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# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: tripleo::profile::base::pacemaker
# Pacemaker profile for tripleo
# === Parameters
# [*step*]
# (Optional) The current step in deployment. See tripleo-heat-templates
# for more details.
# Defaults to hiera('step')
# [*pcs_tries*]
# (Optional) The number of times pcs commands should be retried.
# Defaults to hiera('pcs_tries', 20)
# [*remote_short_node_names*]
# (Optional) List of short node names for pacemaker remote nodes
# Defaults to hiera('pacemaker_remote_short_node_names', [])
# [*remote_node_ips*]
# (Optional) List of node ips for pacemaker remote nodes
# Defaults to hiera('pacemaker_remote_node_ips', [])
# [*remote_authkey*]
# (Optional) Authkey for pacemaker remote nodes
# Defaults to undef
# [*remote_reconnect_interval*]
# (Optional) Reconnect interval for the remote
# Defaults to hiera('pacemaker_remote_reconnect_interval', 60)
# [*remote_monitor_interval*]
# (Optional) Monitor interval for the remote
# Defaults to hiera('pacemaker_monitor_reconnect_interval', 20)
# [*remote_tries*]
# (Optional) Number of tries for the remote resource creation
# Defaults to hiera('pacemaker_remote_tries', 5)
# [*remote_try_sleep*]
# (Optional) Number of seconds to sleep between remote creation tries
# Defaults to hiera('pacemaker_remote_try_sleep', 60)
# [*cluster_recheck_interval*]
# (Optional) Set the cluster-wide cluster-recheck-interval property
# If the hiera key does not exist or if it is set to undef, the property
# won't be changed from its default value when there are no pacemaker_remote
# nodes. In presence of pacemaker_remote nodes and an undef value it will
# be set to 60s.
# Defaults to hiera('pacemaker_cluster_recheck_interval', undef)
# [*encryption*]
# (Optional) Whether or not to enable encryption of the pacemaker traffic
# Defaults to true
class tripleo::profile::base::pacemaker (
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$pcs_tries = hiera('pcs_tries', 20),
$remote_short_node_names = hiera('pacemaker_remote_short_node_names', []),
$remote_node_ips = hiera('pacemaker_remote_node_ips', []),
$remote_authkey = undef,
$remote_reconnect_interval = hiera('pacemaker_remote_reconnect_interval', 60),
$remote_monitor_interval = hiera('pacemaker_remote_monitor_interval', 20),
$remote_tries = hiera('pacemaker_remote_tries', 5),
$remote_try_sleep = hiera('pacemaker_remote_try_sleep', 60),
$cluster_recheck_interval = hiera('pacemaker_cluster_recheck_interval', undef),
$encryption = true,
) {
if count($remote_short_node_names) != count($remote_node_ips) {
fail("Count of ${remote_short_node_names} is not equal to count of ${remote_node_ips}")
Pcmk_resource <| |> {
tries => 10,
try_sleep => 3,
if $::hostname == downcase(hiera('pacemaker_short_bootstrap_node_name')) {
$pacemaker_master = true
} else {
$pacemaker_master = false
$enable_fencing = str2bool(hiera('enable_fencing', false)) and $step >= 5
if $step >= 1 {
$pacemaker_short_node_names = join(hiera('pacemaker_short_node_names'), ',')
$pacemaker_cluster_members = downcase(regsubst($pacemaker_short_node_names, ',', ' ', 'G'))
$corosync_ipv6 = str2bool(hiera('corosync_ipv6', false))
if $corosync_ipv6 {
$cluster_setup_extras_pre = {
'--token' => hiera('corosync_token_timeout', 1000),
'--ipv6' => ''
} else {
$cluster_setup_extras_pre = {
'--token' => hiera('corosync_token_timeout', 1000)
if $encryption {
$cluster_setup_extras = merge($cluster_setup_extras_pre, {'--encryption' => '1'})
} else {
$cluster_setup_extras = $cluster_setup_extras_pre
class { '::pacemaker':
hacluster_pwd => hiera('hacluster_pwd'),
-> class { '::pacemaker::corosync':
cluster_members => $pacemaker_cluster_members,
setup_cluster => $pacemaker_master,
cluster_setup_extras => $cluster_setup_extras,
remote_authkey => $remote_authkey,
if $pacemaker_master {
class { '::pacemaker::stonith':
disable => !$enable_fencing,
tries => $pcs_tries,
if $enable_fencing {
include ::tripleo::fencing
# enable stonith after all Pacemaker resources have been created
Pcmk_resource<||> -> Class['tripleo::fencing']
Pcmk_constraint<||> -> Class['tripleo::fencing']
Exec <| tag == 'pacemaker_constraint' |> -> Class['tripleo::fencing']
# enable stonith after all fencing devices have been created
Class['tripleo::fencing'] -> Pcmk_property<|title == 'Enable STONITH'|>
# We have pacemaker remote nodes configured so let's add them as resources
# We do this during step 1 right after wait-for-settle, because during step 2
# resources might already be created on pacemaker remote nodes and we need
# a guarantee that remote nodes are already up
if $pacemaker_master and count($remote_short_node_names) > 0 {
# Creates a { "node" => "ip_address", ...} hash
$remotes_hash = hash(zip($remote_short_node_names, $remote_node_ips))
pacemaker::resource::remote { $remote_short_node_names:
remote_address => $remotes_hash[$title],
reconnect_interval => $remote_reconnect_interval,
op_params => "monitor interval=${remote_monitor_interval}",
verify_on_create => true,
tries => $remote_tries,
try_sleep => $remote_try_sleep,
if $step >= 2 {
if $pacemaker_master {
include ::pacemaker::resource_defaults
# When we have a non-zero number of pacemaker remote nodes we
# want to set the cluster-recheck-interval property to something
# lower (unless the operator has explicitely set a value)
if count($remote_short_node_names) > 0 and $cluster_recheck_interval == undef {
pacemaker::property{ 'cluster-recheck-interval-property':
property => 'cluster-recheck-interval',
value => '60s',
tries => $pcs_tries,
} elsif $cluster_recheck_interval != undef {
pacemaker::property{ 'cluster-recheck-interval-property':
property => 'cluster-recheck-interval',
value => $cluster_recheck_interval,
tries => $pcs_tries,