Takashi Kajinami 3ff72b5736 Deprecate usage of Dynamic Kernel Module Support
... because it was required for very old versions of Ubuntu and Debian
and no longer required in recent versions.

Change-Id: Ib5d3ab7cd79470e446a13475d5886c76048bfe5b
2022-02-27 22:43:47 +09:00

135 lines
3.6 KiB

# vswitch: open-vswitch
# == Class: vswitch::ovs
# installs openvswitch
# === Parameters:
# [*package_ensure*]
# (Optional) State of the openvswitch package
# Defaults to 'present'.
# [*enable_hw_offload*]
# (optional) Configure OVS to use
# Hardware Offload. This feature is
# supported from ovs 2.8.0.
# Defaults to false.
# [*disable_emc*]
# (optional) Configure OVS to disable EMC.
# Defaults to false.
# [*vlan_limit*]
# (optional) Number of vlan layers allowed.
# Default to undef
# [*vs_config*]
# (optional) allow configuration of arbitary vsiwtch configurations.
# The value is an hash of vs_config resources. Example:
# { 'other_config:foo' => { value => 'baa' } }
# NOTE: that the configuration MUST NOT be already handled by this module
# or Puppet catalog compilation will fail with duplicate resources.
# [*dkms_ensure*]
# (optional) on debian/wheezy, ubuntu/precise, ubuntu/trusty and
# ubuntu/utopic dkms (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) is used to
# have a kernel module which matches the running kernel.
# In newer distributions (which ship with a newer kernel) dkms
# is not available anymore for openvswitch.
# For RedHat this parameter is ignored.
# If you like turn off dkms on Debian/Ubuntu set to false.
# defaults to undef.
class vswitch::ovs(
$package_ensure = 'present',
$enable_hw_offload = false,
$disable_emc = false,
$vlan_limit = undef,
$vs_config = {},
$dkms_ensure = undef,
) {
include vswitch::params
validate_legacy(Hash, 'validate_hash', $vs_config)
if $dkms_ensure {
warning('The dkms_ensure parameter is deprecated and has no effect')
if $enable_hw_offload {
vs_config { 'other_config:hw-offload':
value => true,
restart => true,
wait => true,
} else {
vs_config { 'other_config:hw-offload':
ensure => absent,
restart => true,
wait => true,
# lint:endignore
if $disable_emc {
vs_config { 'other_config:emc-insert-inv-prob':
value => 0,
wait => false,
if is_service_default($vlan_limit) {
warning('Usage of $::os_service_default for vlan_limit is deprecated. Use undef instead')
vs_config { 'other_config:vlan-limit':
ensure => absent,
wait => true,
} else {
vs_config { 'other_config:vlan-limit':
value => $vlan_limit,
wait => true,
create_resources('vs_config', $vs_config)
service { 'openvswitch':
ensure => true,
enable => true,
name => $::vswitch::params::ovs_service_name,
status => $::vswitch::params::ovs_status,
hasstatus => $::vswitch::params::ovs_service_hasstatus
if $::vswitch::params::ovsdb_service_name {
service { 'ovsdb-server':
ensure => true,
enable => true,
name => $::vswitch::params::ovsdb_service_name,
status => $::vswitch::params::ovsdb_status,
Service['ovsdb-server'] ~> Service['openvswitch']
# NOTE(tkajinam): This resource is defined to restart the openvswitch service
# when any vs_config resource with restart => true is enabled.
exec { 'restart openvswitch':
path => ['/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/bin'],
command => "systemctl -q restart ${::vswitch::params::ovs_service_name}.service",
refreshonly => true,
package { $::vswitch::params::ovs_package_name:
ensure => $package_ensure,
before => Service['openvswitch'],
tag => 'openvswitch',
Service['openvswitch'] -> Vs_port<||>
Service['openvswitch'] -> Vs_bridge<||>
Service['openvswitch'] -> Vs_config<||>