Deprecation of parameters listed in Mitaka during Newton cycle [1] [1] http://docs.openstack.org/mitaka/config-reference/tables/conf-changes/trove.html Change-Id: I700ddfd674a817c190916890a4a74f82ed82d3c1
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# == Class: trove::quota
# Setup and configure trove quotas.
# === Parameters
# [*max_instances_per_tenant*]
# (optional) Default maximum number of instances per tenant.
# Defaults to 5.
# [*max_accepted_volume_size*]
# (optional) Default maximum volume size (in GB) for an instance.
# Defaults to 5.
# [*max_volumes_per_tenant*]
# (optional) Default maximum volume capacity (in GB) spanning across
# all Trove volumes per tenant.
# Defaults to 20.
# [*max_backups_per_tenant*]
# (optional) Default maximum number of backups created by a tenant.
# Defaults to 50.
# [*quota_driver*]
# (optional) Default driver to use for quota checks.
# Defaults to 'trove.quota.quota.DbQuotaDriver'.
# [*max_instances_per_user*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. Default maximum number of instances per tenant.
# Defaults to undef
# [*max_volumes_per_user*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. Default maximum volume capacity (in GB) spanning across
# all Trove volumes per tenant.
# Defaults to undef
# [*max_backups_per_user*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. Default maximum number of backups created by a tenant.
# Defaults to undef
class trove::quota (
$max_instances_per_tenant = 5,
$max_accepted_volume_size = 5,
$max_volumes_per_tenant = 20,
$max_backups_per_tenant = 50,
$quota_driver = 'trove.quota.quota.DbQuotaDriver',
# Deprecated
$max_instances_per_user = undef,
$max_volumes_per_user = undef,
$max_backups_per_user = undef,
) {
include ::trove::deps
if $max_instances_per_user {
warning('max_instances_per_user deprecated, has no effect and will be removed after Newton cycle. Please use max_instances_per_tenant instead.')
$max_instances_per_tenant_real = $max_instances_per_user
} else {
$max_instances_per_tenant_real = $max_instances_per_tenant
if $max_volumes_per_user {
warning('max_volumes_per_user deprecated, has no effect and will be removed after Newton cycle. Please use max_volumes_per_tenant instead.')
$max_volumes_per_tenant_real = $max_volumes_per_user
} else {
$max_volumes_per_tenant_real = $max_volumes_per_tenant
if $max_backups_per_user {
warning('max_backups_per_user deprecated, has no effect and will be removed after Newton cycle. Please use max_backups_per_tenant instead.')
$max_backups_per_tenant_real = $max_backups_per_user
} else {
$max_backups_per_tenant_real = $max_backups_per_tenant
trove_config {
'DEFAULT/max_instances_per_tenant': value => $max_instances_per_tenant_real;
'DEFAULT/max_accepted_volume_size': value => $max_accepted_volume_size;
'DEFAULT/max_volumes_per_tenant': value => $max_volumes_per_tenant_real;
'DEFAULT/max_backups_per_tenant': value => $max_backups_per_tenant_real;
'DEFAULT/quota_driver': value => $quota_driver;