Refactored for better testability

We heavily refactored and its respective
tests in order to ensure better testing practices.
The tests no longer rely on executing through cliff.
Cliff was responsible for suppressing errors.

Change-Id: I820c90a0d197d6470b36b5767b9f983572a7ff0f
This commit is contained in:
Chellygel 2015-04-23 18:12:30 -05:00
parent 28a45f591c
commit 5ef33c2da8
2 changed files with 197 additions and 213 deletions

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@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ import sys
from cliff import app
from cliff import commandmanager
from keystoneclient.auth import identity
from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v3
from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v2
from keystoneclient import session
import six
@ -43,6 +44,138 @@ class Barbican(app.App):
def check_auth_arguments(self, args, api_version=None, raise_exc=False):
"""Verifies that we have the correct arguments for authentication
Supported Keystone v3 combinations:
- Project Id
- Project Name + Project Domain Name
- Project Name + Project Domain Id
Supported Keystone v2 combinations:
- Tenant Id
- Tenant Name
successful = True
v3_arg_combinations = [
args.os_project_name and args.os_project_domain_name,
args.os_project_name and args.os_project_domain_id
v2_arg_combinations = [args.os_tenant_id, args.os_tenant_name]
# Keystone V3
if not api_version or api_version == _DEFAULT_IDENTITY_API_VERSION:
if not any(v3_arg_combinations):
msg = ('ERROR: please specify the following --os-project-id or'
' (--os-project-name and --os-project-domain-name) or '
' (--os-project-name and --os-project-domain-id)')
successful = False
# Keystone V2
if not any(v2_arg_combinations):
msg = ('ERROR: please specify --os-tenant-id or'
successful = False
if not successful and raise_exc:
raise Exception(msg)
return successful
def build_kwargs_based_on_version(self, args, api_version=None):
if not api_version or api_version == _DEFAULT_IDENTITY_API_VERSION:
kwargs = {
'project_id': args.os_project_id,
'project_name': args.os_project_name,
'user_domain_id': args.os_user_domain_id,
'user_domain_name': args.os_user_domain_name,
'project_domain_id': args.os_project_domain_id,
'project_domain_name': args.os_project_name
kwargs = {
'tenant_name': args.os_tenant_name,
'tenant_id': args.os_tenant_id
# Return a dictionary with only the populated (not None) values
return dict((k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(kwargs) if v)
def create_keystone_session(
self, args, api_version, kwargs_dict, auth_type
# Make sure we have the correct arguments to function
self.check_auth_arguments(args, api_version, raise_exc=True)
kwargs = self.build_kwargs_based_on_version(args, api_version)
if not api_version or api_version == _DEFAULT_IDENTITY_API_VERSION:
method = v3.Token if auth_type == 'token' else v3.Password
method = v2.Token if auth_type == 'token' else v2.Password
auth = method(**kwargs)
return session.Session(auth=auth, verify=not args.insecure)
def create_client(self, args):
created_client = None
api_version = args.os_identity_api_version
if args.no_auth and args.os_auth_url:
raise Exception(
'ERROR: argument --os-auth-url/-A: not allowed '
'with argument --no-auth/-N'
if args.no_auth:
if not all([args.endpoint, args.os_tenant_id or
raise Exception(
'ERROR: please specify --endpoint and '
'--os-project-id (or --os-tenant-id)')
created_client = client.Client(
project_id=args.os_tenant_id or args.os_project_id,
verify=not args.insecure
# Token-based authentication
elif args.os_auth_token:
if not args.os_auth_url:
raise Exception('ERROR: please specify --os-auth-url')
token_kwargs = {
'auth_url': args.os_auth_url,
'token': args.os_auth_token
session = self.create_keystone_session(
args, api_version, token_kwargs, auth_type='token'
created_client = client.Client(
# Password-based authentication
elif args.os_auth_url:
password_kwargs = {
'auth_url': args.os_auth_url,
'password': args.os_password,
'user_id': args.os_user_id,
'username': args.os_username
session = self.create_keystone_session(
args, api_version, password_kwargs, auth_type='password'
created_client = client.Client(
raise Exception('ERROR: please specify authentication credentials')
return created_client
def build_option_parser(self, description, version, argparse_kwargs=None):
"""Introduces global arguments for the application.
This is inherited from the framework.
@ -122,69 +255,6 @@ class Barbican(app.App):
return parser
def _assert_no_auth_and_auth_url_mutually_exclusive(self, no_auth,
if no_auth and auth_url:
raise Exception("ERROR: argument --os-auth-url/-A: not allowed "
"with argument --no-auth/-N")
def _check_auth_arguments(self, args, api_version=None, raise_exc=False):
"""Verifies that we have the correct arguments for authentication
Supported Keystone v3 combinations:
- Project Id
- Project Name + Project Domain Name
- Project Name + Project Domain Id
Support Keystone v2 combinations:
- Tenant Id
- Tenant Name
successful = True
v3_arg_combinations = [
args.os_project_name and args.os_project_domain_name,
args.os_project_name and args.os_project_domain_id
v2_arg_combinations = [args.os_tenant_id, args.os_tenant_name]
# Keystone V3
if not api_version or api_version == _DEFAULT_IDENTITY_API_VERSION:
if not any(v3_arg_combinations):
msg = ('ERROR: please specify the following --os-project-id or'
'--os-project-name and --os-project-domain-name or '
'--os-project-name and --os-project-domain-id')
successful = False
# Keystone V2
if not any(v2_arg_combinations):
msg = ('ERROR: please specify --os-tenant-id or'
successful = False
if not successful and raise_exc:
raise Exception(msg)
return successful
def _build_kwargs_based_on_version(self, args, api_version=None):
if not api_version or api_version == _DEFAULT_IDENTITY_API_VERSION:
kwargs = {
'project_id': args.os_project_id,
'project_name': args.os_project_name,
'user_domain_id': args.os_user_domain_id,
'user_domain_name': args.os_user_domain_name,
'project_domain_id': args.os_project_id,
'project_domain_name': args.os_project_name
kwargs = {
'tenant_name': args.os_tenant_name,
'tenant_id': args.os_tenant_id
# Return a dictionary with only the populated (not None) values
return dict((k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(kwargs) if v)
def initialize_app(self, argv):
"""Initializes the application.
Checks if the minimal parameters are provided and creates the client
@ -192,86 +262,14 @@ class Barbican(app.App):
This is inherited from the framework.
args = self.options
self.client = self.create_client(args)
# Aliasing as we use this a number of times
api_version = args.os_identity_api_version
# TODO(jmvrbanac): Split out these conditionals into discrete functions
if args.no_auth:
if not all([args.endpoint, args.os_tenant_id or
raise Exception(
'ERROR: please specify --endpoint and '
'--os-project-id(or --os-tenant-id)')
self.client = client.Client(endpoint=args.endpoint,
project_id=args.os_tenant_id or
verify=not args.insecure)
# Token-based authentication
elif args.os_auth_token:
if not args.os_auth_url:
raise Exception('ERROR: please specify --os-auth-url')
# Make sure we have the correct arguments to function
self._check_auth_arguments(args, api_version, raise_exc=True)
kwargs = self._build_kwargs_based_on_version(args, api_version)
'auth_url': args.os_auth_url,
'token': args.os_auth_token
if not api_version or api_version == _DEFAULT_IDENTITY_API_VERSION:
auth = identity.v3.Token(**kwargs)
auth = identity.v2.Token(**kwargs)
ks_session = session.Session(auth=auth, verify=not args.insecure)
self.client = client.Client(
# Password-based authentication
elif all([args.os_auth_url, args.os_user_id or args.os_username,
args.os_password, args.os_tenant_name or args.os_tenant_id or
args.os_project_name or args.os_project_id]):
kwargs = dict()
kwargs['auth_url'] = args.os_auth_url
kwargs['password'] = args.os_password
if args.os_user_id:
kwargs['user_id'] = args.os_user_id
if args.os_username:
kwargs['username'] = args.os_username
if not api_version or api_version == _DEFAULT_IDENTITY_API_VERSION:
if args.os_project_id:
kwargs['project_id'] = args.os_project_id
if args.os_project_name:
kwargs['project_name'] = args.os_project_name
if args.os_user_domain_id:
kwargs['user_domain_id'] = args.os_user_domain_id
if args.os_user_domain_name:
kwargs['user_domain_name'] = args.os_user_domain_name
if args.os_project_domain_id:
kwargs['project_domain_id'] = args.os_project_domain_id
if args.os_project_domain_name:
kwargs['project_domain_name'] = args.os_project_domain_name
auth = identity.v3.Password(**kwargs)
if args.os_tenant_id:
kwargs['tenant_id'] = args.os_tenant_id
if args.os_tenant_name:
kwargs['tenant_name'] = args.os_tenant_name
auth = identity.v2.Password(**kwargs)
ks_session = session.Session(auth=auth, verify=not args.insecure)
self.client = client.Client(session=ks_session,
def run(self, argv):
# If no arguments are provided, usage is displayed
if not argv:
raise Exception('ERROR: please specify authentication credentials')
return 1
return super(Barbican, self).run(argv)
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):

View File

@ -12,72 +12,63 @@
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import sys
from requests_mock.contrib import fixture
import six
import testtools
import uuid
import json
from barbicanclient.tests import keystone_client_fixtures
from barbicanclient.tests import test_client
import barbicanclient.barbican
from barbicanclient.barbican import Barbican
class WhenTestingBarbicanCLI(test_client.BaseEntityResource):
def setUp(self):
self.global_file = six.StringIO()
self.captured_stdout = six.StringIO()
self.captured_stderr = six.StringIO()
self.barbican = Barbican(
self.parser = self.barbican.build_option_parser('desc', 'vers')
def barbican(self, argstr):
"""Source: Keystone client's shell method in"""
clean_env = {}
_old_env, os.environ = os.environ, clean_env.copy()
exit_code = 1
stdout = self.global_file
_barbican = barbicanclient.barbican.Barbican(stdout=stdout,
exit_code =
except Exception as exception:
exit_message = exception.message
except SystemExit as sys_exit_exception:
exit_code = sys_exit_exception.code
out = stdout.getvalue()
os.environ = _old_env
return exit_code, out
def assert_client_raises(self, args, message):
argv, remainder = self.parser.parse_known_args(args.split())
e = self.assertRaises(
Exception, self.barbican.create_client, argv
self.assertIn(message, str(e))
def test_should_show_usage_error_with_no_args(self):
args = ""
exit_code, out = self.barbican(args)
self.assertEqual(1, exit_code)
self.assertIn('usage:', out)
def create_and_assert_client(self, args):
argv, remainder = self.parser.parse_known_args(args.split())
client = self.barbican.create_client(argv)
return client
def test_should_show_usage_with_help_flag(self):
args = "-h"
exit_code, out = self.barbican(args)
self.assertEqual(0, exit_code)
self.assertIn('usage: ', out)
e = self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.parser.parse_known_args, ['-h'])
self.assertEqual(0, e.code)
self.assertIn('usage', self.captured_stdout.getvalue())
def test_should_show_usage_with_no_args(self):
exit_code =[])
self.assertEquals(1, exit_code)
self.assertIn('usage', self.captured_stderr.getvalue())
def test_should_error_if_noauth_and_authurl_both_specified(self):
args = "--no-auth --os-auth-url http://localhost:5000/v3"
exit_code, out = self.barbican(args)
self.assertEqual(1, exit_code)
message = (
'ERROR: argument --os-auth-url/-A: not allowed with '
'argument --no-auth/-N', out)
'argument --no-auth/-N'
self.assert_client_raises(args, message)
def _expect_error_with_invalid_noauth_args(self, args):
exit_code, out = self.barbican(args)
self.assertEqual(1, exit_code)
expected_err_msg = 'ERROR: please specify --endpoint '\
'and --os-project-id(or --os-tenant-id)\n'
self.assertIn(expected_err_msg, out)
expected_err_msg = (
'ERROR: please specify --endpoint '
'and --os-project-id (or --os-tenant-id)'
self.assert_client_raises(args, expected_err_msg)
def test_should_error_if_noauth_and_missing_endpoint_tenantid_args(self):
self._expect_error_with_invalid_noauth_args("--no-auth secret list")
@ -88,39 +79,34 @@ class WhenTestingBarbicanCLI(test_client.BaseEntityResource):
"--no-auth --os-project-id 123 secret list")
def _expect_success_code(self, args):
exit_code, out = self.barbican(args)
self.assertEqual(0, exit_code)
def _expect_failure_code(self, args, code=1):
exit_code, out = self.barbican(args)
self.assertEqual(code, exit_code)
def _assert_status_code_and_msg(self, args, expected_msg, code=1):
exit_code, out = self.barbican(args)
self.assertEqual(code, exit_code)
self.assertIn(expected_msg, out)
def test_should_succeed_if_noauth_with_valid_args_specified(self):
args = (
'--no-auth --endpoint {0} --os-tenant-id {1}'
'secret list'.format(self.endpoint, self.project_id)
list_secrets_url = '{0}/v1/secrets'.format(self.endpoint)
self.responses.get(list_secrets_url, json={"secrets": [], "total": 0})
"--no-auth --endpoint {0} --os-tenant-id {1} secret list".
format(self.endpoint, self.project_id))
client = self.create_and_assert_client(args)
secret_list = client.secrets.list()
self.assertEqual(1, self.responses._adapter.call_count)
self.assertEqual([], secret_list)
def test_should_error_if_required_keystone_auth_arguments_are_missing(
expected_error_msg = 'ERROR: please specify authentication credentials'
expected_error_msg = (
'ERROR: please specify the following --os-project-id or'
' (--os-project-name and --os-project-domain-name) or '
' (--os-project-name and --os-project-domain-id)'
'--os-auth-url http://localhost:35357/v2.0 secret list',
self._assert_status_code_and_msg('--os-auth-url '
'http://localhost:35357/v2.0 '
'--os-username barbican '
'--os-password barbican '
'secret list', expected_error_msg)
'--os-auth-url http://localhost:35357/v2.0 --os-username barbican '
'--os-password barbican secret list',
class TestBarbicanWithKeystonePasswordAuth(