def get_auth(component) provider = Object.const_get "Puppet::Provider::#{component.capitalize}" auth_func = "#{component}_credentials" if provider.respond_to?(auth_func) begin q = provider.send(auth_func) rescue Puppet::Error q = {} end authenv = { 'OS_AUTH_URL' => q['auth_url'], 'OS_USERNAME' => q['username'], 'OS_PROJECT_NAME' => q['project_name'], 'OS_PASSWORD' => q['password'] } if q.key?('region_name') authenv['OS_REGION_NAME'] = q['region_name'] end authenv end end def get_live_value_from_auth(component) # The path is correct for this tripleo version. provider_file = "/etc/puppet/modules/#{component}/lib/puppet/provider/#{component}.rb" if File.exists?(provider_file) require_relative(provider_file) auth_env = get_auth(component) host = if auth_env Facter::Core::Execution.with_env(auth_env) do # We want to find if the current host value is the fqdn # or the hostname. We are sure that it will be at # least the hostname so the grep will work. Facter::Core::Execution.execute( "#{component} agent-list -c host -f value 2>/dev/null | grep #{Facter.value(:hostname)} 2>/dev/null", {:on_fail => ''} ).split("\n").first end end host || '' end end def get_nova_live_value'get-nova-host') do |nova_stdin|, 'w') do |nova_cmd| nova_cmd.puts("import nova.conf\nprint") end Facter::Core::Execution.execute("nova-manage shell python 2>/dev/null < #{nova_stdin} | sed -e 's/^[> ]*//'") end end ['nova', 'neutron'].each do |component| Facter.add("current_#{component}_host") do confine kernel: 'Linux' setcode do if component == 'nova' get_nova_live_value.strip else get_live_value_from_auth(component).strip end end end end