Luca Miccini a4fa4fbb76 Enforce stonith for ComputeInstanceHA nodes
With the implementation of stonith levels support via bacfec8647 we
accidentally lifted the requirement for ComputeInstanceHA nodes to
have at least one valid stonith device.

This commit re-introduces a check to make sure there is at least
one valid fencing agent configured, computing the total number of
stonith resources belonging to each node and making sure to raise
an exception if this value is zero.

This check is performed only for the first level so to allow
different stonith topologies per node (eg controller nodes can
have two levels, while computes only one) and still account for
the missing devices.

Closes Bug: #1953042

Change-Id: I5ca68bcc2cfe34f2e95758628155e4f5b872305a
2021-12-15 07:37:17 +01:00

191 lines
6.5 KiB

# == Class: tripleo::fencing
# Configure Pacemaker fencing devices for TripleO.
# === Parameters:
# [*config*]
# JSON config of fencing devices, using the following structure:
# {
# "devices": [
# {
# "agent": "AGENT_NAME",
# "host_mac": "HOST_MAC_ADDRESS",
# "params": {"PARAM_NAME": "PARAM_VALUE"}
# }
# ]
# }
# For instance:
# {
# "devices": [
# {
# "agent": "fence_xvm",
# "host_mac": "52:54:00:aa:bb:cc",
# "params": {
# "multicast_address": "",
# "port": "baremetal_0",
# "manage_fw": true,
# "manage_key_file": true,
# "key_file": "/etc/fence_xvm.key",
# "key_file_password": "abcdef"
# }
# }
# ]
# }
# Defaults to {}
# [*tries*]
# Number of attempts when creating fence devices and constraints.
# Defaults to 10
# [*try_sleep*]
# Delay (in seconds) between attempts when creating fence devices
# and constraints.
# Defaults to 3
# [*deep_compare*]
# Enable deep comparing of resources and bundles
# When set to true a resource will be compared in full (options, meta parameters,..)
# to the existing one and in case of difference it will be repushed to the CIB
# Defaults to false
# [*update_settle_secs*]
# When deep_compare is enabled and puppet updates a resource, this
# parameter represents the number (in seconds) to wait for the cluster to settle
# after the resource update.
# Defaults to 600 (seconds)
# [*enable_instanceha*]
# (Optional) Boolean driving the Instance HA controlplane configuration
# Defaults to false
class tripleo::fencing(
$config = {},
$tries = 10,
$try_sleep = 3,
$deep_compare = false,
$update_settle_secs = 600,
$enable_instanceha = hiera('tripleo::instanceha', false),
) {
$common_params = {
'tries' => $tries,
'try_sleep' => $try_sleep,
'deep_compare' => $deep_compare,
'update_settle_secs' => $update_settle_secs
# check if instanceha is enabled
if member(hiera('compute_instanceha_short_node_names', []), downcase($::hostname)) {
$is_compute_instanceha_node = true
} else {
$is_compute_instanceha_node = false
$content = $config['devices']
# check if the devices: section in fence.yaml contains levels.
# if it doesn't, assume level=1 and build a hash with the content.
$all_levels = $content ? {
Array => {'level1' => $content},
default => $content
# collect the number of stonith levels currently defined for this system
# and convert it to integer.
$local_levels = 0 + $facts['stonith_levels']
# if the number of levels defined on this system is greather than the number in hiera
# we need to delete the delta.
if $local_levels > $all_levels.length {
$begin = $all_levels.length + 1
range("${begin}", "${local_levels}").each |$level|{
pacemaker::stonith::level{ "stonith-${level}":
ensure => 'absent',
level => $level,
target => '$(/usr/sbin/crm_node -n)',
stonith_resources => [''],
tries => $tries,
try_sleep => $try_sleep,
$all_levels.each |$index, $levelx_devices |{
$level = regsubst($index, 'level', '', 'G')
$all_devices = $levelx_devices
if $::deployment_type != 'containers' {
$xvm_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_xvm', $all_devices)
create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_xvm', $xvm_devices, $common_params)
$ironic_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_ironic', $all_devices)
create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_ironic', $ironic_devices, $common_params)
$redfish_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_redfish', $all_devices)
create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_redfish', $redfish_devices, $common_params)
$ipmilan_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_ipmilan', $all_devices)
create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_ipmilan', $ipmilan_devices, $common_params)
$kdump_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_kdump', $all_devices)
create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_kdump', $kdump_devices, $common_params)
$kubevirt_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_kubevirt', $all_devices)
create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_kubevirt', $kubevirt_devices, $common_params)
$rhev_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_rhevm', $all_devices)
create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_rhevm', $rhev_devices, $common_params)
$ucs_devices = local_fence_devices('fence_cisco_ucs', $all_devices)
create_resources('pacemaker::stonith::fence_cisco_ucs', $ucs_devices, $common_params)
$data = {
'xvm' => $xvm_devices, 'ironic' => $ironic_devices, 'redfish' => $redfish_devices,
'ipmilan' => $ipmilan_devices, 'kdump' => $kdump_devices, 'kubevirt' => $kubevirt_devices,
'rhevm' => $rhev_devices, 'cisco_ucs' => $ucs_devices
# let's store the number of stonith devices created for this server.
# this will be used to detect if there is a least one and fail if
# instance_ha is configured and puppet is running on a compute node.
$data_num = [
length($ironic_devices), length($redfish_devices),
length($ipmilan_devices), length($kdump_devices), length($rhev_devices)
$sum = $data_num.reduce |$memo, $value| { $memo + $value }
$data.each |$items| {
$driver = $items[0]
$driver_devices = $items[1]
# if there is no valid stonith device and this is a compute-instanceha node we raise an exception
if $level == '1' and $sum == 0 and $enable_instanceha and $is_compute_instanceha_node {
fail('Instance HA requires at least one valid stonith device')
if $driver_devices and length($driver_devices) == 1 {
$mac = keys($driver_devices)[0]
$safe_mac = regsubst($mac, ':', '', 'G')
if ($enable_instanceha and $is_compute_instanceha_node) {
$stonith_resources = [ "stonith-fence_${driver}-${safe_mac}", 'stonith-fence_compute-fence-nova' ]
else {
$stonith_resources = [ "stonith-fence_${driver}-${safe_mac}" ]
pacemaker::stonith::level{ "stonith-${level}-${safe_mac}":
level => $level,
target => '$(/usr/sbin/crm_node -n)',
stonith_resources => $stonith_resources,
tries => $tries,
try_sleep => $try_sleep,
Pcmk_stonith<||> -> Pcmk_stonith_level<||>