Iury Gregory Melo Ferreira a498d302b7 Revert "Trove Deprecations"
This commit partially reverts original commit.

use_syslog option is not deprecated and still actual.

This reverts commit 700ddfd674a817c190916890a4a74f82ed82d3c1

Change-Id: Ie7515a45abeb3b0b4a7833bd19a32fbab759765a
2016-05-31 12:19:24 -03:00

403 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2014 eNovance SAS <licensing@enovance.com>
# Author: Emilien Macchi <emilien.macchi@enovance.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class trove::api
# Configure API service in trove
# == Parameters
# [*manage_service*]
# (optional) Whether to start/stop the service
# Defaults to true
# [*ensure_package*]
# (optional) Whether the trove api package will be installed
# Defaults to 'present'
# [*keystone_password*]
# (required) Password used to authentication.
# [*debug*]
# (optional) Rather to log the trove api service at debug level.
# Defaults to undef
# [*log_file*]
# (optional) The path of file used for logging
# If set to boolean false, it will not log to any file.
# Defaults to undef
# [*log_dir*]
# (optional) directory to which trove logs are sent.
# If set to boolean false, it will not log to any directory.
# Defaults to undef
# [*use_syslog*]
# (optional) Use syslog for logging.
# Defaults to undef
# [*use_stderr*]
# (optional) Use stderr for logging
# Defaults to undef
# [*log_facility*]
# (optional) Syslog facility to receive log lines.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*bind_host*]
# (optional) The address of the host to bind to.
# Default:
# [*bind_port*]
# (optional) The port the server should bind to.
# Default: 8779
# [*backlog*]
# (optional) Backlog requests when creating socket
# Default: 4096
# [*workers*]
# (optional) Number of trove API worker processes to start
# Default: $::processorcount
# [*auth_uri*]
# (Optional) Complete public Identity API endpoint.
# Defaults to false.
# [*identity_uri*]
# (Optional) Complete admin Identity API endpoint.
# This should specify the unversioned root endpoint.
# Defaults to false.
# [*keystone_tenant*]
# (optional) Tenant to authenticate to.
# Defaults to services.
# [*keystone_user*]
# (optional) User to authenticate as with keystone.
# Defaults to 'trove'.
# [*enabled*]
# (optional) Whether to enable services.
# Defaults to true.
# [*purge_config*]
# (optional) Whether to set only the specified config options
# in the api config.
# Defaults to false.
# [*cert_file*]
# (optinal) Certificate file to use when starting API server securely
# Defaults to false, not set
# [*key_file*]
# (optional) Private key file to use when starting API server securely
# Defaults to false, not set
# [*ca_file*]
# (optional) CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients
# Defaults to false, not set
# [*http_get_rate*]
# (optional) Default rate limit of GET request.
# Defaults to 200.
# [*http_post_rate*]
# (optional) Default rate limit of POST request.
# Defaults to 200.
# [*http_put_rate*]
# (optional) Default rate limit of PUT request.
# Defaults to 200.
# [*http_delete_rate*]
# (optional) Default rate limit of DELETE request.
# Defaults to 200.
# [*http_mgmt_post_rate*]
# (optional) Default rate limit of mgmt post request.
# Defaults to 200.
# [*auth_host*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED: Use identity_uri instead.
# Host running auth service.
# Defaults to '
# [*auth_port*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED: Use identity_uri instead.
# Port to use for auth service on auth_host.
# Defaults to '35357'.
# [*auth_protocol*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED: Use identity_uri instead.
# Protocol to use for auth.
# Defaults to 'http'.
# [*auth_url*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED: Use auth_uri instead.
# Authentication URL.
# Defaults to 'http://localhost:5000/v2.0'.
# [*verbose*]
# (optional) Deprecated. Rather to log the trove api service at verbose level.
# Defaults to undef
class trove::api(
$debug = undef,
$log_file = undef,
$log_dir = undef,
$use_syslog = undef,
$use_stderr = undef,
$log_facility = undef,
$bind_host = '',
$bind_port = '8779',
$backlog = '4096',
$workers = $::processorcount,
$auth_uri = false,
$identity_uri = false,
$keystone_tenant = 'services',
$keystone_user = 'trove',
$enabled = true,
$purge_config = false,
$cert_file = false,
$key_file = false,
$ca_file = false,
$http_get_rate = 200,
$http_post_rate = 200,
$http_put_rate = 200,
$http_delete_rate = 200,
$http_mgmt_post_rate = 200,
$manage_service = true,
$ensure_package = 'present',
$auth_host = '',
$auth_url = 'http://localhost:5000/v2.0',
$auth_port = '35357',
$auth_protocol = 'http',
$verbose = undef,
) inherits trove {
include ::trove::deps
include ::trove::db
include ::trove::db::sync
include ::trove::logging
include ::trove::params
if $verbose {
warning('verbose is deprecated, has no effect and will be removed after Newton cycle.')
# basic service config
trove_config {
'DEFAULT/bind_host': value => $bind_host;
'DEFAULT/bind_port': value => $bind_port;
'DEFAULT/backlog': value => $backlog;
'DEFAULT/trove_api_workers': value => $workers;
'DEFAULT/nova_proxy_admin_user': value => $::trove::nova_proxy_admin_user;
'DEFAULT/nova_proxy_admin_pass': value => $::trove::nova_proxy_admin_pass;
'DEFAULT/nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name': value => $::trove::nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name;
oslo::messaging::default { 'trove_config':
control_exchange => $::trove::control_exchange
if $identity_uri {
trove_config { 'keystone_authtoken/identity_uri': value => $identity_uri; }
} else {
trove_config { 'keystone_authtoken/identity_uri': ensure => absent; }
if $auth_uri {
trove_config {
'DEFAULT/trove_auth_url' : value => $auth_uri;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri' : value => $auth_uri;
} else {
if $auth_url {
warning('The auth_url parameter is deprecated. Please use auth_uri instead.')
trove_config {
'DEFAULT/trove_auth_url' : value => $auth_url;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri' : value => $auth_url;
} else {
$auth_uri_real = "${auth_protocol}://${auth_host}:5000/v2.0"
warning('In a next release, auth_uri will be default to version-less keystone endpoint.')
trove_config {
'DEFAULT/trove_auth_url' : value => $auth_uri_real;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_uri' : value => $auth_uri_real;
# if both auth_uri and identity_uri are set we skip these deprecated settings entirely
if !$auth_uri or !$identity_uri {
if $auth_host {
warning('The auth_host parameter is deprecated. Please use auth_uri and identity_uri instead.')
trove_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_host': value => $auth_host; }
} else {
trove_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_host': ensure => absent; }
if $auth_port {
warning('The auth_port parameter is deprecated. Please use auth_uri and identity_uri instead.')
trove_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_port': value => $auth_port; }
} else {
trove_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_port': ensure => absent; }
if $auth_protocol {
warning('The auth_protocol parameter is deprecated. Please use auth_uri and identity_uri instead.')
trove_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol': value => $auth_protocol; }
} else {
trove_config { 'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol': ensure => absent; }
} else {
trove_config {
'keystone_authtoken/auth_host' : ensure => absent;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_port' : ensure => absent;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol' : ensure => absent;
trove_config {
'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name': value => $keystone_tenant;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_user': value => $keystone_user;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_password': value => $keystone_password, secret => true;
# SSL Options
if $cert_file {
trove_config {
'ssl/cert_file' : value => $cert_file;
} else {
trove_config {
'ssl/cert_file': ensure => absent;
if $key_file {
trove_config {
'ssl/key_file' : value => $key_file;
} else {
trove_config {
'ssl/key_file': ensure => absent;
if $ca_file {
trove_config {
'ssl/ca_file' : value => $ca_file;
} else {
trove_config {
'ssl/ca_file': ensure => absent;
# rate limits
trove_config {
'DEFAULT/http_get_rate': value => $http_get_rate;
'DEFAULT/http_post_rate': value => $http_post_rate;
'DEFAULT/http_put_rate': value => $http_put_rate;
'DEFAULT/http_delete_rate': value => $http_delete_rate;
'DEFAULT/http_mgmt_post_rate': value => $http_mgmt_post_rate;
resources { 'trove_config':
purge => $purge_config,
# region name
if $::trove::os_region_name {
trove_config { 'DEFAULT/os_region_name': value => $::trove::os_region_name }
else {
trove_config {'DEFAULT/os_region_name': ensure => absent }
# services type
trove_config {
'DEFAULT/nova_compute_service_type': value => $::trove::nova_compute_service_type;
'DEFAULT/cinder_service_type': value => $::trove::cinder_service_type;
'DEFAULT/neutron_service_type': value => $::trove::neutron_service_type;
'DEFAULT/swift_service_type': value => $::trove::swift_service_type;
'DEFAULT/heat_service_type': value => $::trove::heat_service_type;
oslo::messaging::notifications { 'trove_config':
driver => $::trove::notification_driver,
topics => $::trove::notification_topics
if $::trove::rpc_backend == 'trove.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu' or $::trove::rpc_backend == 'rabbit' {
oslo::messaging::rabbit {'trove_config':
rabbit_hosts => $::trove::rabbit_hosts,
rabbit_host => $::trove::rabbit_host,
rabbit_port => $::trove::rabbit_port,
rabbit_ha_queues => $::trove::rabbit_ha_queues,
rabbit_userid => $::trove::rabbit_userid,
rabbit_password => $::trove::rabbit_password,
rabbit_virtual_host => $::trove::rabbit_virtual_host,
rabbit_use_ssl => $::trove::rabbit_use_ssl,
kombu_reconnect_delay => $::trove::kombu_reconnect_delay,
amqp_durable_queues => $::trove::amqp_durable_queues,
kombu_ssl_ca_certs => $::trove::kombu_ssl_ca_certs,
kombu_ssl_certfile => $::trove::kombu_ssl_certfile,
kombu_ssl_keyfile => $::trove::kombu_ssl_keyfile,
kombu_ssl_version => $::trove::kombu_ssl_version
} elsif $::trove::rpc_backend == 'amqp' {
oslo::messaging::amqp { 'trove_config':
server_request_prefix => $::trove::amqp_server_request_prefix,
broadcast_prefix => $::trove::amqp_broadcast_prefix,
group_request_prefix => $::trove::amqp_group_request_prefix,
container_name => $::trove::amqp_container_name,
idle_timeout => $::trove::amqp_idle_timeout,
trace => $::trove::amqp_trace,
ssl_ca_file => $::trove::amqp_ssl_ca_file,
ssl_cert_file => $::trove::amqp_ssl_cert_file,
ssl_key_file => $::trove::amqp_ssl_key_file,
ssl_key_password => $::trove::amqp_ssl_key_password,
allow_insecure_clients => $::trove::amqp_allow_insecure_clients,
sasl_mechanisms => $::trove::amqp_sasl_mechanisms,
sasl_config_dir => $::trove::amqp_sasl_config_dir,
sasl_config_name => $::trove::amqp_sasl_config_name,
username => $::trove::amqp_username,
password => $::trove::amqp_password,
} else {
trove_config {
'DEFAULT/rpc_backend' : value => $::trove::rpc_backend;
trove::generic_service { 'api':
enabled => $enabled,
manage_service => $manage_service,
ensure_package => $ensure_package,
package_name => $::trove::params::api_package_name,
service_name => $::trove::params::api_service_name,