Right now after creating the rabbitmq pacemaker resource, we have no guarantee that rabbit will be up. Let's add the same mechanism we use today with the galera-ready exec resource. This gives us the guarantee that once the resource has been created it is up and we can actually create rabbitmq users (some 3rd party plugins do that, not stock TripleO). Specifically, we probe that the '{rabbit,' app shows up in the status, so we can guarantee that rabbit is running before invoking any other rabbitmqctl commands. Change-Id: Ib37eb2e591f97de54ee6449817ae8d70c6541753 Co-Authored-By: Damien Ciabrini <dciabrin@redhat.com>
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# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: tripleo::profile::pacemaker::rabbitmq
# RabbitMQ Pacemaker HA profile for tripleo
# === Parameters
# [*bootstrap_node*]
# (Optional) The hostname of the node responsible for bootstrapping tasks
# Defaults to hiera('rabbitmq_short_bootstrap_node_name')
# [*erlang_cookie*]
# (Optional) Content of erlang cookie.
# Defaults to hiera('rabbitmq::erlang_cookie').
# [*user_ha_queues*]
# (Optional) The number of HA queues in to be configured in rabbitmq
# Defaults to hiera('rabbitmq::nr_ha_queues'), which is usually 0 meaning
# that the queues number will be CEIL(N/2) where N is the number of rabbitmq
# nodes. The special value of -1 represents the mode 'ha-mode: all'
# [*rabbit_nodes*]
# (Optional) The list of rabbitmq nodes names
# Defaults to hiera('rabbitmq_node_names')
# [*step*]
# (Optional) The current step in deployment. See tripleo-heat-templates
# for more details.
# Defaults to hiera('step')
# [*pcs_tries*]
# (Optional) The number of times pcs commands should be retried.
# Defaults to hiera('pcs_tries', 20)
class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::rabbitmq (
$bootstrap_node = hiera('rabbitmq_short_bootstrap_node_name'),
$erlang_cookie = hiera('rabbitmq::erlang_cookie'),
$user_ha_queues = hiera('rabbitmq::nr_ha_queues', 0),
$rabbit_nodes = hiera('rabbitmq_node_names'),
$pcs_tries = hiera('pcs_tries', 20),
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
) {
if $::hostname == downcase($bootstrap_node) {
$pacemaker_master = true
} else {
$pacemaker_master = false
include ::tripleo::profile::base::rabbitmq
file { '/var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie':
ensure => file,
owner => 'rabbitmq',
group => 'rabbitmq',
mode => '0400',
content => $erlang_cookie,
replace => true,
require => Class['::rabbitmq'],
if $step >= 1 and $pacemaker_master and hiera('stack_action') == 'UPDATE' {
tripleo::pacemaker::resource_restart_flag { 'rabbitmq-clone':
subscribe => Class['rabbitmq::service'],
if $step >= 2 {
pacemaker::property { 'rabbitmq-role-node-property':
property => 'rabbitmq-role',
value => true,
tries => $pcs_tries,
node => $::hostname,
if $pacemaker_master {
include ::stdlib
# The default nr of ha queues is ceiling(N/2)
if $user_ha_queues == 0 {
$nr_rabbit_nodes = size($rabbit_nodes)
$nr_ha_queues = $nr_rabbit_nodes / 2 + ($nr_rabbit_nodes % 2)
$params = "set_policy='ha-all ^(?!amq\\.).* {\"ha-mode\":\"exactly\",\"ha-params\":${nr_ha_queues}}'"
} elsif $user_ha_queues == -1 {
$params = 'set_policy=\'ha-all ^(?!amq\.).* {"ha-mode":"all"}\''
} else {
$nr_ha_queues = $user_ha_queues
$params = "set_policy='ha-all ^(?!amq\\.).* {\"ha-mode\":\"exactly\",\"ha-params\":${nr_ha_queues}}'"
pacemaker::resource::ocf { 'rabbitmq':
ocf_agent_name => 'heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster',
resource_params => $params,
clone_params => 'ordered=true interleave=true',
meta_params => 'notify=true',
op_params => 'start timeout=200s stop timeout=200s',
tries => $pcs_tries,
location_rule => {
resource_discovery => 'exclusive',
score => 0,
expression => ['rabbitmq-role eq true'],
require => [Class['::rabbitmq'],
notify => Exec['rabbitmq-ready'],
# This grep makes sure the rabbit app in erlang is up and running
# which is enough to guarantee that the user will eventually get
# replicated around the cluster
exec { 'rabbitmq-ready':
path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
command => 'rabbitmqctl status | grep -F "{rabbit,"',
timeout => 30,
tries => 180,
try_sleep => 10,
refreshonly => true,
tag => 'rabbitmq_ready',
# Make sure that if we create rabbitmq users at the same step it happens
# after the cluster is up
Exec['rabbitmq-ready'] -> Rabbitmq_user<||>
Exec['rabbitmq-ready'] -> Rabbitmq_policy<||>