Enable TLS in the internal network for Panko API

This optionally enables TLS for Panko API in the internal network.
If internal TLS is enabled, each node that is serving the Panko API
service will use certmonger to request its certificate.

bp tls-via-certmonger

Change-Id: Ie9be7ce19601435b1b83b4ba58d9c7e8d53f23ba
This commit is contained in:
Juan Antonio Osorio Robles 2016-11-25 08:51:22 +02:00
parent 7787653c89
commit 992a13a3e4

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@ -18,18 +18,69 @@
# === Parameters
# [*certificates_specs*]
# (Optional) The specifications to give to certmonger for the certificate(s)
# it will create.
# Example with hiera:
# apache_certificates_specs:
# httpd-internal_api:
# hostname: <overcloud controller fqdn>
# service_certificate: <service certificate path>
# service_key: <service key path>
# principal: "haproxy/<overcloud controller fqdn>"
# Defaults to hiera('apache_certificate_specs', {}).
# [*enable_internal_tls*]
# (Optional) Whether TLS in the internal network is enabled or not.
# Defaults to hiera('enable_internal_tls', false)
# [*generate_service_certificates*]
# (Optional) Whether or not certmonger will generate certificates for
# HAProxy. This could be as many as specified by the $certificates_specs
# variable.
# Note that this doesn't configure the certificates in haproxy, it merely
# creates the certificates.
# Defaults to hiera('generate_service_certificate', false).
# [*panko_network*]
# (Optional) The network name where the panko endpoint is listening on.
# This is set by t-h-t.
# Defaults to hiera('panko_api_network', undef)
# [*step*]
# (Optional) The current step in deployment. See tripleo-heat-templates
# for more details.
# Defaults to hiera('step')
class tripleo::profile::base::panko::api (
$step = hiera('step'),
$certificates_specs = hiera('apache_certificates_specs', {}),
$enable_internal_tls = hiera('enable_internal_tls', false),
$generate_service_certificates = hiera('generate_service_certificates', false),
$panko_network = hiera('panko_api_network', undef),
$step = hiera('step'),
) {
include ::tripleo::profile::base::panko
if $enable_internal_tls {
if $generate_service_certificates {
ensure_resources('tripleo::certmonger::httpd', $certificates_specs)
if !$panko_network {
fail('panko_api_network is not set in the hieradata.')
$tls_certfile = $certificates_specs["httpd-${panko_network}"]['service_certificate']
$tls_keyfile = $certificates_specs["httpd-${panko_network}"]['service_key']
} else {
$tls_certfile = undef
$tls_keyfile = undef
if $step >= 4 {
include ::panko::api
include ::panko::wsgi::apache
class { '::panko::wsgi::apache':
ssl_cert => $tls_certfile,
ssl_key => $tls_keyfile,