Benedikt Trefzer 0b1ea47ed2 rework service and fix service for debian jessie
- use ::vswitch::params for service parameters
- on debian jessie openvswitch has now proper init scripts
  with status. This patch avoids restarting ovs on each
  puppet run on jessie.
- this patch breaks debian versions older than wheezy
  (which are not supported by debian anymore)

Change-Id: I48c81b9987935c848009b4bf3ed010c70ab1a404
Co-Authored-By:  Alex Schultz <>
2016-11-30 23:26:36 -07:00

74 lines
2.9 KiB

# vswitch params
class vswitch::params {
include ::openstacklib::defaults
if versioncmp($::puppetversion, '4.0.0') < 0 and versioncmp($::puppetversion, '3.6.1') >= 0 {
Package<| tag == 'openvswitch' |> {
allow_virtual => true,
case $::osfamily {
'Redhat': {
$ovs_package_name = 'openvswitch'
# OVS2.5 in Red Hat family is unified package which will support plain
# OVS and also DPDK (if enabled at runtime).
$ovs_dpdk_package_name = 'openvswitch'
$ovs_dkms_package_name = undef
$ovs_service_name = 'openvswitch'
$provider = 'ovs_redhat'
'Debian': {
$ovs_package_name = 'openvswitch-switch'
$ovs_dpdk_package_name = 'openvswitch-switch-dpdk'
$ovs_dkms_package_name = 'openvswitch-datapath-dkms'
$ovs_service_name = 'openvswitch-switch'
$provider = 'ovs'
case $::operatingsystem {
'ubuntu': {
# ubuntu 16.04 doesn't have upstart
# this workaround should be removed when
# will be resolved
if versioncmp($::operatingsystemmajrelease, '16') >= 0 {
$ovs_status = '/etc/init.d/openvswitch-switch status | fgrep -q "not running"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi'
} else {
$ovs_status = '/sbin/status openvswitch-switch | fgrep "start/running"'
$ovs_service_hasstatus = false
'debian': {
if ($::lsbdistcodename == 'wheezy') {
$ovs_service_hasstatus = false
$ovs_status = '/etc/init.d/openvswitch-switch status | fgrep -q "not running"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi' # lint:ignore:140chars
} else {
$ovs_service_hasstatus = true
default: {
fail('Unsupported Debian based system')
'FreeBSD': {
$ovs_package_name = 'openvswitch'
$ovs_pkg_provider = 'pkgng'
$provider = 'ovs'
$ovs_service_name = 'ovs-vswitchd'
$ovsdb_service_name = 'ovsdb-server'
$ovs_status = "/usr/sbin/service ${ovs_service_name} onestatus"
$ovsdb_status = "/usr/sbin/service ${ovsdb_service_name} onestatus"
'Solaris': {
$ovs_package_name = 'service/network/openvswitch'
$ovs_service_name = 'application/openvswitch/vswitch-server:default'
$ovsdb_service_name = 'application/openvswitch/ovsdb-server:default'
$ovs_status = "/usr/bin/svcs -H -o state ${ovs_service_name} | grep online"
$ovsdb_status = "/usr/bin/svcs -H -o state ${ovsdb_service_name} | grep online"
default: {
fail " Osfamily ${::osfamily} not supported yet"
} # Case $::osfamily