#!/bin/bash container_cli=$(hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml container_cli docker) container_name=$($container_cli ps --format="{{.Names}}" | grep -w -E 'rabbitmq(-bundle-.*-[0-9]+)?') service_crt="$(hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml tripleo::rabbitmq::service_certificate.service_certificate)" service_key="$(hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml tripleo::rabbitmq::service_certificate.service_key)" if echo "$container_name" | grep -q "^rabbitmq-bundle"; then # lp#1917868: Do not use podman cp with HA containers as they get # frozen temporarily and that can make pacemaker operation fail. tar -c "$service_crt" "$service_key" | $container_cli exec -i "$container_name" tar -C / -xv # no need to update the mount point, because pacemaker # recreates the container when it's restarted else # Refresh the cert at the mount-point $container_cli cp $service_crt "$container_name:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls/$service_crt" # Refresh the key at the mount-point $container_cli cp $service_key "$container_name:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls/$service_key" # Copy the new cert from the mount-point to the real path $container_cli exec -u root "$container_name" cp "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls$service_crt" "$service_crt" # Copy the new key from the mount-point to the real path $container_cli exec -u root "$container_name" cp "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls$service_key" "$service_key" fi # Copy the new cert from the mount-point to the real path $container_cli exec "$container_name" cp "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls$service_pem" "$service_pem" # Set appropriate permissions $container_cli exec -u root "$container_name" chown rabbitmq:rabbitmq "$service_crt" $container_cli exec -u root "$container_name" chown rabbitmq:rabbitmq "$service_key" # Trigger a pem cache clear in RabbitMQ to read the new certificates $container_cli exec $container_name rabbitmqctl eval "ssl:clear_pem_cache()."