# == Class: trove::healthcheck # # Configure oslo_middleware options in healthcheck section # # == Params # # [*detailed*] # (Optional) Show more detailed information as part of the response. # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'] # # [*backends*] # (Optional) Additional backends that can perform health checks and report # that information back as part of a request. # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'] # # [*allowed_source_ranges*] # (Optional) A list of network addresses to limit source ip allowed to access # healthcheck information. # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'] # # [*ignore_proxied_requests*] # (Optional) Ignore requests with proxy headers # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'] # # [*disable_by_file_path*] # (Optional) Check the presence of a file to determine if an application # is running on a port. # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'] # # [*disable_by_file_paths*] # (Optional) Check the presence of a file to determine if an application # is running on a port. Expects a "port:path" list of strings. # Defaults to $facts['os_service_default'] # class trove::healthcheck ( $detailed = $facts['os_service_default'], $backends = $facts['os_service_default'], $allowed_source_ranges = $facts['os_service_default'], $ignore_proxied_requests = $facts['os_service_default'], $disable_by_file_path = $facts['os_service_default'], $disable_by_file_paths = $facts['os_service_default'], ) { include trove::deps oslo::healthcheck { 'trove_config': detailed => $detailed, backends => $backends, allowed_source_ranges => $allowed_source_ranges, ignore_proxied_requests => $ignore_proxied_requests, disable_by_file_path => $disable_by_file_path, disable_by_file_paths => $disable_by_file_paths, } }