
377 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: tripleo::profile::pacemaker::neutron::plugins::ml2::ovn
# Neutron ML2 driver Pacemaker HA profile for tripleo
# === Parameters
# [*ovn_dbs_docker_image*]
# (Optional) The docker image to use for creating the pacemaker bundle
# Defaults to undef
# [*ovn_dbs_control_port*]
# (Optional) The bundle's pacemaker_remote control port on the host
# Defaults to 3125
# [*bootstrap_node*]
# (Optional) The hostname of the node responsible for bootstrapping tasks
# Defaults to hiera('ovn_dbs_short_bootstrap_node_name')
# [*step*]
# (Optional) The current step in deployment. See tripleo-heat-templates
# for more details.
# Defaults to hiera('step')
# [*pcs_tries*]
# (Optional) The number of times pcs commands should be retried.
# Defaults to hiera('pcs_tries', 20)
# [*ovn_dbs_vip*]
# (Optional) The vip to be used for OVN DB servers. It is expected that
# the vip resource to be created before calling this class.
# Defaults to hiera('ovn_dbs_vip')
# [*nb_db_port*]
# The TCP port in which the OVN Northbound DB listens to.
# Defaults to 6641
# [*sb_db_port*]
# The TCP port in which the OVN Southbound DB listens to.
# Defaults to 6642
# [*meta_params*]
# (optional) Additional meta parameters to pass to "pcs resource create" for the VIP
# Defaults to ''
# [*op_params*]
# (optional) Additional op parameters to pass to "pcs resource create" for the VIP
# Defaults to ''
# [*container_backend*]
# (optional) Container backend to use when creating the bundle
# Defaults to 'docker'
# [*log_driver*]
# (optional) Container log driver to use. When set to undef it uses 'k8s-file'
# when container_cli is set to podman and 'journald' when it is set to docker.
# Defaults to undef
# [*log_file*]
# (optional) Container log file to use. Only relevant when log_driver is
# set to 'k8s-file'.
# Defaults to '/var/log/containers/stdouts/ovn-dbs-bundle.log'
# [*tls_priorities*]
# (optional) Sets PCMK_tls_priorities in /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker when set
# Defaults to hiera('tripleo::pacemaker::tls_priorities', undef)
# [*bundle_user*]
# (optional) Set the --user= switch to be passed to pcmk
# Defaults to undef
# [*enable_internal_tls*]
# (Optional) Whether TLS in the internal network is enabled or not.
# Defaults to hiera('enable_internal_tls', false)
# [*ca_file*]
# (Optional) The path to the CA file that will be used for the TLS
# configuration. It's only used if internal TLS is enabled.
# Defaults to undef
# [*dbs_timeout*]
# (Optional) timeout for monitor of ovn dbs resource
# Defaults to 60
# [*listen_on_master_ip_only*]
# (Optional) t If set to yes, the OVNDBs will listen on master IP. Otherwise,
# it will listen on Set to yes when using pacemaker managed vip resource
# as MASTER_IP; set to no when using external LB VIP.
# Defaults to 'yes'
# [*force_ocf*]
# (optional) Use --force when creating the ocf resource via pcs
# Defaults to false
# [*force_nic*]
# (optional) Force a specific nic interface name when creating all the VIPs
# The listening nic can be customized on a per-VIP basis by creating a hiera
# dict called: force_vip_nic_overrides[<vip/network name>] = 'dummy'
# Defaults to hiera('tripleo::pacemaker::force_nic', undef)
# [*monitor_interval_master*]
# (Optional) monitor interval for ovn dbs resource
# Defaults to 10
# [*monitor_interval_slave*]
# (Optional) monitor interval for ovn dbs resource
# Defaults to 30
# [*replication_probe_interval*]
# (Optional) probe interval for ovsdb-server. It configure probe interval for connection for ovsdb-server when it is
# in backup mode and connects to the active ovsdb-server for replication
# Defaults to 60000
class tripleo::profile::pacemaker::ovn_dbs_bundle (
$ovn_dbs_docker_image = undef,
$ovn_dbs_control_port = 3125,
$bootstrap_node = hiera('ovn_dbs_short_bootstrap_node_name'),
$step = Integer(hiera('step')),
$pcs_tries = hiera('pcs_tries', 20),
$ovn_dbs_vip = hiera('ovn_dbs_vip'),
$nb_db_port = 6641,
$sb_db_port = 6642,
$meta_params = '',
$op_params = '',
$container_backend = 'docker',
$tls_priorities = hiera('tripleo::pacemaker::tls_priorities', undef),
$bundle_user = undef,
$log_driver = undef,
$log_file = '/var/log/containers/stdouts/ovn-dbs-bundle.log',
$enable_internal_tls = hiera('enable_internal_tls', false),
$ca_file = undef,
$dbs_timeout = 60,
$listen_on_master_ip_only = 'yes',
$force_ocf = false,
$force_nic = hiera('tripleo::pacemaker::force_nic', undef),
$monitor_interval_master = 10,
$monitor_interval_slave = 30,
$replication_probe_interval = 60000,
) {
if $bootstrap_node and $::hostname == downcase($bootstrap_node) {
$pacemaker_master = true
} else {
$pacemaker_master = false
if $log_driver == undef {
if hiera('container_cli', 'docker') == 'podman' {
$log_driver_real = 'k8s-file'
} else {
$log_driver_real = 'journald'
} else {
$log_driver_real = $log_driver
if $log_driver_real == 'k8s-file' {
$log_file_real = " --log-opt path=${log_file}"
} else {
$log_file_real = ''
$force_vip_nic_overrides = hiera('force_vip_nic_overrides', {})
validate_legacy(Hash, 'validate_hash', $force_vip_nic_overrides)
if $step >= 3 {
if $pacemaker_master {
$ovndb_servers_resource_name = 'ovndb_servers'
$ovndb_servers_ocf_name = 'ovn:ovndb-servers'
$ovndb_vip_resource_name = "ip-${ovn_dbs_vip}"
$storage_maps = {
'ovn-dbs-cfg-files' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/ovn_dbs.json',
'target-dir' => '/var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json',
'options' => 'ro',
'ovn-dbs-mod-files' => {
'source-dir' => '/lib/modules',
'target-dir' => '/lib/modules',
'options' => 'ro',
'ovn-dbs-run-files' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/openvswitch/ovn',
'target-dir' => '/run/openvswitch',
'options' => 'rw',
'ovn-dbs-new-run-files' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/openvswitch/ovn',
'target-dir' => '/run/ovn',
'options' => 'rw',
'ovn-dbs-log-files' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/log/containers/openvswitch',
'target-dir' => '/var/log/openvswitch',
'options' => 'rw',
'ovn-dbs-new-log-files' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/log/containers/openvswitch',
'target-dir' => '/var/log/ovn',
'options' => 'rw',
'ovn-dbs-db-path' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/openvswitch/ovn',
'target-dir' => '/etc/openvswitch',
'options' => 'rw',
'ovn-dbs-new-db-path' => {
'source-dir' => '/var/lib/openvswitch/ovn',
'target-dir' => '/etc/ovn',
'options' => 'rw',
if (hiera('ovn_dbs_short_node_names_override', undef)) {
$ovn_dbs_short_node_names = hiera('ovn_dbs_short_node_names_override')
} else {
$ovn_dbs_short_node_names = hiera('ovn_dbs_short_node_names')
$ovn_dbs_nodes_count = count($ovn_dbs_short_node_names)
$ovn_dbs_short_node_names.each |String $node_name| {
pacemaker::property { "ovn-dbs-role-${node_name}":
property => 'ovn-dbs-role',
value => true,
tries => $pcs_tries,
node => downcase($node_name),
before => Pacemaker::Resource::Bundle['ovn-dbs-bundle'],
$ovn_dbs_vip_norm = normalize_ip_for_uri($ovn_dbs_vip)
$resource_params = "master_ip=${ovn_dbs_vip_norm} nb_master_port=${nb_db_port} \
sb_master_port=${sb_db_port} manage_northd=yes inactive_probe_interval=180000 \
listen_on_master_ip_only=${listen_on_master_ip_only} inactive_probe_interval_to_master=${replication_probe_interval}"
$ovn_dbs_location_rule = {
resource_discovery => 'exclusive',
score => 0,
expression => ['ovn-dbs-role eq true'],
if $tls_priorities != undef {
$tls_priorities_real = " -e PCMK_tls_priorities=${tls_priorities}"
} else {
$tls_priorities_real = ''
if $enable_internal_tls {
$ovn_storage_maps_tls = {
'ovn-dbs-pki-' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/private/ovn_dbs.key',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/private/ovn_dbs.key',
'options' => 'ro',
'ovn-dbs-cert' => {
'source-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ovn_dbs.crt',
'target-dir' => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ovn_dbs.crt',
'options' => 'ro',
'ovn-dbs-cacert' => {
'source-dir' => "${ca_file}",
'target-dir' => "${ca_file}",
'options' => 'ro',
$tls_params = " ovn_nb_db_privkey=/etc/pki/tls/private/ovn_dbs.key ovn_nb_db_cert=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ovn_dbs.crt \
ovn_nb_db_cacert=${ca_file} ovn_sb_db_privkey=/etc/pki/tls/private/ovn_dbs.key \
ovn_sb_db_cert=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ovn_dbs.crt ovn_sb_db_cacert=${ca_file} \
nb_master_protocol=ssl sb_master_protocol=ssl"
} else {
$tls_params = ''
$ovn_storage_maps_tls = {}
if $bundle_user == undef {
$bundle_user_real = ''
} else {
$bundle_user_real = "--user=${bundle_user} "
$resource_map = "${resource_params}${tls_params}"
pacemaker::resource::bundle { 'ovn-dbs-bundle':
image => $ovn_dbs_docker_image,
replicas => $ovn_dbs_nodes_count,
masters => 1,
location_rule => $ovn_dbs_location_rule,
container_options => 'network=host',
# lint:ignore:140chars
options => "${bundle_user_real}--log-driver=${log_driver_real}${log_file_real} -e KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY=COPY_ALWAYS${tls_priorities_real}",
# lint:endignore
run_command => '/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/kolla_start',
network => "control-port=${ovn_dbs_control_port}",
storage_maps => merge($storage_maps, $ovn_storage_maps_tls),
container_backend => $container_backend,
tries => $pcs_tries,
pacemaker::resource::ocf { "${ovndb_servers_resource_name}":
ocf_agent_name => "${ovndb_servers_ocf_name}",
master_params => '',
op_params => "start timeout=200s stop timeout=200s monitor interval=${monitor_interval_master}s role=Master timeout=${dbs_timeout}s \
monitor interval=${monitor_interval_slave}s role=Slave timeout=${dbs_timeout}s",
resource_params => $resource_map,
tries => $pcs_tries,
location_rule => $ovn_dbs_location_rule,
meta_params => 'notify=true container-attribute-target=host',
bundle => 'ovn-dbs-bundle',
force => $force_ocf,
if downcase($listen_on_master_ip_only) == 'yes' {
if has_key($force_vip_nic_overrides, 'ovn_dbs_vip') {
$ovn_dbs_vip_nic = $force_vip_nic_overrides['ovn_dbs_vip']
} else {
$ovn_dbs_vip_nic = $force_nic
# We create a separate VIP by default now in OVN (since train)
if is_ipv6_address($ovn_dbs_vip) {
$netmask = '128'
$vip_nic = interface_for_ip($ovn_dbs_vip)
$ipv6_addrlabel = '99'
} else {
$netmask = '32'
$vip_nic = ''
$ipv6_addrlabel = ''
if $ovn_dbs_vip_nic != undef {
$nic_real = $ovn_dbs_vip_nic
} else {
$nic_real = $vip_nic
pacemaker::resource::ip { "${ovndb_vip_resource_name}":
ip_address => $ovn_dbs_vip,
cidr_netmask => $netmask,
nic => $nic_real,
ipv6_addrlabel => $ipv6_addrlabel,
location_rule => $ovn_dbs_location_rule,
meta_params => "resource-stickiness=INFINITY ${meta_params}",
op_params => $op_params,
tries => $pcs_tries,
pacemaker::constraint::colocation { "${ovndb_vip_resource_name}-with-${ovndb_servers_resource_name}":
source => "${ovndb_vip_resource_name}",
target => 'ovn-dbs-bundle',
master_slave => true,
score => 'INFINITY',
tries => $pcs_tries,
pacemaker::constraint::order { "${ovndb_vip_resource_name}-with-${ovndb_servers_resource_name}":
first_resource => 'ovn-dbs-bundle',
second_resource => "${ovndb_vip_resource_name}",
first_action => 'promote',
second_action => 'start',
constraint_params => 'kind=Optional',
tries => $pcs_tries,
} # Only run when enable_load_balancer is set to true
Pcmk_bundle<| title == 'ovn-dbs-bundle' |>
-> Pcmk_resource<| title == "${ovndb_servers_resource_name}" |>
-> Pcmk_resource<| title == "${ovndb_vip_resource_name}" |>
-> Pcmk_constraint<| title == "${ovndb_vip_resource_name}-with-${ovndb_servers_resource_name}" |>
-> Pcmk_constraint<| title == "${ovndb_vip_resource_name}-with-${ovndb_servers_resource_name}" |>