Add TLS support for rsyslog

This patch implements creation of TLS certs and key for Elasticsearch

Change-Id: Ie97449b6f3e5d3a6481e087803d1982d7c6387f3
This commit is contained in:
Martin Magr 2019-06-20 15:24:37 +02:00
parent 0ad12ff23a
commit bcb17115a3
3 changed files with 103 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -22,19 +22,84 @@
# (Optional) String. The current step of the deployment
# Defaults to hiera('step')
# [*elasticsearch*]
# (Optional) Hash. Configuration for output plugin omelasticsearch.
# [*service_names*]
# (Optional) List of services enabled on the current role. This is used
# to obtain per-service configuration information.
# Defaults to hiera('service_names', [])
# [*elasticsearch*]
# (Optional) Hash. Configuration for output plugin omelasticsearch.
# Defaults to undef
# [*elasticsearch_tls_ca_cert*]
# (Optional) String. Contains content of the CA cert for the CA that issued
# Elasticsearch server cert.
# Defaults to undef
# [*elasticsearch_tls_client_cert*]
# (Optional) String. Contains content of the client cert for doing client
# cert auth against Elasticsearch.
# Defaults to undef
# [*elasticsearch_tls_client_key*]
# (Optional) String. Contains content of the private key corresponding to
# the cert elasticsearch_tls_client_cert.
# Defaults to undef
class tripleo::profile::base::logging::rsyslog (
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$elasticsearch = undef,
$service_names = hiera('service_names', [])
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$service_names = hiera('service_names', []),
$elasticsearch = undef,
$elasticsearch_tls_ca_cert = undef,
$elasticsearch_tls_client_cert = undef,
$elasticsearch_tls_client_key = undef,
) {
if $step >= 2 {
# NOTE: puppet-rsyslog does not have params manifest, so we don't have any
# other choice than using hiera currently.
$rsyslog_confdir = hiera('rsyslog::confdir', '/etc/rsyslog.d')
if defined('$elasticsearch_tls_ca_cert') {
$cacert_path = "${rsyslog_confdir}/es-ca-cert.crt"
$cacert_conf = {'tls.cacert' => $cacert_path}
file { 'elasticsearch_ca_cert':
ensure => 'present',
path => $cacert_path,
content => $elasticsearch_tls_ca_cert
$esconf1 = merge($elasticsearch, $cacert_conf)
} else {
$esconf1 = $elasticsearch
if defined('$elasticsearch_tls_client_cert') {
$clientcert_path = "${rsyslog_confdir}/es-client-cert.pem"
$clientcert_conf = {'tls.mycert' => $clientcert_path}
file { 'elasticsearch_client_cert':
ensure => 'present',
path => $clientcert_path,
content => $elasticsearch_tls_client_cert
$esconf2 = merge($esconf1, $clientcert_conf)
} else {
$esconf2 = $esconf1
if defined('$elasticsearch_tls_client_key') {
$clientkey_path = "${rsyslog_confdir}/es-client-key.pem"
$clientkey_conf = {'tls.myprivkey' => $clientkey_path}
file { 'elasticsearch_client_key':
ensure => 'present',
path => $clientkey_path,
content => $elasticsearch_tls_client_key
$esconf = merge($esconf2, $clientkey_conf)
} else {
$esconf = $esconf2
$modules = {
'imfile' => {},
'omelasticsearch' => {},
@ -42,9 +107,10 @@ class tripleo::profile::base::logging::rsyslog (
$actions = {
'elasticsearch' => {
'type' => 'omelasticsearch',
'config' => $elasticsearch,
'config' => $esconf,
class { '::rsyslog::server':
modules => $modules,
actions => $actions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- Added TLS support for ELasticsearch output plugin in rsyslog service.

View File

@ -36,7 +36,10 @@ elastic_conf = <<-EOS
# elasticsearch
describe 'tripleo::profile::base::logging::rsyslog' do
@ -46,14 +49,20 @@ describe 'tripleo::profile::base::logging::rsyslog' do
context 'on step 2' do
let(:params) { { :step => 2 } }
let(:params) do
{ :step => 2,
:elasticsearch_tls_ca_cert => 'cacert',
:elasticsearch_tls_client_cert => 'clientcert',
:elasticsearch_tls_client_key => 'clientkey',
it 'should generate a rsyslog config file for horizon from hieradata' do
should contain_concat__fragment("rsyslog::component::module::imfile").with({
it 'should generate a rsyslog config file for horizon from hieradata and TLS certificates for Elasticsearch' do
should contain_concat__fragment('rsyslog::component::module::imfile').with({
:target => '/etc/rsyslog.d/50_openstack_logs.conf',
:content => "module(load=\"imfile\")\n",
should contain_concat__fragment("rsyslog::component::module::omelasticsearch").with({
should contain_concat__fragment('rsyslog::component::module::omelasticsearch').with({
:target => '/etc/rsyslog.d/50_openstack_logs.conf',
:content => "module(load=\"omelasticsearch\")\n",
@ -65,10 +74,22 @@ describe 'tripleo::profile::base::logging::rsyslog' do
:target => '/etc/rsyslog.d/50_openstack_logs.conf',
:content => horizon_test_log_conf,
should contain_concat__fragment("rsyslog::component::action::elasticsearch").with({
should contain_concat__fragment('rsyslog::component::action::elasticsearch').with({
:target => '/etc/rsyslog.d/50_openstack_logs.conf',
:content => elastic_conf,
should contain_file('elasticsearch_ca_cert').with({
:path => '/etc/rsyslog.d/es-ca-cert.crt',
:content => 'cacert',
should contain_file('elasticsearch_client_cert').with({
:path => '/etc/rsyslog.d/es-client-cert.pem',
:content => 'clientcert',
should contain_file('elasticsearch_client_key').with({
:path => '/etc/rsyslog.d/es-client-key.pem',
:content => 'clientkey',