Chandan Kumar (raukadah) 3e8e98dde3 Remove duplicate entry of collectd-python package
in puppet-collectd adds supports of CentOS-8 and collect-python
package is already defined there.

In puppet-tripleo, it started complaining about duplicate entry of
collectd-python package, removing the same fixes for puppet-tripleo
fixes the issue.

Closes-Bug: #1866965

Change-Id: If1a2c65c4208c2255a3140134204e240496ec8b6
Signed-off-by: Chandan Kumar (raukadah) <chkumar@redhat.com>
2020-03-11 18:20:36 +05:30

393 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd
# Collectd configuration for TripleO
# === Parameters
# [*step*]
# (Optional) The current step in deployment. See tripleo-heat-templates
# for more details.
# Defaults to hiera('step')
# [*enable_file_logging*]
# (Optional) Boolean. Whether to enable logfile plugin.
# which we should send metrics.
# Defaults to false
# [*collectd_server*]
# (Optional) String. The name or address of a collectd server to
# which we should send metrics.
# [*collectd_port*]
# (Optional) Integer. The port to which we will connect on the
# collectd server.
# [*collectd_username*]
# (Optional) String. Username for authenticating to the remote
# collectd server.
# [*collectd_password*]
# (Optional) String. Password for authenticating to the remote
# collectd server.
# [*collectd_securitylevel*]
# (Optional) String.
# [*gnocchi_auth_mode*]
# (Optional) String. Type of authentication Gnocchi server is using.
# Supported values are 'basic' and 'keystone'.
# Defaults to 'basic'
# [*gnocchi_protocol*]
# (Optional) String. API protocol Gnocchi server is using.
# Defaults to 'http'
# [*gnocchi_server*]
# (Optional) String. The name or address of a gnocchi endpoint to
# which we should send metrics.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_port*]
# (Optional) Integer. The port to which we will connect on the
# Gnocchi server.
# Defaults to 8041
# [*gnocchi_user*]
# (Optional) String. Username for authenticating to the remote
# Gnocchi server using simple authentication.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_auth_url*]
# (Optional) String. Keystone endpoint URL to authenticate to.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_user_name*]
# (Optional) String. Username for authenticating to Keystone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_user_id*]
# (Optional) String. User ID for authenticating to Keystone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_password*]
# (Optional) String. Password for authenticating to Keystone
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_project_id*]
# (Optional) String. Project ID for authenticating to Keystone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_project_name*]
# (Optional) String. Project name for authenticating to Keystone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_user_domain_id*]
# (Optional) String. User domain ID for authenticating to Keystone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_user_domain_name*]
# (Optional) String. User domain name for authenticating to Keystone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_project_domain_id*]
# (Optional) String. Project domain ID for authenticating to Keystone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_project_domain_name*]
# (Optional) String. Project domain name for authenticating to Keystone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_region_name*]
# (Optional) String. Region name for authenticating to Keystone.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_interface*]
# (Optional) String. Type of Keystone endpoint to authenticate to.
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_keystone_endpoint*]
# (Optional) String. Explicitly state Gnocchi server URL if you want
# to override Keystone value
# Defaults to undef
# [*gnocchi_resource_type*]
# (Optional) String. Default resource type created by the collectd-gnocchi
# plugin in Gnocchi to store hosts.
# Defaults to 'collectd'
# [*gnocchi_batch_size*]
# (Optional) String. Minimum number of values Gnocchi should batch.
# Defaults to 10
# [*enable_sqlalchemy_collectd*]
# (Optional) boolean. enable SQLAlchemy-collectd plugin
# defaults to false
# [*sqlalchemy_collectd_bind_host*]
# (Optional) String. Hostname to listen on. Defaults to
# [*sqlalchemy_collectd_log_messages*]
# (Optional) String. Log level for the plugin, set to "debug" to show
# messages received.
# Defaults to 'info'
# [*service_names*]
# (Optional) List of strings. A list of active services in this tripleo
# deployment. This is used to look up service-specific plugins that
# need to be installed.
# [*collectd_manage_repo*]
# (Optional) Boolean. Whether let collectd enable manage repositories.
# If it is set to true the epel repository will be used
# [*amqp_transport_name*]
# (Optional) String. Name of the transport.
# Default to 'metrics'
# [*amqp_external_host*]
# (Optional) String. Host which QDR service, to which collectd should be connected,
# is using for external connections.
# Defaults to hiera('tripleo::profile::base::metrics::qdr::external_listener_addr', 'localhost')
# [*amqp_host*]
# (Optional) String. Hostname or IP address of the AMQP 1.0 intermediary.
# Defaults to the undef
# [*amqp_port*]
# (Optional) String. Service name or port number on which the AMQP 1.0
# intermediary accepts connections. This argument must be a string,
# even if the numeric form is used.
# Defaults to undef
# [*amqp_user*]
# (Optional) String. User part of credentials used to authenticate to the
# AMQP 1.0 intermediary.
# Defaults to undef
# [*amqp_password*]
# (Optional) String. Password part of credentials used to authenticate
# to the AMQP 1.0 intermediary.
# Defaults to undef
# [*amqp_address*]
# (Optional) String. This option specifies the prefix for the send-to value
# in the message.
# Defaults to 'collectd'
# [*amqp_retry_delay*]
# (Optional) Number. When the AMQP1 connection is lost, defines the time
# in seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect. If not set 1 second
# is the implicit default.
# Defaults to undef
# [*amqp_interval*]
# (Optional) Number. Interval on which metrics should be sent to AMQP
# intermediary. If not set the default for all collectd plugins is used.
# Defaults to undef
# [*amqp_instances*]
# (Optional) Hash of hashes. Each inner hash represent Instance block in plugin
# configuration file. Key of outter hash represents instance name.
# The 'address' value concatenated with the 'name' given will be used
# as the send-to address for communications over the messaging link.
# Defaults to {}.
# [*qdr_mode*]
# (Optional) String. Mode in which the QDR service, to which collectd
# should be connected, is running.
# Defaults to hiera('tripleo::profile::base::metrics::qdr::router_mode', 'edge')
# [*qdr_listens_on_external*]
# (Optional) Boolean. Whether QDR service, to which collectd should be connected,
# is listening for connections on amqp_external_host rather than amqp_host.
# Defaults to hiera('tripleo::profile::base::metrics::qdr::listen_on_external', false)
# [*python_read_plugins*]
# (Optional) List of strings. List of third party python packages to install.
# Defaults to [].
# [*enable_sensubility*]
# (Optional) Boolean. Set to true if sensubility should be executed by exec plugin.
# Defaults to false.
class tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd (
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$enable_file_logging = false,
$collectd_server = undef,
$collectd_port = undef,
$collectd_username = undef,
$collectd_password = undef,
$collectd_securitylevel = undef,
$gnocchi_auth_mode = 'basic',
$gnocchi_protocol = 'http',
$gnocchi_server = undef,
$gnocchi_port = 8041,
$gnocchi_user = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_auth_url = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_user_name = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_user_id = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_password = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_project_id = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_project_name = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_user_domain_id = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_user_domain_name = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_project_domain_id = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_project_domain_name = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_region_name = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_interface = undef,
$gnocchi_keystone_endpoint = undef,
$gnocchi_resource_type = 'collectd',
$gnocchi_batch_size = 10,
$enable_sqlalchemy_collectd = false,
$sqlalchemy_collectd_bind_host = undef,
$sqlalchemy_collectd_log_messages = undef,
$amqp_transport_name = 'metrics',
$amqp_external_host = hiera('tripleo::profile::base::metrics::qdr::external_listener_addr', 'localhost'),
$amqp_host = undef,
$amqp_port = undef,
$amqp_user = undef,
$amqp_password = undef,
$amqp_address = 'collectd',
$amqp_instances = {},
$amqp_retry_delay = undef,
$amqp_interval = undef,
$qdr_mode = hiera('tripleo::profile::base::metrics::qdr::router_mode', 'edge'),
$qdr_listens_on_external = hiera('tripleo::profile::base::metrics::qdr::listen_on_external', false),
$service_names = hiera('service_names', []),
$collectd_manage_repo = false,
$python_read_plugins = [],
$enable_sensubility = false,
) {
if $step >= 3 {
class {'::collectd':
manage_repo => $collectd_manage_repo
class { 'collectd::plugin::python':
logtraces => true,
$python_packages = $python_read_plugins
package { $python_packages:
ensure => 'present'
if $enable_file_logging {
include collectd::plugin::logfile
if ! ($collectd_securitylevel in [undef, 'None', 'Sign', 'Encrypt']) {
fail('collectd_securitylevel must be one of (None, Sign, Encrypt).')
# Load per-service plugin configuration
::tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::collectd_service {
$service_names: }
# Because THT doesn't allow us to default values to undef, we need
# to perform a number of transformations here to avoid passing a bunch of
# empty strings to the collectd plugins.
$_collectd_username = empty($collectd_username) ? {
true => undef,
default => $collectd_username
$_collectd_password = empty($collectd_password) ? {
true => undef,
default => $collectd_password
$_collectd_port = empty($collectd_port) ? {
true => undef,
default => $collectd_port
$_collectd_securitylevel = empty($collectd_securitylevel) ? {
true => undef,
default => $collectd_securitylevel
if $enable_sqlalchemy_collectd {
::tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::sqlalchemy_collectd { 'sqlalchemy_collectd':
bind_host => $sqlalchemy_collectd_bind_host,
log_messages => $sqlalchemy_collectd_log_messages,
if ! empty($collectd_server) {
::collectd::plugin::network::server { $collectd_server:
username => $_collectd_username,
password => $_collectd_password,
port => $_collectd_port,
securitylevel => $_collectd_securitylevel,
} elsif !empty($amqp_host) {
if $qdr_listens_on_external and $qdr_mode == 'interior' {
$connect_to = $amqp_external_host
} else {
$connect_to = $amqp_host
class { 'collectd::plugin::amqp1':
ensure => 'present',
manage_package => true,
transport => $amqp_transport_name,
host => $connect_to,
port => $amqp_port,
user => $amqp_user,
password => $amqp_password,
address => $amqp_address,
instances => $amqp_instances,
retry_delay => $amqp_retry_delay,
interval => $amqp_interval,
} elsif !empty($gnocchi_server) or !empty($gnocchi_keystone_auth_url) {
if !empty($gnocchi_server) {
$gci_server = $gnocchi_server
} else {
$gci_server = $gnocchi_keystone_auth_url
::tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::gnocchi { $gci_server:
auth_mode => $gnocchi_auth_mode,
protocol => $gnocchi_protocol,
server => $gnocchi_server,
port => $gnocchi_port,
user => $gnocchi_user,
keystone_auth_url => $gnocchi_keystone_auth_url,
keystone_user_name => $gnocchi_keystone_user_name,
keystone_user_id => $gnocchi_keystone_user_id,
keystone_password => $gnocchi_keystone_password,
keystone_project_id => $gnocchi_keystone_project_id,
keystone_project_name => $gnocchi_keystone_project_name,
keystone_user_domain_id => $gnocchi_keystone_user_domain_id,
keystone_user_domain_name => $gnocchi_keystone_user_domain_name,
keystone_project_domain_id => $gnocchi_keystone_project_domain_id,
keystone_project_domain_name => $gnocchi_keystone_project_domain_name,
keystone_region_name => $gnocchi_keystone_region_name,
keystone_interface => $gnocchi_keystone_interface,
keystone_endpoint => $gnocchi_keystone_endpoint,
resource_type => $gnocchi_resource_type,
batch_size => $gnocchi_batch_size,
if $enable_sensubility {
include tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::sensubility