Merge "Fix Redis TLS setup, including replication traffic"
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: tripleo::certmonger::redis
# Request a certificate for RabbitMQ and do the necessary setup.
# === Parameters
# [*hostname*]
# The hostname of the node. this will be set in the CN of the certificate.
# [*service_certificate*]
# The path to the certificate that will be used for TLS in this service.
# [*service_key*]
# The path to the key that will be used for TLS in this service.
# [*certmonger_ca*]
# (Optional) The CA that certmonger will use to generate the certificates.
# Defaults to hiera('certmonger_ca', 'local').
# [*postsave_cmd*]
# (Optional) Specifies the command to execute after requesting a certificate.
# If nothing is given, it will default to: "systemctl restart ${service name}"
# Defaults to undef.
# [*principal*]
# (Optional) The service principal that is set for the service in kerberos.
# Defaults to undef
class tripleo::certmonger::redis (
$certmonger_ca = hiera('certmonger_ca', 'local'),
$postsave_cmd = undef,
$principal = undef,
) {
include ::certmonger
certmonger_certificate { 'redis' :
ensure => 'present',
certfile => $service_certificate,
keyfile => $service_key,
hostname => $hostname,
dnsname => $hostname,
principal => $principal,
postsave_cmd => $postsave_cmd,
ca => $certmonger_ca,
wait => true,
require => Class['::certmonger'],
file { $service_certificate :
require => Certmonger_certificate['redis'],
file { $service_key :
require => Certmonger_certificate['redis'],
@ -1356,11 +1356,19 @@ class tripleo::haproxy (
if $redis {
if $redis_password {
$redis_tcp_check_options = ["send AUTH\\ ${redis_password}\\r\\n"]
if $enable_internal_tls {
$redis_tcp_check_ssl_options = ['connect ssl']
$redis_ssl_member_options = ['check-ssl', "ca-file ${ca_bundle}"]
} else {
$redis_tcp_check_options = []
$redis_tcp_check_ssl_options = []
$redis_ssl_member_options = []
if $redis_password {
$redis_tcp_check_password_options = ["send AUTH\\ ${redis_password}\\r\\n"]
} else {
$redis_tcp_check_password_options = []
$redis_tcp_check_options = union($redis_tcp_check_ssl_options, $redis_tcp_check_password_options)
haproxy::listen { 'redis':
bind => $redis_bind_opts,
options => {
@ -1380,7 +1388,8 @@ class tripleo::haproxy (
ports => '6379',
ipaddresses => hiera('redis_node_ips', $controller_hosts_real),
server_names => hiera('redis_node_names', $controller_hosts_names_real),
options => union($haproxy_member_options, ['on-marked-down shutdown-sessions']),
options => union($haproxy_member_options, ['on-marked-down shutdown-sessions'], $redis_ssl_member_options),
verifyhost => false,
if $manage_firewall {
include ::tripleo::firewall
@ -18,20 +18,30 @@
# === Parameters
# [*enable_internal_tls*]
# (Optional) Whether TLS in the internal network is enabled or not.
# Defaults to hiera('enable_internal_tls', false)
# [*step*]
# (Optional) The current step in deployment. See tripleo-heat-templates
# for more details.
# Defaults to hiera('step')
class tripleo::profile::base::aodh::evaluator (
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$enable_internal_tls = hiera('enable_internal_tls', false),
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
) {
include ::tripleo::profile::base::aodh
if $enable_internal_tls {
$tls_query_param = '?ssl=true'
} else {
$tls_query_param = ''
if $step >= 4 {
class { '::aodh::evaluator':
coordination_url => join(['redis://:', hiera('aodh_redis_password'), '@', normalize_ip_for_uri(hiera('redis_vip')), ':6379/']),
coordination_url => join(['redis://:', hiera('aodh_redis_password'), '@', normalize_ip_for_uri(hiera('redis_vip')), ':6379/', $tls_query_param]),
@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
# (Optional) Use compute namespace for polling agent.
# Defaults to false.
# [*enable_internal_tls*]
# (Optional) Whether TLS in the internal network is enabled or not.
# Defaults to hiera('enable_internal_tls', false)
# [*ipmi_namespace*]
# (Optional) Use ipmi namespace for polling agent.
# Defaults to false.
@ -44,6 +48,7 @@
class tripleo::profile::base::ceilometer::agent::polling (
$central_namespace = hiera('central_namespace', false),
$compute_namespace = hiera('compute_namespace', false),
$enable_internal_tls = hiera('enable_internal_tls', false),
$ipmi_namespace = hiera('ipmi_namespace', false),
$ceilometer_redis_password = hiera('ceilometer_redis_password', undef),
$redis_vip = hiera('redis_vip', undef),
@ -55,13 +60,19 @@ class tripleo::profile::base::ceilometer::agent::polling (
include ::tripleo::profile::base::ceilometer::upgrade
if $enable_internal_tls {
$tls_query_param = '?ssl=true'
} else {
$tls_query_param = ''
if $step >= 4 {
include ::ceilometer::agent::auth
class { '::ceilometer::agent::polling':
central_namespace => $central_namespace,
compute_namespace => $compute_namespace,
ipmi_namespace => $ipmi_namespace,
coordination_url => join(['redis://:', $ceilometer_redis_password, '@', normalize_ip_for_uri($redis_vip), ':6379/']),
coordination_url => join(['redis://:', $ceilometer_redis_password, '@', normalize_ip_for_uri($redis_vip), ':6379/', $tls_query_param]),
@ -78,6 +78,11 @@
# it will create.
# Defaults to hiera('tripleo::profile::base::rabbitmq::certificate_specs', {}).
# [*redis_certificate_specs*]
# (Optional) The specifications to give to certmonger for the certificate(s)
# it will create.
# Defaults to hiera('redis_certificate_specs', {}).
# [*etcd_certificate_specs*]
# (Optional) The specifications to give to certmonger for the certificate(s)
# it will create.
@ -108,6 +113,7 @@ class tripleo::profile::base::certmonger_user (
$mongodb_certificate_specs = hiera('mongodb_certificate_specs',{}),
$mysql_certificate_specs = hiera('tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::certificate_specs', {}),
$rabbitmq_certificate_specs = hiera('tripleo::profile::base::rabbitmq::certificate_specs', {}),
$redis_certificate_specs = hiera('redis_certificate_specs', {}),
$etcd_certificate_specs = hiera('tripleo::profile::base::etcd::certificate_specs', {}),
$odl_certificate_specs = hiera('tripleo::profile::base::neutron::opendaylight::certificate_specs', {}),
$ovs_certificate_specs = hiera('tripleo::profile::base::neutron::plugins::ovs::opendaylight::certificate_specs', {}),
@ -155,6 +161,9 @@ class tripleo::profile::base::certmonger_user (
unless empty($rabbitmq_certificate_specs) {
ensure_resource('class', 'tripleo::certmonger::rabbitmq', $rabbitmq_certificate_specs)
unless empty($redis_certificate_specs) {
ensure_resource('class', 'tripleo::certmonger::redis', $redis_certificate_specs)
unless empty($etcd_certificate_specs) {
ensure_resource('class', 'tripleo::certmonger::etcd', $etcd_certificate_specs)
@ -22,6 +22,26 @@
# (Optional) Hostname of Redis master
# Defaults to hiera('bootstrap_nodeid')
# [*certificate_specs*]
# (Optional) The specifications to give to certmonger for the certificate(s)
# it will create.
# Example with hiera:
# redis_certificate_specs:
# hostname: <overcloud controller fqdn>
# service_certificate: <service certificate path>
# service_key: <service key path>
# principal: "haproxy/<overcloud controller fqdn>"
# Defaults to hiera('redis_certificate_specs', {}).
# [*enable_internal_tls*]
# (Optional) Whether TLS in the internal network is enabled or not.
# Defaults to hiera('enable_internal_tls', false)
# [*redis_network*]
# (Optional) The network name where the redis endpoint is listening on.
# This is set by t-h-t.
# Defaults to hiera('redis_network', undef)
# [*redis_node_ips*]
# (Optional) List of Redis node ips
# Defaults to hiera('redis_node_ips')
@ -31,12 +51,57 @@
# for more details.
# Defaults to hiera('step')
# [*tls_proxy_bind_ip*]
# IP on which the TLS proxy will listen on. Required only if
# enable_internal_tls is set.
# Defaults to undef
# [*tls_proxy_fqdn*]
# fqdn on which the tls proxy will listen on. required only used if
# enable_internal_tls is set.
# defaults to undef
# [*tls_proxy_port*]
# port on which the tls proxy will listen on. Only used if
# enable_internal_tls is set.
# defaults to 6379
class tripleo::profile::base::database::redis (
$bootstrap_nodeid = hiera('bootstrap_nodeid'),
$redis_node_ips = hiera('redis_node_ips'),
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$bootstrap_nodeid = hiera('bootstrap_nodeid'),
$certificate_specs = hiera('redis_certificate_specs', {}),
$enable_internal_tls = hiera('enable_internal_tls', false),
$redis_network = hiera('redis_network', undef),
$redis_node_ips = hiera('redis_node_ips'),
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$tls_proxy_bind_ip = undef,
$tls_proxy_fqdn = undef,
$tls_proxy_port = 6379,
) {
if $step >= 2 {
if $enable_internal_tls {
if !$redis_network {
fail('redis_network is not set in the hieradata.')
if !$tls_proxy_bind_ip {
fail('tls_proxy_bind_ip is not set in the hieradata.')
if !$tls_proxy_fqdn {
fail('tls_proxy_fqdn is required if internal TLS is enabled.')
$tls_certfile = $certificate_specs['service_certificate']
$tls_keyfile = $certificate_specs['service_key']
include ::tripleo::stunnel
::tripleo::stunnel::service_proxy { 'redis':
accept_host => $tls_proxy_bind_ip,
accept_port => $tls_proxy_port,
connect_port => $tls_proxy_port,
certificate => $tls_certfile,
key => $tls_keyfile,
notify => Class['::redis'],
if downcase($bootstrap_nodeid) == $::hostname {
$slaveof = undef
} else {
@ -94,9 +94,11 @@ class tripleo::profile::base::gnocchi::api (
$tls_certfile = $certificates_specs["httpd-${gnocchi_network}"]['service_certificate']
$tls_keyfile = $certificates_specs["httpd-${gnocchi_network}"]['service_key']
$tls_query_param = '?ssl=true'
} else {
$tls_certfile = undef
$tls_keyfile = undef
$tls_query_param = ''
if $step >= 4 or ($step >= 3 and $sync_db) {
@ -122,12 +124,12 @@ class tripleo::profile::base::gnocchi::api (
class { '::gnocchi::storage':
coordination_url => join(['redis://:', $gnocchi_redis_password, '@', normalize_ip_for_uri($redis_vip), ':6379/']),
coordination_url => join(['redis://:', $gnocchi_redis_password, '@', normalize_ip_for_uri($redis_vip), ':6379/', $tls_query_param]),
if $incoming_storage_driver == 'redis' {
class { '::gnocchi::storage::incoming::redis':
redis_url => join(['redis://:', $gnocchi_redis_password, '@', normalize_ip_for_uri($redis_vip), ':6379/']),
redis_url => join(['redis://:', $gnocchi_redis_password, '@', normalize_ip_for_uri($redis_vip), ':6379/', $tls_query_param]),
@ -22,6 +22,21 @@
# (Optional) The hostname of the node responsible for bootstrapping tasks
# Defaults to hiera('redis_short_bootstrap_node_name')
# [*certificate_specs*]
# (Optional) The specifications to give to certmonger for the certificate(s)
# it will create.
# Example with hiera:
# redis_certificate_specs:
# hostname: <overcloud controller fqdn>
# service_certificate: <service certificate path>
# service_key: <service key path>
# principal: "haproxy/<overcloud controller fqdn>"
# Defaults to hiera('redis_certificate_specs', {}).
# [*enable_internal_tls*]
# (Optional) Whether TLS in the internal network is enabled or not.
# Defaults to hiera('enable_internal_tls', false)
# [*enable_load_balancer*]
# (Optional) Whether load balancing is enabled for this cluster
# Defaults to hiera('enable_load_balancer', true)
@ -39,16 +54,62 @@
# Set redis::ulimit via hiera
# to control this limit.
# [*redis_network*]
# (Optional) The network name where the redis endpoint is listening on.
# This is set by t-h-t.
# Defaults to hiera('redis_network', undef)
# [*pcs_tries*]
# (Optional) The number of times pcs commands should be retried.
# Defaults to hiera('pcs_tries', 20)
# [*extra_config_file*]
# (Optional) When TLS proxy is in use, name of a host-specific Redis
# config file that configures tunnel connection.
# This is set by t-h-t.
# Defaults to '/etc/redis-tls.conf'
# [*tls_tunnel_local_name*]
# (Optional) When TLS proxy is in use, name of the localhost to forward
# unencryption Redis traffic to.
# This is set by t-h-t.
# Defaults to 'localhost'
# [*tls_tunnel_base_port*]
# (Optional) When TLS proxy is in use, a base integer value that is used
# to generate a unique port number for each peer in the Redis cluster.
# Defaults to '6660'
# [*tls_proxy_bind_ip*]
# IP on which the TLS proxy will listen on. Required only if
# enable_internal_tls is set.
# Defaults to undef
# [*tls_proxy_fqdn*]
# fqdn on which the tls proxy will listen on. required only used if
# enable_internal_tls is set.
# defaults to undef
# [*tls_proxy_port*]
# port on which the tls proxy will listen on. Only used if
# enable_internal_tls is set.
# defaults to 6379
class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis (
$bootstrap_node = hiera('redis_short_bootstrap_node_name'),
$enable_load_balancer = hiera('enable_load_balancer', true),
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$redis_file_limit = undef,
$pcs_tries = hiera('pcs_tries', 20),
$certificate_specs = hiera('redis_certificate_specs', {}),
$enable_internal_tls = hiera('enable_internal_tls', false),
$bootstrap_node = hiera('redis_short_bootstrap_node_name'),
$enable_load_balancer = hiera('enable_load_balancer', true),
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$redis_file_limit = undef,
$redis_network = hiera('redis_network', undef),
$pcs_tries = hiera('pcs_tries', 20),
$extra_config_file = '/etc/redis-tls.conf',
$tls_tunnel_local_name = 'localhost',
$tls_tunnel_base_port = 6660,
$tls_proxy_bind_ip = undef,
$tls_proxy_fqdn = undef,
$tls_proxy_port = 6379,
) {
if $::hostname == downcase($bootstrap_node) {
$pacemaker_master = true
@ -56,7 +117,84 @@ class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis (
$pacemaker_master = false
if $enable_internal_tls {
if !$redis_network {
fail('redis_network is not set in the hieradata.')
if !$tls_proxy_bind_ip {
fail('tls_proxy_bind_ip is not set in the hieradata.')
if !$tls_proxy_fqdn {
fail('tls_proxy_fqdn is required if internal TLS is enabled.')
$redis_node_names = hiera('redis_short_node_names', [$::hostname])
$redis_node_ips = hiera('redis_node_ips', [$tls_proxy_bind_ip])
# keep a mapping of [node name, node ip, replication port]
$replication_tuples = zip($redis_node_names, $redis_node_ips).map |$index, $pair| {
} else {
$replication_tuples = []
if $step >= 1 {
if $enable_internal_tls {
$tls_certfile = $certificate_specs['service_certificate']
$tls_keyfile = $certificate_specs['service_key']
include ::tripleo::stunnel
# encrypted endpoint for incoming redis service
::tripleo::stunnel::service_proxy { 'redis':
accept_host => $tls_proxy_bind_ip,
accept_port => $tls_proxy_port,
connect_host => $tls_tunnel_local_name,
connect_port => $tls_proxy_port,
certificate => $tls_certfile,
key => $tls_keyfile,
notify => Class['::redis'],
# encrypted endpoints for outgoing redis replication traffic
$redis_peers = $replication_tuples.filter |$tuple| {$tuple[1] != $tls_proxy_bind_ip}
$redis_peers.each |$tuple| {
::tripleo::stunnel::service_proxy { "redis_peer_${tuple[2]}":
client => 'yes',
accept_host => $tls_tunnel_local_name,
accept_port => $tuple[2],
connect_host => $tuple[1],
connect_port => $tls_proxy_port,
certificate => $tls_certfile,
key => $tls_keyfile,
notify => Class['::redis'],
# redis slave advertise itself as running on a specific
# <localhost:port> that uniquely identifies it. This value is
# used by the master as is, and points the the outgoing stunnel
# endpoint to target this slave.
$local_tuple = $replication_tuples.filter |$tuple| {
$tuple[1] == $tls_proxy_bind_ip
if length($local_tuple)!=1 {
fail("could not determine local TLS replication port (local ip: '${tls_proxy_bind_ip}', assigned ports: '${replication_tuples}')")
# NOTE: config parameters slave-announce-* are not exposed by
# puppet-redis, so for now we configure them via an additional
# host-specific config file
File {"${extra_config_file}":
ensure => present,
content => "# Host-specific configuration for TLS
slave-announce-ip ${tls_tunnel_local_name}
slave-announce-port ${local_tuple[0][2]}
# If the old hiera key exists we use that to set the ulimit in order not to break
# operators which set it. We might remove this in a later release (post pike anyway)
$old_redis_file_limit = hiera('redis_file_limit', undef)
@ -85,11 +223,17 @@ class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis (
node => $::hostname,
if $pacemaker_master {
if length($replication_tuples)>1 {
$tunnel_map = $ |$tuple| {"${tuple[0]}:${tuple[2]}"}
$tunnel_opt = " tunnel_port_map='${tunnel_map.join(';')}' tunnel_host='${tls_tunnel_local_name}'"
} else {
pacemaker::resource::ocf { 'redis':
ocf_agent_name => 'heartbeat:redis',
master_params => '',
meta_params => 'notify=true ordered=true interleave=true',
resource_params => 'wait_last_known_master=true',
resource_params => "wait_last_known_master=true${tunnel_opt}",
op_params => 'start timeout=200s stop timeout=200s',
tries => $pcs_tries,
location_rule => {
@ -39,13 +39,74 @@
# for more details.
# Defaults to hiera('step')
# [*certificate_specs*]
# (Optional) The specifications to give to certmonger for the certificate(s)
# it will create.
# Example with hiera:
# redis_certificate_specs:
# hostname: <overcloud controller fqdn>
# service_certificate: <service certificate path>
# service_key: <service key path>
# principal: "haproxy/<overcloud controller fqdn>"
# Defaults to hiera('redis_certificate_specs', {}).
# [*enable_internal_tls*]
# (Optional) Whether TLS in the internal network is enabled or not.
# Defaults to hiera('enable_internal_tls', false)
# [*redis_network*]
# (Optional) The network name where the redis endpoint is listening on.
# This is set by t-h-t.
# Defaults to hiera('redis_network', undef)
# [*extra_config_file*]
# (Optional) When TLS proxy is in use, name of a host-specific Redis
# config file that configures tunnel connection.
# This is set by t-h-t.
# Defaults to '/etc/redis-tls.conf'
# [*tls_tunnel_local_name*]
# (Optional) When TLS proxy is in use, name of the localhost to forward
# unencryption Redis traffic to.
# This is set by t-h-t.
# Defaults to 'localhost'
# [*tls_tunnel_base_port*]
# (Optional) When TLS proxy is in use, a base integer value that is used
# to generate a unique port number for each peer in the Redis cluster.
# Defaults to '6660'
# [*tls_proxy_bind_ip*]
# IP on which the TLS proxy will listen on. Required only if
# enable_internal_tls is set.
# Defaults to undef
# [*tls_proxy_fqdn*]
# fqdn on which the tls proxy will listen on. required only used if
# enable_internal_tls is set.
# defaults to undef
# [*tls_proxy_port*]
# port on which the tls proxy will listen on. Only used if
# enable_internal_tls is set.
# defaults to 6379
class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis_bundle (
$certificate_specs = hiera('redis_certificate_specs', {}),
$enable_internal_tls = hiera('enable_internal_tls', false),
$bootstrap_node = hiera('redis_short_bootstrap_node_name'),
$redis_docker_image = hiera('tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis_bundle::redis_docker_image', undef),
$redis_docker_control_port = hiera('tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis_bundle::control_port', '3124'),
$pcs_tries = hiera('pcs_tries', 20),
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$redis_network = hiera('redis_network', undef),
$extra_config_file = '/etc/redis-tls.conf',
$tls_tunnel_local_name = 'localhost',
$tls_tunnel_base_port = 6660,
$tls_proxy_bind_ip = undef,
$tls_proxy_fqdn = undef,
$tls_proxy_port = 6379,
) {
if $::hostname == downcase($bootstrap_node) {
$pacemaker_master = true
@ -53,7 +114,99 @@ class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis_bundle (
$pacemaker_master = false
include ::tripleo::profile::base::database::redis
if $enable_internal_tls {
if !$redis_network {
fail('redis_network is not set in the hieradata.')
if !$tls_proxy_bind_ip {
fail('tls_proxy_bind_ip is not set in the hieradata.')
if !$tls_proxy_fqdn {
fail('tls_proxy_fqdn is required if internal TLS is enabled.')
$redis_node_names = hiera('redis_short_node_names', [$::hostname])
$redis_node_ips = hiera('redis_node_ips', [$tls_proxy_bind_ip])
# keep a mapping of [node name, node ip, replication port]
$replication_tuples = zip($redis_node_names, $redis_node_ips).map |$index, $pair| {
} else {
$replication_tuples = []
if $step >= 1 {
if $enable_internal_tls {
$tls_certfile = $certificate_specs['service_certificate']
$tls_keyfile = $certificate_specs['service_key']
include ::tripleo::stunnel
# encrypted endpoint for incoming redis service
::tripleo::stunnel::service_proxy { 'redis':
accept_host => $tls_proxy_bind_ip,
accept_port => $tls_proxy_port,
connect_host => $tls_tunnel_local_name,
connect_port => $tls_proxy_port,
certificate => $tls_certfile,
key => $tls_keyfile,
notify => Class['::redis'],
# encrypted endpoints for outgoing redis replication traffic
$redis_peers = $replication_tuples.filter |$tuple| {$tuple[1] != $tls_proxy_bind_ip}
$redis_peers.each |$tuple| {
::tripleo::stunnel::service_proxy { "redis_peer_${tuple[2]}":
client => 'yes',
accept_host => $tls_tunnel_local_name,
accept_port => $tuple[2],
connect_host => $tuple[1],
connect_port => $tls_proxy_port,
certificate => $tls_certfile,
key => $tls_keyfile,
notify => Class['::redis'],
# redis slave advertise itself as running on a specific
# <localhost:port> that uniquely identifies it. This value is
# used by the master as is, and points the the outgoing stunnel
# endpoint to target this slave.
$local_tuple = $replication_tuples.filter |$tuple| {
$tuple[1] == $tls_proxy_bind_ip
if length($local_tuple)!=1 {
fail("could not determine local TLS replication port (local ip: '${tls_proxy_bind_ip}', assigned ports: '${replication_tuples}')")
# NOTE: config parameters slave-announce-* are not exposed by
# puppet-redis, so for now we configure them via an additional
# host-specific config file
File {"${extra_config_file}":
ensure => present,
# owner => $::redis::config_owner,
# group => $::redis::config_group,
# mode => $::redis::config_file_mode,
content => "# Host-specific configuration for TLS
slave-announce-ip ${tls_tunnel_local_name}
slave-announce-port ${local_tuple[0][2]}
# If the old hiera key exists we use that to set the ulimit in order not to break
# operators which set it. We might remove this in a later release (post pike anyway)
$old_redis_file_limit = hiera('redis_file_limit', undef)
if $old_redis_file_limit != undef {
warning('redis_file_limit parameter is deprecated, use redis::ulimit in hiera.')
class { '::redis':
ulimit => $old_redis_file_limit,
} else {
include ::redis
if $step >= 2 {
if $pacemaker_master {
@ -69,6 +222,88 @@ class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis_bundle (
$storage_maps = {
'redis-cfg-files' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/redis.json',
'target-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-cfg-data-redis' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/redis/',
'target-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-hosts' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/hosts',
'target-dir' => '/etc/hosts',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-localtime' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/localtime',
'target-dir' => '/etc/localtime',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-lib' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/redis',
'target-dir' => '/var/lib/redis',
'options' => 'rw',
'redis-log' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/log/redis',
'target-dir' => '/var/log/redis',
'options' => 'rw',
'redis-run' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/run/redis',
'target-dir' => '/var/run/redis',
'options' => 'rw',
# TODO check whether those tls mappings are necessary
'redis-pki-extracted' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-pki-ca-bundle-crt' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-pki-ca-bundle-trust-crt' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-pki-cert' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-dev-log' => {
'source-dir' => '/dev/log',
'target-dir' => '/dev/log',
'options' => 'rw',
if $enable_internal_tls {
$redis_storage_maps_tls = {
'redis-pki-gcomm-key' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/private/redis.key',
'target-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls/etc/pki/tls/private/redis.key',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-pki-gcomm-cert' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/redis.crt',
'target-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls/etc/pki/tls/certs/redis.crt',
'options' => 'ro',
$storage_maps_tls = $redis_storage_maps_tls
} else {
$storage_maps_tls = {}
pacemaker::resource::bundle { 'redis-bundle':
image => $redis_docker_image,
replicas => $redis_nodes_count,
@ -82,73 +317,18 @@ class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis_bundle (
options => '--user=root --log-driver=journald -e KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY=COPY_ALWAYS',
run_command => '/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/kolla_start',
network => "control-port=${redis_docker_control_port}",
storage_maps => {
'redis-cfg-files' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/redis.json',
'target-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-cfg-data-redis' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/redis/',
'target-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-hosts' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/hosts',
'target-dir' => '/etc/hosts',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-localtime' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/localtime',
'target-dir' => '/etc/localtime',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-lib' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/redis',
'target-dir' => '/var/lib/redis',
'options' => 'rw',
'redis-log' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/log/redis',
'target-dir' => '/var/log/redis',
'options' => 'rw',
'redis-run' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/run/redis',
'target-dir' => '/var/run/redis',
'options' => 'rw',
'redis-pki-extracted' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-pki-ca-bundle-crt' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-pki-ca-bundle-trust-crt' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-pki-cert' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem',
'options' => 'ro',
'redis-dev-log' => {
'source-dir' => '/dev/log',
'target-dir' => '/dev/log',
'options' => 'rw',
storage_maps => merge($storage_maps, $storage_maps_tls),
if length($replication_tuples)>1 {
$tunnel_map = $ |$tuple| {"${tuple[0]}:${tuple[2]}"}
$tunnel_opt = " tunnel_port_map='${tunnel_map.join(';')}' tunnel_host='${tls_tunnel_local_name}'"
} else {
pacemaker::resource::ocf { 'redis':
ocf_agent_name => 'heartbeat:redis',
resource_params => 'wait_last_known_master=true',
resource_params => "wait_last_known_master=true${tunnel_opt}",
master_params => '',
meta_params => 'notify=true ordered=true interleave=true container-attribute-target=host',
op_params => 'start timeout=200s stop timeout=200s',
@ -159,8 +339,7 @@ class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::redis_bundle (
expression => ['redis-role eq true'],
bundle => 'redis-bundle',
require => [Class['::redis'],
require => [Pacemaker::Resource::Bundle['redis-bundle']],
Reference in New Issue
Block a user