Alex Schultz a566d6b9b8 Add check for bootstrap_node for downcase
Downcase in puppet 6.14 throws an error if the input to it is Undef. We
can avoid this by checking for a value before trying to downcase.

See context https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/26297/

Change-Id: Ib2e97060523a4198a14949a15c9171b56928699c
2020-04-07 14:51:41 -06:00

310 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql
# MySQL profile for tripleo
# === Parameters
# [*bind_address*]
# (Optional) The address that the local mysql instance should bind to.
# Defaults to $::hostname
# [*bootstrap_node*]
# (Optional) The hostname of the node responsible for bootstrapping tasks
# Defaults to hiera('mysql_short_bootstrap_node_name')
# [*certificate_specs*]
# (Optional) The specifications to give to certmonger for the certificate
# it will create. Note that the certificate nickname must be 'mysql' in
# the case of this service.
# Example with hiera:
# tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::certificate_specs:
# hostname: <overcloud controller fqdn>
# service_certificate: <service certificate path>
# service_key: <service key path>
# principal: "mysql/<overcloud controller fqdn>"
# Defaults to {}.
# [*cipher_list*]
# (Optional) When enable_internal_tls is true, defines the list of allowed
# ciphers for the mysql server.
# Defaults to '!SSLv2:kEECDH:kRSA:kEDH:kPSK:+3DES:!aNULL:!eNULL:!MD5:!EXP:!RC4:!SEED:!IDEA:!DES:!SSLv3:!TLSv1'
# [*enable_internal_tls*]
# (Optional) Whether TLS in the internal network is enabled or not.
# Defaults to hiera('enable_internal_tls', false)
# [*generate_dropin_file_limit*]
# (Optional) Generate a systemd drop-in file to raise the file descriptor
# limit for the mysql service.
# Defaults to false
# [*innodb_buffer_pool_size*]
# (Optional) Configure the size of the MySQL buffer pool.
# Defaults to hiera('innodb_buffer_pool_size', undef)
# [*innodb_log_file_size*]
# (Optional) Configure the size in bytes of each log file in a log group.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*innodb_flush_method*]
# (Optional) Defines the method used to flush data to InnoDB data files and log files.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*innodb_lock_wait_timeout*]
# (Option) Time in seconds that an InnoDB transaction waits for an InnoDB row lock (not table lock).
# When this occurs, the statement (not transaction) is rolled back.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*table_open_cache*]
# (Optional) Configure the number of open tables for all threads.
# Increasing this value increases the number of file descriptors that mysqld requires.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*manage_resources*]
# (Optional) Whether or not manage root user, root my.cnf, and service.
# Defaults to true
# [*mysql_server_options*]
# (Optional) Extras options to deploy MySQL. Useful when deploying Galera cluster.
# Should be an hash.
# Defaults to {}
# [*mysql_max_connections*]
# (Optional) Maximum number of connections to MySQL.
# Defaults to hiera('mysql_max_connections', undef)
# [*mysql_auth_ed25519*]
# (Optional) Use MariaDB's ed25519 authentication plugin to authenticate
# a user when connecting to the server
# Defaults to hiera('mysql_auth_ed25519', false)
# [*remove_default_accounts*]
# (Optional) Whether or not remove default MySQL accounts.
# Defaults to true
# [*step*]
# (Optional) The current step in deployment. See tripleo-heat-templates
# for more details.
# Defaults to hiera('step')
class tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql (
$bind_address = $::hostname,
$bootstrap_node = hiera('mysql_short_bootstrap_node_name', undef),
$certificate_specs = {},
$cipher_list = '!SSLv2:kEECDH:kRSA:kEDH:kPSK:+3DES:!aNULL:!eNULL:!MD5:!EXP:!RC4:!SEED:!IDEA:!DES:!SSLv3:!TLSv1',
$enable_internal_tls = hiera('enable_internal_tls', false),
$generate_dropin_file_limit = false,
$innodb_buffer_pool_size = hiera('innodb_buffer_pool_size', undef),
$innodb_log_file_size = undef,
$innodb_lock_wait_timeout = hiera('innodb_lock_wait_timeout', undef),
$table_open_cache = undef,
$innodb_flush_method = undef,
$manage_resources = true,
$mysql_server_options = {},
$mysql_max_connections = hiera('mysql_max_connections', undef),
$mysql_auth_ed25519 = hiera('mysql_auth_ed25519', false),
$remove_default_accounts = true,
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
) {
if $bootstrap_node and $::hostname == downcase($bootstrap_node) {
$sync_db = true
} else {
$sync_db = false
validate_legacy(Hash, 'validate_hash', $mysql_server_options)
validate_legacy(Hash, 'validate_hash', $certificate_specs)
if $enable_internal_tls {
$tls_certfile = $certificate_specs['service_certificate']
$tls_keyfile = $certificate_specs['service_key']
$tls_cipher_list = $cipher_list
# Force users/grants created to use TLS connections
Openstacklib::Db::Mysql <||> { tls_options => ['SSL'] }
} else {
$tls_certfile = undef
$tls_keyfile = undef
$tls_cipher_list = undef
# non-ha scenario
if $manage_resources {
$mysql_step = 2
} else {
# ha scenario
$mysql_step = 1
if $step >= $mysql_step {
if str2bool(hiera('enable_galera', true)) {
$mysql_config_file = '/etc/my.cnf.d/galera.cnf'
} else {
$mysql_config_file = '/etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf'
# TODO Galera
# FIXME: due to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1298671 we
# set bind-address to a hostname instead of an ip address; to move Mysql
# from internal_api on another network we'll have to customize both
# MysqlNetwork and ControllerHostnameResolveNetwork in ServiceNetMap
$mysql_server_default = {
'mysqld' => {
'bind-address' => $bind_address,
'max_connections' => $mysql_max_connections,
'open_files_limit' => '65536',
'innodb_buffer_pool_size' => $innodb_buffer_pool_size,
'innodb_file_per_table' => 'ON',
'innodb_log_file_size' => $innodb_log_file_size,
'innodb_lock_wait_timeout' => $innodb_lock_wait_timeout,
'table_open_cache' => $table_open_cache,
'innodb_flush_method' => $innodb_flush_method,
'query_cache_size' => '0',
'query_cache_type' => '0',
'ssl' => $enable_internal_tls,
'ssl-key' => $tls_keyfile,
'ssl-cert' => $tls_certfile,
'ssl-cipher' => $tls_cipher_list,
'ssl-ca' => undef,
'plugin_load_add' => 'auth_ed25519',
$mysql_server_options_real = deep_merge($mysql_server_default, $mysql_server_options)
class { 'mysql::server':
config_file => $mysql_config_file,
override_options => $mysql_server_options_real,
create_root_user => $manage_resources,
create_root_my_cnf => $manage_resources,
service_manage => $manage_resources,
service_enabled => $manage_resources,
remove_default_accounts => $remove_default_accounts,
if $generate_dropin_file_limit and $manage_resources {
# Raise the mysql file limit
::systemd::service_limits { 'mariadb.service':
limits => {
'LimitNOFILE' => 16384
$service_names = hiera('enabled_services', undef)
if $service_names {
tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::users { $service_names: }
if $step >= 2 and $sync_db {
Class['::mysql::server'] -> Mysql_database<||>
if ($manage_resources) {
# the mysql module handles password for user 'root@localhost', but it
# doesn't modify 'root@%'. So make sure this user password is managed
# as well by creating a resource appropriately.
mysql_user { 'root@%':
ensure => present,
password_hash => mysql_password(hiera('mysql::server::root_password')),
if ($mysql_auth_ed25519) {
['root@localhost', 'root@%'].each |$user| {
Mysql_user<| title == $user |> {
plugin => 'ed25519',
password_hash => mysql_ed25519_password(hiera('mysql::server::root_password'))
# Note: use 'include_and_check_auth' below rather than 'include'
# to support ed25519 authentication
if hiera('aodh_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('ceilometer_collector_enabled', false) {
if hiera('cinder_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('barbican_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('designate_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('glance_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('gnocchi_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('heat_engine_enabled', false) {
if hiera('ironic_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('ironic_inspector_enabled', false) {
if hiera('keystone_enabled', false) {
if hiera('manila_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('mistral_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('neutron_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('nova_conductor_enabled', false) {
if hiera('nova_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('placement_enabled', false) {
if hiera('octavia_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('sahara_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('trove_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('panko_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('ec2_api_enabled', false) {
if hiera('zaqar_api_enabled', false) and hiera('zaqar::db::mysql::user', '') == 'zaqar' {
# NOTE: by default zaqar uses sqlalchemy
if hiera('veritas_hyperscale_controller_enabled', false) {