Currently all http endpoints except Horizon doesn't add X-Forwarded-For header. In this cases each backend service emits the HAProxy's IP address into its logs. This can make investigation difficult. This change enables forwardfor for all http end points and makes those add X-Forwarded-For header. (from stable/wallaby to stable/victoria) Conflicts: manifests/haproxy.pp manifests/haproxy/endpoint.pp (from stable/victoria to stable/train) Conflicts: manifests/haproxy.pp Closes-Bug: #1968691 Change-Id: I2682f0cb3f6253b487eed2d40437ef5780e4ae77 (cherry picked from commit d4afc29038916ef88c5cfdb67028b3ff6d7133fb) (cherry picked from commit f1d263bcf886354b111cdf782daa22f78bcbecc7) (cherry picked from commit 06eda6407606a06e5338a07f82eb44456f6c3052)
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# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: tripleo::haproxy::endpoint
# Configure a HAProxy listen endpoint
# [*internal_ip*]
# The IP in which the proxy endpoint will be listening in the internal
# network.
# [*service_port*]
# The default port on which the endpoint will be listening.
# [*member_options*]
# Options for the balancer member, specified after the server declaration.
# These should go in the member's configuration block.
# [*haproxy_port*]
# An alternative port, on which haproxy will listen for incoming requests.
# Defaults to service_port.
# [*base_service_name*]
# In cases where the service name doesn't match the endpoint name, you can
# specify this option in order to get an appropriate value for $ip_addresses
# and $server_names. So, this will be used in hiera to dervice these, if set.
# Defaults to undef
# [*ip_addresses*]
# The ordered list of IPs to be used to contact the balancer member.
# Defaults to hiera("${name}_node_ips", undef)
# [*server_names*]
# The names of the balancer members, which usually should be the hostname.
# Defaults to hiera("${name}_node_names", undef)
# [*public_virtual_ip*]
# Address in which the proxy endpoint will be listening in the public network.
# If this service is internal only this should be ommitted.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*mode*]
# HAProxy mode in which the endpoint will be listening. This can be undef,
# tcp, http or health.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*haproxy_listen_bind_param*]
# A list of params to be added to the HAProxy listener bind directive.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*listen_options*]
# Options specified for the listening service's configuration block (in
# HAproxy terms, the frontend).
# defaults to {'option' => []}
# [*public_ssl_port*]
# The port used for the public proxy endpoint if it differs from the default
# one. This is used only if SSL is enabled, and it's used in order to avoid
# overriding with the internal proxy endpoint (which could happen if they were
# in the same network).
# Defaults to undef.
# [*public_certificate*]
# Certificate path used to enable TLS for the public proxy endpoint.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*use_internal_certificates*]
# Flag that indicates if we'll use an internal certificate for this specific
# service. When set, enables SSL on the internal API endpoints using the file
# that certmonger is tracking; this is derived from the network the service is
# listening on.
# Defaults to false
# [*internal_certificates_specs*]
# A hash that should contain the specs that were used to create the
# certificates. As the name indicates, only the internal certificates will be
# fetched from here. And the keys should follow the following pattern
# "haproxy-<network name>". The network name should be as it was defined in
# tripleo-heat-templates.
# Note that this is only taken into account if the $use_internal_certificates
# flag is set.
# Defaults to {}
# [*service_network*]
# (optional) Indicates the network that the service is running on. Used for
# fetching the certificate for that specific network.
# Defaults to undef
# [*manage_firewall*]
# (optional) Enable or disable firewall settings for ports exposed by HAProxy
# (false means disabled, and true means enabled)
# Defaults to hiera('tripleo::firewall::manage_firewall', true)
# [*authorized_userlist*]
# (optional) Userlist that may access the endpoint. Activate Basic Authentication.
# You'll need to create a tripleo::haproxy::userlist in order to use that option.
# Defaults to undef
# [*sticky_sessions*]
# (optional) Enable sticky sessions for this frontend using a cookie
# [*session_cookie*]
# (optional) Cookie name to use for sticky sessions. This should be different
# for each service using sticky sessions.
define tripleo::haproxy::endpoint (
$haproxy_port = undef,
$base_service_name = undef,
$ip_addresses = hiera("${name}_node_ips", undef),
$server_names = hiera("${name}_node_names", undef),
$public_virtual_ip = undef,
$mode = undef,
$haproxy_listen_bind_param = undef,
$listen_options = {
'option' => [],
$public_ssl_port = undef,
$public_certificate = undef,
$use_internal_certificates = false,
$internal_certificates_specs = {},
$service_network = undef,
$manage_firewall = hiera('tripleo::firewall::manage_firewall', true),
$authorized_userlist = undef,
$sticky_sessions = false,
$session_cookie = 'STICKYSESSION',
) {
if $haproxy_port {
$haproxy_port_real = $haproxy_port
$service_port_real = $service_port
} else {
$haproxy_port_real = $service_port
$service_port_real = $service_port
if $base_service_name {
$ip_addresses_real = hiera("${base_service_name}_node_ips", undef)
} else {
$ip_addresses_real = $ip_addresses
if $base_service_name {
$server_names_real = hiera("${base_service_name}_node_names", undef)
} else {
$server_names_real = $server_names
# Let users override the options on a per-service basis
$custom_options = hiera("tripleo::haproxy::${name}::options", undef)
$custom_bind_options_public = delete(any2array(hiera("tripleo::haproxy::${name}::public_bind_options", undef)), undef).flatten()
$custom_bind_options_internal = delete(any2array(hiera("tripleo::haproxy::${name}::internal_bind_options", undef)), undef).flatten()
if $public_virtual_ip {
# service exposed to the public network
if $public_certificate {
if $mode == 'http' {
$tls_listen_options = {
'rsprep' => '^Location:\ http://(.*) Location:\ https://\1',
'redirect' => "scheme https code 301 if { hdr(host) -i ${public_virtual_ip} } !{ ssl_fc }",
$listen_options_precookie = merge($tls_listen_options, $listen_options, $custom_options)
} else {
$listen_options_precookie = merge($listen_options, $custom_options)
$public_bind_opts = list_to_hash(suffix(any2array($public_virtual_ip), ":${public_ssl_port}"),
union($haproxy_listen_bind_param, ['ssl', 'crt', $public_certificate], $custom_bind_options_public))
} else {
$listen_options_precookie = merge($listen_options, $custom_options)
$public_bind_opts = list_to_hash(suffix(any2array($public_virtual_ip), ":${haproxy_port_real}"),
union($haproxy_listen_bind_param, $custom_bind_options_public))
} else {
# internal service only
$public_bind_opts = {}
$listen_options_precookie = merge($listen_options, $custom_options)
if $sticky_sessions {
$cookie_options = {
'cookie' => "${session_cookie} insert indirect nocache",
$listen_options_real = merge($listen_options_precookie, $cookie_options)
} else {
$listen_options_real = $listen_options_precookie
if $use_internal_certificates {
if !$service_network {
fail("The service_network for this service is undefined. Can't configure TLS for the internal network.")
if $service_network == 'external' and $public_certificate {
# NOTE(jaosorior): This service has been configured to use the external
# network. We should use the public certificate in this case.
$internal_cert_path = $public_certificate
} else {
# NOTE(jaosorior): This service is configured for the internal network.
# We use the certificate spec hash. The key of the
# internal_certificates_specs hash must must match the convention
# haproxy-<network name> or else this will fail. Futherly, it must
# contain the path that we'll use under 'service_pem'.
$internal_cert_path = $internal_certificates_specs["haproxy-${service_network}"]['service_pem']
$internal_bind_opts = list_to_hash(suffix(any2array($internal_ip), ":${haproxy_port_real}"),
union($haproxy_listen_bind_param, ['ssl', 'crt', $internal_cert_path],
} else {
if $service_network == 'external' and $public_certificate {
$internal_bind_opts = list_to_hash(suffix(any2array($internal_ip), ":${haproxy_port_real}"),
union($haproxy_listen_bind_param, ['ssl', 'crt', $public_certificate],
} else {
$internal_bind_opts = list_to_hash(suffix(any2array($internal_ip), ":${haproxy_port_real}"),
union($haproxy_listen_bind_param, $custom_bind_options_internal))
if $authorized_userlist {
$access_rules = {
'acl' => "acl Auth${name} http_auth(${authorized_userlist})",
'http-request' => "auth realm ${name} if !Auth${name}",
Haproxy::Listen[$name] {
require => Tripleo::Haproxy::Userlist[$authorized_userlist],
} else {
$access_rules = {}
$_real_options = merge($listen_options_real, $access_rules)
$bind_opts = merge($internal_bind_opts, $public_bind_opts)
haproxy::listen { "${name}":
bind => $bind_opts,
collect_exported => false,
mode => $mode,
options => $_real_options,
if $sticky_sessions {
hash(zip($ip_addresses_real, $server_names_real)).each | $ip, $server | {
# We need to be sure the IP (IPv6) don't have colons
# which is a reserved character to reference manifests
$non_colon_ip = regsubst($ip, ':', '-', 'G')
haproxy::balancermember { "${name}_${non_colon_ip}_${server}":
listening_service => $name,
ports => $service_port_real,
ipaddresses => $ip,
server_names => $server,
options => union($member_options, ["cookie ${server}"]),
} else {
haproxy::balancermember { "${name}":
listening_service => $name,
ports => $service_port_real,
ipaddresses => $ip_addresses_real,
server_names => $server_names_real,
options => $member_options,
if $manage_firewall {
include ::tripleo::firewall
# This block will construct firewall rules only when we specify
# a port for the regular service and also the ssl port for the service.
# It makes sure we're not trying to create TCP iptables rules where no port
# is specified.
if $service_port_real {
$service_firewall_rules = {
"100 ${name}_haproxy" => {
'dport' => $service_port_real,
if $service_port_real != $haproxy_port_real {
$haproxy_firewall_rules = {
"100 ${name}_haproxy_frontend" => {
'dport' => $haproxy_port_real,
} else {
$haproxy_firewall_rules = {}
if $public_ssl_port {
$haproxy_ssl_firewall_rules = {
"100 ${name}_haproxy_ssl" => {
'dport' => $public_ssl_port,
} else {
$haproxy_ssl_firewall_rules = {}
$firewall_rules = merge($service_firewall_rules, $haproxy_firewall_rules, $haproxy_ssl_firewall_rules)
if $service_port_real or $public_ssl_port {
create_resources('tripleo::firewall::rule', $firewall_rules)