif => "/bin/grep -q '[^[:space:]]' /etc/os-net-config/config.json",
notify => Exec['trigger-keepalived-restart'],
# By modifying the keepalived.conf file we ensure that puppet will
# trigger a restart of keepalived during the main stage. Adding back
# any lost conf during the os-net-config step.
exec { 'trigger-keepalived-restart':
command => '/usr/bin/echo "# Restart keepalived" >> /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf',
path => '/usr/bin:/bin',
refreshonly => true,
# Only if keepalived is installed
onlyif => 'test -e /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf',