diff --git a/cinderclient/base.py b/cinderclient/base.py
index c6a22b294..bf74dda6a 100644
--- a/cinderclient/base.py
+++ b/cinderclient/base.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def getid(obj):
         return obj
-class Manager(utils.HookableMixin):
+class Manager(common_base.HookableMixin):
     Managers interact with a particular type of API (servers, flavors, images,
     etc.) and provide CRUD operations for them.
diff --git a/cinderclient/extension.py b/cinderclient/extension.py
index 84c67e979..1ea062f47 100644
--- a/cinderclient/extension.py
+++ b/cinderclient/extension.py
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
 #    under the License.
 from cinderclient import base
+from cinderclient.openstack.common.apiclient import base as common_base
 from cinderclient import utils
-class Extension(utils.HookableMixin):
+class Extension(common_base.HookableMixin):
     """Extension descriptor."""
     SUPPORTED_HOOKS = ('__pre_parse_args__', '__post_parse_args__')
diff --git a/cinderclient/utils.py b/cinderclient/utils.py
index 13baf11e0..9941bbf55 100644
--- a/cinderclient/utils.py
+++ b/cinderclient/utils.py
@@ -228,36 +228,6 @@ def find_volume(cs, volume):
     return find_resource(cs.volumes, volume)
-def _format_servers_list_networks(server):
-    output = []
-    for (network, addresses) in list(server.networks.items()):
-        if len(addresses) == 0:
-            continue
-        addresses_csv = ', '.join(addresses)
-        group = "%s=%s" % (network, addresses_csv)
-        output.append(group)
-    return '; '.join(output)
-class HookableMixin(object):
-    """Mixin so classes can register and run hooks."""
-    _hooks_map = {}
-    @classmethod
-    def add_hook(cls, hook_type, hook_func):
-        if hook_type not in cls._hooks_map:
-            cls._hooks_map[hook_type] = []
-        cls._hooks_map[hook_type].append(hook_func)
-    @classmethod
-    def run_hooks(cls, hook_type, *args, **kwargs):
-        hook_funcs = cls._hooks_map.get(hook_type) or []
-        for hook_func in hook_funcs:
-            hook_func(*args, **kwargs)
 def safe_issubclass(*args):
     """Like issubclass, but will just return False if not a class."""