# == Class: tripleo::fencing # # Configure Pacemaker fencing devices for TripleO. # # === Parameters: # # [*config*] # JSON config of fencing devices, using the following structure: # { # "devices": [ # { # "agent": "AGENT_NAME", # "host_mac": "HOST_MAC_ADDRESS", # "params": {"PARAM_NAME": "PARAM_VALUE"} # } # ] # } # For instance: # { # "devices": [ # { # "agent": "fence_xvm", # "host_mac": "52:54:00:aa:bb:cc", # "params": { # "multicast_address": "", # "port": "baremetal_0", # "manage_fw": true, # "manage_key_file": true, # "key_file": "/etc/fence_xvm.key", # "key_file_password": "abcdef" # } # } # ] # } # Defaults to {} # # [*tries*] # Number of attempts when creating fence devices and constraints. # Defaults to 10 # # [*try_sleep*] # Delay (in seconds) between attempts when creating fence devices # and constraints. # Defaults to 3 # # [*deep_compare*] # Enable deep comparing of resources and bundles # When set to true a resource will be compared in full (options, meta parameters,..) # to the existing one and in case of difference it will be repushed to the CIB # Defaults to false # # [*update_settle_secs*] # When deep_compare is enabled and puppet updates a resource, this # parameter represents the number (in seconds) to wait for the cluster to settle # after the resource update. # Defaults to 600 (seconds) # # [*enable_instanceha*] # (Optional) Boolean driving the Instance HA controlplane configuration # Defaults to false # class tripleo::fencing( $config = {}, $tries = 10, $try_sleep = 3, $deep_compare = false, $update_settle_secs = 600, $enable_instanceha = hiera('tripleo::instanceha', false), ) { $common_params = { 'tries' => $tries, 'try_sleep' => $try_sleep, 'deep_compare' => $deep_compare, 'update_settle_secs' => $update_settle_secs } # check if instanceha is enabled if member(hiera('compute_instanceha_short_node_names', []), downcase($::hostname)) { $is_compute_instanceha_node = true } else { $is_compute_instanceha_node = false } $content = $config['devices'] # check if the devices: section in fence.yaml contains levels. # if it doesn't, assume level=1 and build a hash with the content. if is_array($content) { $all_levels = {'level1' => $content} } else { $all_levels = $content } # collect the number of stonith levels currently defined for this system # and convert it to integer. $local_levels = 0 + $facts['stonith_levels'] # if the number of levels defined on this system is greather than the number in hiera # we need to delete the delta. if $local_levels > $all_levels.length { $begin = $all_levels.length + 1 range("${begin}", "${local_levels}").each |$level|{ pacemaker::stonith::level{ "stonith-${level}": ensure => 'absent', level => $level, target => '$(/usr/sbin/crm_node -n)', stonith_resources => [''], tries => $tries, try_sleep => $try_sleep, } } } $all_levels.each |$index, $levelx_devices |{ $level = regsubst($index, 'level', '', 'G') $all_devices = $levelx_devices if $::deployment_type != 'containers' { $xvm_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_xvm', $all_devices) create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_xvm', $xvm_devices, $common_params) } $ironic_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_ironic', $all_devices) create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_ironic', $ironic_devices, $common_params) $redfish_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_redfish', $all_devices) create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_redfish', $redfish_devices, $common_params) $ipmilan_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_ipmilan', $all_devices) create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_ipmilan', $ipmilan_devices, $common_params) $kdump_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_kdump', $all_devices) create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_kdump', $kdump_devices, $common_params) $rhev_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_rhevm', $all_devices) create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_rhevm', $rhev_devices, $common_params) $data = { 'xvm' => $xvm_devices, 'ironic' => $ironic_devices, 'redfish' => $redfish_devices, 'ipmilan' => $ipmilan_devices, 'kdump' => $kdump_devices, 'rhevm' => $rhev_devices } $data.each |$items| { $driver = $items[0] $driver_devices = $items[1] if $driver_devices and length($driver_devices) == 1 { $mac = keys($driver_devices)[0] $safe_mac = regsubst($mac, ':', '', 'G') if ($enable_instanceha and $is_compute_instanceha_node) { $stonith_resources = [ "stonith-fence_${driver}-${safe_mac}", 'stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova' ] } else { $stonith_resources = [ "stonith-fence_${driver}-${safe_mac}" ] } pacemaker::stonith::level{ "stonith-${level}-${safe_mac}": level => $level, target => '$(/usr/sbin/crm_node -n)', stonith_resources => $stonith_resources, tries => $tries, try_sleep => $try_sleep, } } } } }