In order to get a proper support for authenticated endpoints, this patch creates a new definition (tripleo::haproxy::userlist) and exploit it in the dynamic endpoint (tripleo::haproxy::service_endpoints) as well as standard tripleo::haproxy::endpoint. It also detected a small issue with the "underscorization" of the service name, the missing 'G' flag for regsubst, that preventend all dashes to be replaced by underscores. Change-Id: Ie7471155d1ef3f6adc177a468b81ac410bbfb9c0 Closes-Bug: 1736132
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# Copyright 2017 Camptocamp SA.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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# == Definition: tripleo::haproxy::userlist
# Configure an HAProxy userlist. It wrapps haproxy::userlist definition.
# [*groups*]
# List of groups
# [*users*]
# List of users
# == Example
# ::tripleo::haproxy::userlist {'starwars':
# groups => [
# 'aldebaran users leia,luke',
# 'deathstar users anakin,sith',
# ],
# users => [
# 'leia insecure-password sister',
# 'luke insecure-password jedi',
# 'anakin insecure-password darthvador',
# 'sith password $5$h9LsKUOeCr$UlD62CNEpuZQkGYdBoiFJLsM6TlXluRLBlhEnpjDdaC', # mkpasswd -m sha-256 darkSideOfTheForce
# ]
# }
# Please refer to the following HAProxy documentation for more options:
# http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.4.html#3.4-user
# http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.4.html#3.4-group
define tripleo::haproxy::userlist(
Optional[Array] $groups = [],
Optional[Array] $users = [],
) {
::haproxy::userlist {$name:
users => $users,
groups => $groups,