
99 lines
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# Configure OVS to use DPDK
# === Parameters
# [*memory_channels*]
# (optional) The number of memory channels to use as an integer.
# [*host_core_list*]
# (optional) The list of cores to be used by the lcore threads.
# The host_core_list is a string with format as <c1>[-c2][,c3[-c4],...]
# where c1, c2, etc are core indexes between 0 and 128.
# For example, to configure 3 cores the value should be "0-2"
# [*package_ensure*]
# (Optional) State of the openvswitch package
# Defaults to 'present'.
# [*pmd_core_list*]
# (optional) The list of cores to be used by the DPDK PMD threads.
# The pmd_core_list is a string with format as <c1>[-c2][,c3[-c4],...] where
# c1, c2, etc are core indexes between 0 and 128
# For example, to configure 3 cores the value should be "0-2"
# [*socket_mem*]
# (Optional) Set the memory to be allocated on each socket
# The socket_mem is a string with comma separated memory list in MB in the
# order of socket numbers. For example, to allocate memory of 1GB for
# socket 1 and no allocation for socket 0, the value should be "0,1024"
# Defaults to undef.
# [*driver_type*]
# (Optional) The DPDK Driver type
# Defaults to 'vfio-pci'
# This parameter is required only for OVS versions <= 2.5.
class vswitch::dpdk (
$memory_channels = undef,
$host_core_list = undef,
$package_ensure = 'present',
$pmd_core_list = undef,
$socket_mem = undef,
$driver_type = 'vfio-pci',
) {
include ::vswitch::params
kmod::load { 'vfio-pci': }
if $::osfamily != 'Redhat' {
fail( "${::osfamily} not yet supported for dpdk installation by puppet-vswitch")
package { $::vswitch::params::ovs_dpdk_package_name:
ensure => $package_ensure,
before => Service['openvswitch'],
tag => 'openvswitch',
$pmd_core_mask = range_to_mask($pmd_core_list)
$dpdk_lcore_mask = range_to_mask($host_core_list)
if $memory_channels and !empty($memory_channels) {
$memory_channels_conf = "-n ${memory_channels}"
else {
$memory_channels_conf = undef
$dpdk_configs = {
'other_config:dpdk-extra' => { value => $memory_channels_conf},
'other_config:dpdk-socket-mem' => { value => $socket_mem},
'other_config:dpdk-lcore-mask' => { value => $dpdk_lcore_mask},
'other_config:pmd-cpu-mask' => { value => $pmd_core_mask},
$dpdk_dependencies = {
wait => false,
require => Service['openvswitch'],
notify => Vs_config['other_config:dpdk-init'],
vs_config { 'other_config:dpdk-init':
value => true,
require => Service['openvswitch'],
wait => true,
service { 'openvswitch':
ensure => true,
enable => true,
name => $::vswitch::params::ovs_service_name,
create_resources ('vs_config', $dpdk_configs, $dpdk_dependencies)